Chapter 359 Mulan Will Never Give Up

“After a week, if he integrates into this period, I will let him lead the army to attack the locust clan of Planet X.”

“I’ll give him another 30 years now, let him return to his 20-year-old age and return to his peak peak state, you teach him well, I believe you can do it!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Turn on the time autonomous system, enter the command, and I will give Zhao Yun 30 years!”

[System: The host gave Zhao Yun 30 years of time consumption, the time point is 30:00, please click OK)

“Click OK!

After the subconscious communicated with the system, he transferred 30 points from his own time to Zhao Yun.

At this time, Zhao Yun hadn’t noticed any changes in himself.

But Zhuge Liang saw that Zhao Yun’s beard was slowly turning black, and the wrinkles on his face began to fade.

Slowly the skin begins to glow, and the body returns to its youthful state.

Seeing Zhuge Liang looking at him like this, Zhao Yun touched his face uncomfortably. He suddenly realized that the beard on his face was gone. And it seems that the skin has become firmer and smoother than before, which made Zhao Yun a little panicked.

He constantly looked at his hands and feet, constantly touched his face and hair with his hands, and felt the changes in his body with his arms.


“Thank you for your reward, Mr. I will definitely live up to the trust of Mr. Zhao, within 7 days, I will train Zhao Yun to be a pioneer general who can serve the master.”

Although I don’t know what Zhuge Liang was saying to this man named Ye Chen.

I don’t know why I have changed, and everything in front of me is so unfamiliar.

However, the habit he had formed in the past made him stand beside him, standing upright without interrupting the conversation between Zhuge Liang and Ye Chen.

He completely believed in Zhuge Liang, and his loyalty and perseverance were indeed admirable.

After Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun left, Ye Chen touched his forehead and picked his temples.

The time points are almost exhausted, and it is time to add some time points.

The locust family of Planet X has always had the ambition to devour the earth, and everything on the earth is a very good resource for them.

Hearing the news this time, the Wangzong clan was planning to launch an attack on the earth in a week. There was only Xiang Yu by his side, and the others were busy defending other planets.

There is a lack of talents in hand, so I thought of going to Okbarga, hoping to pack him home and be able to live by myself.

Unexpectedly, that guy is almost only stupid, causing Ye Chen to waste 104,000 points in vain and get nothing.

This time, Zhao Yun came back from the ancient Three Kingdoms period, I hope he can show something.

Thinking about these things, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but in the Hall of Longevity, although Ye Chen found many heroes from ancient and modern China and foreign countries, all overlords came to manage them.

But unfortunately, the creatures in outer space are now eyeing the earth.

Since the technology of the earth has grown to be able to build a bridge with outer space, aliens can come directly to the earth through the rainbow bridge.

At the beginning, the people on earth still had fantasies hoping to coexist peacefully with aliens.

However, this is only his own ideal, the aliens are looking at the unparalleled resources on the earth.

So soon after, he began to invade continuously and wanted to occupy the earth. Ye Chen took everyone in the Hall of Longevity to resist.

He has an incomparably powerful time system ability, and can bring the most powerful heroes of the time to the Hall of Longevity from various time periods and periods to defend him against the attacks of outer space creatures on the earth.

Unfortunately, there are too many creatures in the outer space, and there are really not enough manpower.

Ye Chen, who was still having a headache, suddenly stretched out his hands behind him and gently massaged his head.

“Sir, why are you troubled? You are too tired. Let me help you press your head!”

The gentle girl behind him sounded, and her hands were not soft, but they were gently pressing on his head.

When he heard the sound, he knew (bacd), whose Ye Chen relaxed his hands? Let those hands rest on his head and press them gently.

I don’t know if it’s my own feeling wrong or something, but I really feel that my head is a lot easier.

“When did you come here, did not hear a sound:

“I just came here, and I saw that you seemed to be troubled there, so I didn’t dare to make a sound!”

“Sir, I don’t know what’s bothering you!”

“I heard that the locust clan of Planet X is going to invade our earth again, sir, why don’t you let me also go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.”

“You…I don’t want you to take risks!”

That locust clan is huge, standing there three times as tall as a human on earth, and his two front claws are like two long spears, which are extremely fast to use.

I fought with them once before, and although I defeated them, it was a heavy loss.

Although they have a very short lifespan, they are very fertile.

It takes almost a day or two to create an army of locusts.

It is indeed difficult to deal with, Ye Chen thought about everything in his heart, but did not mention it to Hua Mulan.

He didn’t want him to worry too much, let alone face the huge and brutal army of locusts.

Although he knew that Hua Mulan had been on the battlefield before, but since he came to the Hall of Longevity and followed him.

Become his own woman, he will not let her go to the battlefield to kill the enemy again.

“Mulan knows that Mr. distressed Mulan, but if he can share his worries for Mr. Mulan, Mulan will die.”

“Don’t worry Mulan, I have brought Zhao Yun back from the Three Kingdoms period. Now Zhuge Liang is teaching him things here. I believe that with his force, he will definitely lead the army to defeat those locusts.”

“It turned out to be the super general Zhao Zilong who killed Cao Jun with seven in and seven out.”

“Yes, he is, but he has just come from the Three Kingdoms period, and he is not quite used to it. The environment needs time to teach him.”

“That’s great. I hope you can recruit more talents. Throughout the ages, there will be countless heroes who can be used to serve you.”

“Yeah, there are countless beauties throughout the ages, do you want them to be hired to help me out? Haha!”

Mr. “Just kidding, as long as the husband likes it, why not? In this world, what does the existence of the gods want? What is there?”

Seeing Ye Chen calling out, Mulan was also relieved.

This kind of person still has the heart to joke, so she also laughed along with it.

But he was right in saying something, Ye Chen is indeed a god in this world.

But with great power comes great responsibility, as the god of the earth. .

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