Chapter 361 Old General

He kept looking at his hands, quickly turning into the look of his fifties.

He felt that his body was much more relaxed, and the dark wounds he had left on the battlefield before seemed to be less painful.

It was amazing, he felt it when he touched his face. No longer wrinkled as before, he quickly ran to the bronze mirror.

A face of his fifty years old appeared in the bronze mirror, yes, he was twenty years younger.

He looked back and looked like Ye Chen.

“You… who the hell are you? How could you do such a thing!”

His voice was trembling, and he couldn’t believe it. There was actually someone in this world who could do such a thing. That old man, who was nearly 10 years old, was twenty years younger.

Suddenly he burst out laughing.

“Forget it, I still don’t ask, no matter who you are “August 13″, since I have promised you, as long as you make me twenty years younger, I will go wherever you want me to go.”

“A manly man speaks upright, don’t worry, I will never go back on it.”

“The old general really believed what he said, and I didn’t see the wrong person.

“It’s not too late, I can’t stay here for too long, the old general will follow me to my place.”


“Why does the old general still have any questions, or do you have other plans?”

Seeing the hesitant expression on Lian Po’s face, Ye Chen didn’t know what he was thinking.

Could it be that “it’s the old general who is greedy for this glory and wealth. He has a high position and is reluctant to leave.

The old general listened to me, you are over 70 years old, “and because you have been fighting outside all the year round, there are countless hidden things in your body, even if you say something bad, even if you are given a panacea, you will not have a few years to live.

Ye Chen is now using the aggressive method, and to be honest, it really makes people feel uncomfortable.

When Lian Po heard Ye Chen’s words, his beard was so angry that his beard flew up, but Ye Chen just gave him 20 years of life, so he didn’t want to turn against him immediately.

“Old General, you have been in the military all your life, and you must be reluctant to let you spend the rest of your time farming in this house like this.”

“As long as you follow me, let alone the twenty years of your lifespan, I can restore you to the peak of your youth at the age of twenty, and then go to the battlefield to kill endless enemies, this is not the old general you want the most. Is it?”

Although he was very angry that Ye Chen said it so bluntly, he admitted that Can Zhu did not have a few years to live in his later years, and this kind of killing time was indeed not what he wanted.

“My little gentleman’s words are bad. It’s not that I don’t want to leave with you, it’s just that I can’t let go of this Qi country.”

“I have fought bloody battles on the battlefield since I was in my twenties. Qi Guoli has made great contributions and made great achievements for the King of Qi. Although it is already a dying age, I still have the responsibility of the country in my heart.

“Little gentleman does not need to use aggressive tactics. Since I have promised to go with you, I will definitely not regret it.”

“I just hope that the little gentleman can give me a quarter of an hour so that I can arrange everything here and go with the little gentleman at ease.”

“The old general is really loyal and courageous. My words just offended the old general. Please forgive the old general.

“Since the old general wants to arrange things here, then please ask the old general to do it as soon as possible, because there is really not much time.

“You can’t delay here for too long. I hope the old general can understand.”

“Okay, little gentleman, I’ll leave the paperwork right away and explain the funeral.”

Lian Po took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, then began to sharpen the ink, and wrote down two books, one he could be the prime minister Shang Xiangru, and the other for his family.

“Okay, sir, we can go now.”

Get the lead put on his armor, get along with his two Tomahawk leaf Chen walked into the circle of light.

Into the large aperture in the mask was around the scene shocked, he certainly never seen these things looked nowhere to fly back scene.

Stroll go forward in front of Ye Chen looked at the hearts feel very admirable.

Ancient For they can not understand, I have not seen things become gods.

Ye Chen Lian mind now is the existence of the gods in general.

“Little Mr. magic strength, it makes the next admire, I do not know why can do the point where people can have this divine rejuvenate.

“The old general kind, which is a little lower capacity only, you will gradually know.

“Yes, the old general may like to know something about the future Qi it.”

“Ah. Is Mr. Small also can predict the future?”

“Ha ha ha I remember like the old general .0 told you, I just came from the future.”

“Oh, right right right, but when it comes to listening to Mr. small matter of time, that Mr. nonsense in small, not too concerned about.”

“But now the old lady indeed some believe Mr. smaller from the future.”

“The old generals do not have to panic too much, as long as you go with me to my place, and all will understand.”


Chatting, this time the scene has come to the Palace of Eternal Youth, Ye Chen Lian led out of the aperture came to his room.

Peeled bell called the servant pass Chen Liang Ye come here to visit.

Soon we came to Zhuge Liang took the lupine leaf Chen room, just beginning to hear the words of Chen Ye Lian thought it was just the same name only.

But when he saw that Zhuge Liang tolerance, and his hands lupine, he actually really feel this is the time of the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang.

Watching the old general took two big ax, a suit of armor, covered with knife marks plus the old general’s grace, already have in mind a set number.

This must be the owner of which went back to the dynasty dynasty Heroes take back.

“Congratulations, my lord, but also to attract the greatest hero into the arm, longevity industry from the addition of a Reggie!”

“Zhuge Liang, do you know who this man do?”

“I do not know under, please express the owner.”

“You look through books, who should know 2.3 abject apology inside the two figures is not it?”

Zhuge Liang’s face lit up, quickly eyed, tall and strong about this fifty-year-old man.

“Oh, the original is pretty straightforward generals, excuse me!”

Zhuge Liang Shi a ceremony to hand over, Lian surprised too quickly in return.

“I ask you sir ..

I saw Zhuge Liang smiled and said:

“In the next three hegemony is Liu Bei’s military advisor Zhuge Liang is also the period.

“Line of the line, Zhuge Liang, most are not accustomed to hearing about the text you speak about, really tired!

“Your identity and things here, while you slowly tell the generals Get the lead out to listen to it!

“Get the lead and then create a set of general use weapons armor, and taught him to use.”

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