Chapter 340 The most powerful assistant

At this moment, Ye Chen’s smile was indeed more beating than before, and it seemed very scary, very frightening.

Okbarga didn’t know what was going on, and knew that Einstein was not wrong at all.

He kept staring at Ye Chen just like himself, so at this moment, he stared at his Einstein and said to him.

“Are you stupid? Is your brain flooded? How could you see it wrong? We haven’t been far from Mr. Ye, and our eyes~ don’t have dim eyes.”

“I found out what’s wrong with you now? Is it because your brain is not very flexible? I kept making you think about the idea of ​​swallowing the dragon in the void just now, but have you come up with a good idea?”

“You said just now that you were wrong, then Ye Chen was obviously smiling, how could he be wrong-?”

“But I also find it strange. We have been with one person for a long time, and we have never seen what happened to Mr. Ye today, but his smile makes people shudder, looking a little scary and a little scared.”

“So you’re right to think so, it’s normal for you to be uncertain, and even I look a little strange, but we can only watch here, so what should we do.

After Okbalga said this, he kept looking at Ye Chen in the distance, feeling that Ye Chen still didn’t stop his smile at this moment.

And there is no sound when he laughs, but the expression on his face has been twitching, looking particularly hideous.

Okbarga thought it was strange, was this laughing? It was just a facial cramp, so this feeling made Okbarga look particularly uncomfortable.

But there is a feeling of wanting to laugh. It seems that although Ye Chen’s smile is a little scary, he can’t help but want to laugh, but he knows that he can’t laugh.

If Okbalga really couldn’t help laughing and came out to be seen by Ye Chen who lived behind the Swallowing Dragon in the Void, then it would be a bad thing, he didn’t want to make a big taboo.

After all, he still remembers this very much. He has been behind Ye Chen for so many years, and he doesn’t understand anything.

Therefore, he has always been very careful to be able to get to where he is today, otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to follow Ye Chen’s back.

He also knew that Ye Chen acted resolutely and meticulously, but he was also very strict with his subordinates.

Although Ye Chen is kind, once his subordinates do something wrong and offend his dignity, he will never tolerate it.

Okbalga still understands this, so he has always been very cautious, and did not dare to do anything, for fear of offending Ye Chen.

Although he looked at Ye Chen’s expression at this moment, he couldn’t help but want to laugh, but he kept telling himself.

At this moment, he couldn’t laugh out loud or laugh, which he always remembered very much.

After Einstein heard Okbarga speak, although he wanted to be angry, he knew that it was normal for Okbarga to say so.

No wonder Okbarga said so, he had no dazzling eyes, but he had to be so suspicious.

At this moment, Einstein felt that Okbarga’s speech was quite strong, and he said that he was old-fashioned, and he said that his brain was flooded. Why is this guy so Damn it.

Einstein was a little angry, but he couldn’t do anything about it. After all, the two of them have been together for so long, and they have never been in any way, and their relationship with Xiang Yu is almost the same.

Even Einstein doesn’t want to care too much, and has been with everyone for so many years, in order to be able to have a place.

The ability to survive is all to follow Ye Chen, and his subordinates can conquer the world.

So they didn’t want to guess each other and turn against each other, so at this moment Einstein heard what Okbalga said, although he was a little angry, he would not be angry.

After all, he also knows that Okbalga speaks out of his mouth, and he says whatever comes to his mind. In fact, there is no malicious intent.

Einstein was very clear about this. At this moment, the expression on Ye Chen’s face, who was looking at the distance, was still twitching, and the mask was particularly hideous.

This half-smile feeling is really uncomfortable to look at, not only makes people look a little scary, but also makes people feel like they can’t help but want to laugh.

Einstein saw Ye Chen’s expression and thought about it again. When he was in the Hall of Longevity, Ye Chen would occasionally have such an expression.

But why does he feel so heart-wrenching at this moment, and it seems that people can’t guess his mind, what is he thinking?

Einstein thought it was very strange. Could it be that at this moment, Ye Chen was thinking about Xinlong? Otherwise, how could he have such an expression?

·0 Seeking flowers…

Because just now Einstein inadvertently saw that the Void Swallowing Dragon seemed to be slowly opening his eyes.

And the mouth is also slightly opened, as if talking.

So Einstein is guessing, it must be the Void Swallowing Dragon who was talking to Ye Chen just now.

It may be that Ye Chen wanted to punish the Void Swallowing Dragon to do so, but although this is all Einstein’s guess.

He couldn’t be sure what was going on, after all, he was far away from Ye Chen and couldn’t hear what they were talking about.

Only Einstein knew that it must be the Void Swallowing Dragon who spoke.

As for why he spoke, Ye Chen must have asked the Void Swallowing Dragon something, otherwise how should all this be explained?


After Okbarga said this, he kept looking at Ye Chen. At this moment, he didn’t wait for a long time until Einstein spoke.

He felt a little strange, could it be that Einstein was angry with himself?

He felt that what he said just now was really clear, and he didn’t care about other people’s feelings, but he was like this.

Could it be that Einstein had the same knowledge as himself and didn’t want to pay attention to himself?

Okbarga thought of this and turned his head to look at Einstein in front of him, but at this moment, the expression on his face was quite natural.

I’m not angry either, Okbalga feels a lot more at ease and relieved.

After all, he didn’t want to offend Einstein unintentionally because of some nonsense, because he already regarded Einstein as the best buddy.

When fighting against the enemy together with Ye Chen, the only way to do it is to be with Einstein, and the two cooperate very well.

So Okbarga still cares about Einstein very much in his heart, and regards him as the best buddy.

The best friend is also the best partner. Every time the two of them set off with Ye Chen, they cooperated very well every time, and they played very well every time.

So from that moment on, Okbarga also recognized Einstein very much in his heart.

I feel that this person’s ability is very extraordinary, and the stronger he is, he is also one of his strongest partners. again

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