Chapter 342 The Lord of Heaven and Earth

It seems that Ye Chen really got Olot’s energy and has the same ability as him. Ye Chen felt very interesting at this moment

It seems that he has really become a robot time master at this moment, which is also very good.

But Ye Chen can transform himself at any time. Ye Chen has not enjoyed such a process yet, and he finds it quite exciting.

Therefore, he will not change himself into his original appearance for the time being. This time, when he made a move, many bomb robots appeared on his left arm and flew to the ground in an instant, returning to the Mroni people.

Ye Chen also didn’t want to use these bomb robots to blow up these Mroni stars in an instant, and these bomb robots were about to land on the heads of the Mroni stars.

At that moment, Ye Chen waved his hand, and these bomb robots rolled down the mountain in front of them instantly.

I saw a rumbling sound in the mountain, and the boulders flew down. At this moment, all the bomb robots blew up in an instant.

All the Muroni people on Soochow Star, including those behind Ye Chen, heard this loud noise 10 years later.

Everyone turned their attention to the forest and the mountain not far away.

Because they didn’t know what was going on, there was a sudden loud noise and they felt deafening.

At this moment, they closed their ears one after another, and there was a feeling of tremor in the eardrums in an instant. They also don’t know what happened.

It just felt a little strange, and suddenly I heard a sound of explosion, and all the flying stones kept rolling down.

The expressions on their faces at this moment were very frightened, and they were especially panicked. One by one, they ran away, hoping to stay farther away.

These Mroni people didn’t care about Ye Chen’s punishment, they had to stand up and run away.

After all, they are very close to the forest and the mountains, so if they don’t escape in time, they may be hit by flying stones, and they don’t want to die.

So now they can’t care so much anymore, one by one they fled to a safe area in order to survive.

At this moment, they knelt on the ground again, with panic in their eyes, and looked at the forest and the mountain that exploded just now.

They felt incredible that the place had been razed to the ground now.

That is the place they usually go to play, and it is also their home. Now it has become like that, and they feel very heartache.

It was fine just now, why did it explode at this moment?

They couldn’t figure it out, but they looked at each other with panic in their eyes. These Mroni people really felt strange.

Because the energy that can make the entire forest and the entire mountain explode in an instant is only Olot, but at this moment they also know that Olot has been dying and turned into a pool of blood.

It’s impossible to produce such power, so they thought it was quite surprising, could it be someone else?

They couldn’t believe it, after all, only Olot had this ability, so they couldn’t believe that someone else made that forest explode in an instant.

Ye Chen thought it was interesting to see everything in front of him, but he was not angry when he looked at the Mroni people who had fled just now.

After all, it’s normal for them to stand up and run away to survive, and Ye Chen wouldn’t blame them, because Ye Chen didn’t want to punish them.

It’s just that they like to kneel there, and before Ye Chen has spoken, these Mroni people dare not get up.

Ye Chen also feel very interesting, since this is the case, let them kneeling right.

Chen leaves just really did not think I had just a wave, even flying out of so many bomb robot.

And just shoulder patch of forest patch of mountain blown to the ground as well, so that leaves Chen really feel very unexpected.

It seems Olot energy or well-deserved reputation, is still very useful, no wonder this guy in his face when exporting raving dare, the courage of their own rude.

He does have some ability to be also very powerful, but Chen Ye feel in front of their own they are vulnerable.

With their powerful time systems, with their own features, feel free to let them into blood, are normal.

So Chen Ye will not be afraid of them, just think Olot these abilities very interesting.

So now he feels quite good fun, raising his hand at any time, you can fly a lot of bomb robot, and more lethal so strong.

This is indeed something Ye Chen did not think, he only knew that he had with the metal body become like this.

He did not want this moment to recover, but did not expect was just casually tried it a try, since it can have such a skill.

And these large single robot looks particularly interesting, as they saw those toys as on Earth.

But these seem unexciting bomb robot, lethality is indeed very powerful.

Chen Ye think of this moment here, if they took these powerful abilities after return to Earth, would not want to do, whatever.

If they want to demolish the entire building, a wave at any time, these bombs have a flying robot building.

The whole building will be blown up an instant, every minute razed to the ground, just like in front of the forest.

Chen Ye feel With this feature, evidently to save a lot of effort.

To own human civilization, for human development, but also to make it more than 803 contributions.

Chen Ye think so now have this powerful skill was quite lucky.

Also I think inadvertently absorbed into the energy of Olot, even to his with such a skill.

Long empty swallow this moment dying, but he just heard bursts of rumbling thunder.

Is also feeling the sound of the explosion, he also felt quite unexpected.

Stumbled opened his eyes, saw in the distance a smog, it seems to be just a patch of forest has been destroyed.

He felt surprised, feeling just like a wave Ye Chen at any time, on a lot of bombs flying robot.

Although the void swallow Long did not see, but he was feeling, he faintly heard all this leaves Chen’s actions.

It appears that the main behind his powerful of time, has added a powerful skill.

At this moment the void dragon swallow surprised, and evidently they will never be able to become a leaf of Chen’s horse is good.

But the void dragon swallow knew this moment do not know how long can, and void also know that they have to swallow Long dying, I am afraid not get on.

Although Dragon did not want to swallow the void to die, but these are not things he can dominate, he knew that if Chen leaves like their living, then your own will not die.

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