Chapter 364 Zhao Yunys Locust Clan

At this time, the locust leader who just flew out of the wormhole watched the mecha warriors on the earth actually speak the language of the earth.

“Earth people, who is your leader, I want to talk to him.”

I saw that the locust leader spoke the language of the earth very fluently in a low and hoarse voice that was indescribable.

At this time, Zhao Yun, who was wearing a red mecha, took a step forward.

“Foreign alien invaders, I am Zhao Yun, the pioneer of the earth mecha army. Your locust clan dares to invade our earth and plunder the resources of the earth. It is really audacious.”

“I advise you to retreat quickly, and spare you from dying, otherwise I will kill you all, and attack your X planet, so that you will disappear from the universe and exterminate your clan.”

“Ha ha..

Shen Chen looked at Zhuge Liang in the spaceship, laughed and pointed at Zhuge Liang, and then pointed at Zhao Yun below.

“Well said, he has momentum, this Zhao Yun is really not the usual arrogant arrogance before, and he really does not lose to anyone.

He opened his mouth and wanted to relax, but the leader couldn’t say a word. After a while, he pointed forward with his front leg.

“kill me 817

“The locust soldiers who are rushing out of the hole have been unable to hold back their desire to kill and are eager to try.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that the locust leader had to say a few words to the leader of the other party, they would have rushed out by now.

“Go ahead, brothers, let all these alien scum who dare to invade my earth be killed here.”

Previously, all the mecha warriors raised their arms and raised four small machine guns, two on each side.

I only heard the sound of machine gun shooting, and the countless army of locusts in the sky were continuously knocked to the ground.

Their heads were blown into large holes. Although this small air gun was small, the bullets fired were all explosive bombs.

With a high rate of fire and strong power, it is also a relatively proud weapon on earth.

I saw the locust soldiers of the locust family constantly falling from the sky, slowly covering the land below them.

Shen Chen nodded, these soldiers were brought back from Thailand, the most elite troops of Qin Shihuang,

When I went to Qin State to find Qin Shihuang, I was shocked by the momentum of his soldiers (bacd). Qin Shihuang really had a set of training soldiers. No wonder he was able to unify the six countries.

When his soldiers were fighting, there was only one voice, neatly like a man shouting.

Moreover, the quality of their attacks was very high, their physical fitness was the best at the time, and they obeyed orders without any hesitation.

Shen Chen looked at these soldiers and really liked them so much that he took them over together, which took a lot of Shen Chen’s time.

That’s why Shen Chen’s time is so short.

But Shen Chen never regretted it, because what happened later proved that his original choice was correct.

Several attacks on alien planets have been driven away by these elite troops, and he believes that this time will be no exception.

Qin Shihuang, the deputy head of the palace, was supposed to lead this army to fight in person.

However, the planet Y he was facing began to change in the past few years, and it seemed that some conspiracy was secretly going on there.

So Shen Chen asked him to stare at them closely, and notify Shen Chen as soon as there was any trouble.

Shen Chen was still admiring the elite troops that attacked this neatly. Even in the face of the locust clan that filled the sky, there was no confusion at all.

Regarding the training of the army, Shen Chen truly admired Qin Shihuang.

At this time, a red mech in the mecha team flew into the air. This time, the mecha troops had jets on their calves, which could allow them to fly.

Of course, the fuel for flight is air, which allows them to swim as freely in the air as fish.

In addition, the one who flew into the air to fight against the locust clan was Zhao Yun, whom Shen Chen had just recalled from the Three Kingdoms era.

He seems to have been used to the ten thousand army taking the head bun from the general, and he still thinks so now, that capturing the thief and capturing the king is the unchanging rule in war.

Seeing that he was killing the locusts that were rushing towards him, the soldiers quickly approached the leader.

The improved weapon spear he brought from the Three Kingdoms is in his hands.

In the past, Shen Zhen believed that the weapons of the cold weapon era, no matter how powerful they were, could not catch up with the current guns and hot weapons.

But it seemed that the weapon was really used by whom? I saw that Zhao Yun had a long spear.

The locust clan waving around him could not rely on money at all, and within two meters of his spear, no object could approach.

The two-meter-long wall was so impenetrable by him that no attack could reach his mecha. In this way, it didn’t take long for him to come to the locust leader.

I saw his spear poked forward and stabbed the locust leader,

Being able to sit on the leader is not only because of his huge body, but also has some attainments in martial arts.

The locust clan disdain to use heat weapons, they believe that only a strong body is the foundation to protect them.

Therefore, they usually exercise their own physical fitness, and dodge Zhao Yun’s tentative blow to the right, but Zhao Yun’s blow itself often has a backhand.

The left hand stepped forward and saw that the long spear that grabbed the barrel to stimulate quickly turned into a sweep, and then broke the yellow worm leader by the waist.

The locust leader’s wings moved slightly, his body sank suddenly, and the spear swept along his head, but Zhao Bing’s idea was very strange.

One move is used, and the other is followed closely. Each move is not exhausted, and is closely related to the previous move.

At this time, he turned his wrist with his left hand, and shot the tail with his right hand to the left.

When the spear swept across the head of the yellow worm leader, it drew a circle in the air, and then raised it high and smashed it on the sinking leader of the worm.

The continuous attacks in Zhao Yunzilong’s hands made the locust leader unable to dodge, so he could only tilt his head to avoid it.

With a bang, he dodged, and the brass leader on the head was heavily smashed by the gun head and fell down.

At this time, I saw Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, and gave instructions with a spear and a long spear, head down and feet up, and the jets fired from top to bottom, chasing the falling locust leader.

The falling locust leader couldn’t stop his figure at all, and was smashed by Zhao Zilong’s long spear, almost his entire body would be smashed to pieces.

This little human being, an inconspicuous long spear can actually burst out such a large amount of energy.

To know the body of the locust leader, even machine gun bullets are difficult to penetrate. ,

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