Chapter 341 It doesn’t matter

Einstein didn’t want to act rashly, and didn’t want to anger Ye Chen because of the matter of swallowing the dragon in the void.

If Ye Chen wanted to let go of the Void Swallowing Dragon at this moment, and wanted to come down from behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, they didn’t need to speak at all.

Ye Chen will come down naturally, the Void Swallowing Dragon is already in this state, doesn’t Ye Chen know?

Even Einstein and the others knew, how could Ye Chen not know?

So Einstein thinks about this now and thinks it is better to wait and see.

So at this moment, Einstein thought of this, and looked back again.

Seeing Okbarga beside him, he said to him again.

“Although the Void Swallowing Dragon is on the same front as us now, after all, we haven’t contacted him yet. We still don’t know what kind of planet he is. “803”

“I know that you want to save him now, but you need to think about what we should do and think of a countermeasure. I know you are also in a hurry, but you have to wait.

“What’s the matter? Are you unhappy? Do you think we have the right to plead for the Void Swallowing Dragon now?”

“Okay, don’t make any emotions at this time, this is a critical moment, you are still being willful, and now the Void Swallowing Dragon can’t be saved by our preaching.”

“You have to know whether we have this ability, and besides, we don’t know what Ye Chen means now. We must be steady and don’t act impatiently.”

After Einstein said this, he kept looking at Okbarga in front of him.

He was a little sad knowing this moment, and didn’t want to listen to himself, but Einstein felt that there was nothing he could do, and there was no good plan right now.

Now that Ye Chen has become like this, the Void Swallowing Dragon will soon be unbearable, but who can stand up for all this.

So Einstein didn’t want to make unnecessary sacrifices, and now he didn’t want to lose his life for the sake of swallowing the dragon.

Einstein felt that there was no need for this. For the sake of the Void Swallowing Dragon he had just met, should he plead for him if he didn’t know him, and he didn’t even say a word to him?

Einstein is not so stupid. He knew that he had no such ability, so he also advised Okbarga to think about it and not overestimate his own strength.

After all, no one knew what Ye Chen thought in front of him, and Einstein thought of this at this moment.

Looking carefully at Ye Chen who was soaring in the air, he felt that Ye Chen had no reaction at this moment.

The expression on his face is also very flat, not as distorted as before.

But the Void Swallowing Dragon was very miserable at this moment. When Einstein saw the mouth of the Void Swallowing Dragon just now, he knew that he was talking.

Maybe he was answering what Ye Chen said, otherwise, at this moment, how could the Void Swallowing Dragon speak?

He was dying and had no strength.

Einstein now has to do this in order to protect himself, and he also hopes that Okbarga can understand his painstaking efforts.

After all, the current situation is simply beyond their control. Einstein also has this ability, but he will not make decisions easily.

After all, being able to survive is the most important thing, and it is not something they can solve as to where the lover will go.

Nor is it something they can dominate, so Einstein thinks more than Okbarga.

At this moment, Ye Chen shrouded the sky above Soochow Star like a giant, so it seemed that Ye Chen had covered the entire sky above Soochow Star, and there was no gap at all.

Ye Chen’s body became bigger and bigger, which really made people shudder.

Void Swallowing Dragon now looks so small under Ye Chen, like a caterpillar, there is no Void Swallowing Dragon at all.

So Einstein and Okbarga also felt incredible when they saw this scene.

After Okbarga heard what Einstein said just now, even though he understood what he meant, Okbarga still felt uncomfortable.

After all, he wanted to save the Void Swallowing Dragon, but he knew that he didn’t have the ability, and he didn’t have the wisdom either.

I also hoped that Einstein could help him come up with some ideas, but at this moment he knew that he was desperate.

It was impossible for Einstein to help the Void Swallowing Dragon. After all, Okbarga also knew that the Void Swallowing Dragon could not be saved by the two of them.

At this moment, although Okbarga understood Einstein’s approach, he was still a little unhappy. 0

Okbarga thought of this and turned his eyes to Ye Chen in the distance, wondering why Ye Chen suddenly became bigger at this moment.

Many Void Swallowing Dragons are indeed a little small under him, and they look terrible.

How could this Void Swallowing Dragon bear the weight of Ye Chen now? It was really a miracle that the Void Swallowing Dragon would die without this moment.

This proves that the Void Swallowing Dragon has a powerful ability and can persist to the end.

At this moment, Okbarga still admires the Void Swallowing Dragon in his heart, and he feels that if he were himself, I am afraid that he would not bear such gravity at all.

It’s already dead, and it can’t last until now.

Because Okbalga knew that he didn’t have the skill of swallowing the dragon in the void, and he couldn’t become Ye Chen’s mount.

Looking at it, only the Void Swallowing Dragon can become Ye Chen’s mount, but at this moment he will die in Ye Chen’s hands.

So Okbarga felt a little pity, but he had no way to save the life of the Void Swallowing Dragon.

I hope that the Void Swallowing Dragon can survive.

But Void Swallowing Dragon didn’t complain for a long time, and still closed his eyes, looking very peaceful, Okbalga’s heart was really regretful.

At this moment, his heart has been dripping blood, and he doesn’t know why 2.3 is, he just feels that the Void Swallowing Dragon is a little pitiful.

Although he made some rude words when the Void Swallowing Dragon just came out, Ok Barga would not take these things to heart.

Okbarga is not a person with such a small belly at all, and he will not be preoccupied with it.

Because he feels that every time he is in a duel, he is like this, which is a normal thing.

Ye Chen was very happy sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, and felt that it was a miracle that he became like this at this moment.

He didn’t expect that he had a powerful time system. Since he was able to absorb Olot’s energy, it would be an accident to become such a status quo.

As soon as Ye Chen made a shot in this subject at any time, he felt that his left arm instantly shot out a lot of bomb robots.

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