Chapter 360

He has the responsibility to protect the earth from being invaded and destroyed by aliens.

After chatting with Hua Mulan for a while, my mood was relieved a lot, and it turned out that he was more considerate.

After Mulan left, Ye Chen started to think, what should I do next?

There are still seven days before the locusts attack the earth. Whether Zhao Yun alone can lead the modern army to defeat the attack of the locusts, Ye Chen is still not sure.

I don’t have much time in my system.

This is in the battle with the locust clan, and we must accumulate some time points before we can go further afield to recruit-wizards.

Or should I look for another talent, but who?

Although Xiang Yu’s fighting ability is very high, his IQ is not ideal. He can only be used as a bodyguard, looking for a character who will lead the army to fight.

The current Qin Shihuang is still fighting against Planet S, so he has no time to take care of him.

Ye Chen thought about it and couldn’t decide where to find talent?

Hey, he suddenly thought of a person who is very good at leading troops to fight.

So decided, go and bring him back now.

“Open the Lord of Time system, I’m going to Lian Po’s residence during the Seven Kingdoms hegemony period.”

[System: The host is going to the period of Qi Luo Hegemony, Lian Po’s residence will take 100 points of time, please confirm

“Click OK!”

The light circle appeared again in front of Ye Chen, and Ye Chen walked in without hesitation, and soon came to Lian Po’s residence.

Lian Po and Lin Xiangru were the two generals of the state of Qi, and the idiom of guilt and guilt came from them, and it has been handed down to this day.

Judging from this idiom, a person of Lian Po is a straightforward person who hates evil like hatred and dares to act.

Ye Chen walked in towards the residence.

“Who dares to break into the prime minister’s mansion?

“Excuse me, is General Lian Polian there? I have something to ask him!”

“Seeing that you are wearing different clothes, you must be a spy from another country. Come on, take him down and interrogate him.”

“System usage time stopped!”

[System; the host usage time is stopped, one time point per second]

I saw that all the family members and soldiers who rushed towards him were frozen there, and there was not much time, so they rushed forward to the front of Lian Po’s house.

Without further ado, Lian Po was resting on the bed at this time, because the misunderstanding with Jun Xiangru had been resolved, and he handed over the doctor to Jun Xiangru to deal with.

He was trying to make me feel at ease, but in fact no one knew that in the depths of Lian Po’s heart, he was still eager to fight and fight on the battlefield.

When a general died in battle, he was honored in battle. Lian Po was over sixty years old, and he did not want to die at home.

But now there is a place for heroes, so some time ago, he deliberately made trouble with Shang Xiangru.

All this was learned by Ye Chen using time backtracking and skills.

He canceled the time-stop skill and came to Lian Po in front of the bed.

Just as he was about to speak in a low voice and wanted to wake up Lian Po, who knew that Lian Po who was on the bed suddenly turned around, and the sword in his hand had come to Ye Chen’s neck.

This surprised Ye Chen too. He didn’t expect the veteran to be so vigilant. Although he was over sixty years old, his skills were still the same.

Seeing the cold light on the sword beside his neck, Ye Chen didn’t panic at all, because he knew that Lian Po couldn’t hurt him at all.

He didn’t say a word, but just calmly looked in front of this old general with a white head, lamenting that time is rushing and time is ruthless.

Lian Po looked at this very young man in different clothes. He didn’t have any weapons in his hands, and the indifferent expression on his face showed no evil thoughts at all.

He was also curious about how this young man came to his room. Could it be that Shang Xiangru asked him to come here?

“Who are you? Why did you come to me?”

Seeing that under the threat of his own sword, the young man still did not panic at all, which made Lian Po also begin to appreciate the calm and courage of this young man.

“Said that as long as you invite it truthfully, I will spare you not to die.”

Lian Po Lian Po is a veteran of the state of Qi, and he is also loyal, seeing the young man so outstanding.

The love in my heart wants to take it for my own use, thinking that I am already one year old.

Cultivating the next generation of pillars for Qi is the only thing he can do for Qi.

Ye Chen looked at Lian Po’s sharp eyes without the slightest murderous intent, and it seemed that he did not intend to hurt himself.

I’m from the future, a place you don’t know, I know what’s on your mind and everything that’s happened to you before.

I know that because of your old age, you feel that the hero is used in your heart, and the poor years are not forgiving.

·0 Seeking flowers…

If you are 20 years younger, you will definitely continue to fight on the battlefield and fight the enemy bravely.

Then Ye Chen said a few things about Lian Po’s past, all of which belonged to Lian Po’s own secrets.

Lian Po went from being dismissive at first to slowly being surprised, and then overwhelmed.

He had already put down the sword in his hand and looked at the young man in front of him.

Although he didn’t understand some of the things he said, he actually knew all the secrets about himself.

Ye Chen admired the veteran’s loyalty, and patiently explained his relationship with the world.

Fellow Lian Po didn’t quite believe Ye Chen’s words, but he was able to accurately say what happened in the past, which also shook the veteran’s heart.

Seeing that Lian Po was shaken by what he said, Ye Chen continued:

“If the old general doesn’t believe it, you can come with me to see what happened there. I can give the old general 20 years of life! As long as you promise to come with me.

Lian Po didn’t believe his words, and he didn’t care to say:

“If you can give me 20 years of life, I’ll go wherever you say.”

For an old man over sixty years old, nothing is more valuable than extending his life.

What’s more, Lian Po only thought that what the young man said was a joke and never took it seriously.

But he didn’t expect Ye Chen to stretch out his hand.

“As soon as the old general speaks, the horse is hard to follow. I hope you keep your promise, otherwise the life I gave you will come back.”

Looking at Ye Chen’s serious expression, Lian Po was excited for a while, does he really have the ability to give me 20 years of life?

Anyway, there is no loss, it is better to give it a try. Thinking of this, Lian Po said generously:

“Okay, it’s settled like this, if you can really give me 20 years of life, I’ll go where you go with you, and I’ll do whatever you ask me to do!”

Ye Chen just didn’t speak, but closed his eyes.

“Turn on the time autonomous system. I want to give Lian Po twenty years of life.

[System: The host gave Lian Po twenty years of life, please confirm the time after deducting twenty points]

“Click OK.

At this time, Lian Po found that his hand was beginning to recover, and the wrinkles were slowly decreasing. again,

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