Chapter 335 Take Two Steps

Qinglong really died like this, how is this possible? Okbarga began to be a little anxious again. At this moment, he looked at Einstein next to him again and said to him.

“Did you see that you look at the Void Swallowing Dragon like this, it’s really terrible, Ye Chen has turned into a giant’s body, so the Void Swallowing Dragon will die.

“You have to come up with an idea. The Void Swallowing Dragon has belonged to us, and it is always one with us. This guy looks quite arrogant, but I think it is not bad.”

“Oh, don’t look at it like that. Can you say something? We are the ones who say you have the most ideas. Usually, everyone listens to you. Now you have to come up with an idea.”

“Could it be that the few of us haven’t even said a word yet? I believe that even if we talk, Ye Chen can’t possibly kill us.”

“Marven Ye is not such a cruel person, we have been behind him for a long time, he said that things are measured, and the rewards and punishments are clear.

“So I don’t think it’s as bad as you think. Ye Chen isn’t a black-and-white person, so why be so afraid? I think it’s necessary to say something when it’s time to make an opinion.”

“Otherwise, what’s the point of us following behind Ye Chen? Do you think I’m right? Come up with an idea. Look at how the Void Swallowing Dragon looks really disturbing.”

Okbarga was really anxious at this moment, he didn’t want the Void Swallowing Dragon to die.

I also think why Ye Chen has become like this, and the volume is constantly increasing.

Although it was under control at this moment, it still did not return to its previous state.

Ye Chen’s appearance made people look a little terrifying, and it made people shudder.

Okbarga also only hopes that Ye Chen can come down from behind the Void Swallowing Dragon at this moment.

Besides, why do you need to sit behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, it will be slowly descending soon,

Ye Chen made the Void Swallowing Dragon stop again, why is this?

Is it to punish the rudeness at the moment when the Void Swallowing Dragon appeared just now?

Okbarga felt incredible, what the hell is going on?

What exactly is Ye Chen thinking about him? Seeing his relaxed expression, he is not worried at all.

Could it be that he doesn’t care about the feeling of Void Swallowing Dragon at all? He also doesn’t care that Void Swallowing Dragon will die at the moment.

Einstein felt a little scared when he thought of this at this moment.

Could it be that Ye Chen didn’t forgive the Void Swallowing Dragon at the beginning, just let him be punished like this, slowly tortured him, and slowly died.

Otherwise, how should all this be explained? Okbalga really felt a little different at this moment.

Thinking of these things made him shudder, if it was what he thought, then Ye Chen was really too scheming.

If you want to punish the Void Swallowing Dragon, you can directly let him die, and there is no need to let the Void Swallowing Dragon live to this moment.

Einstein didn’t know what to do when he heard Okbarga’s words.

If he had an idea, he wouldn’t stand here all the time without talking.

He just didn’t think of a better way, so he kept silent.

However, hearing Okbarga’s constant roaring and chattering, Einstein’s heart was also a little irritable and a little restless.

Standing here at this moment, he doesn’t know where to go, how to solve everything in front of him, and he has no idea in his heart.

After all, he didn’t have such a powerful energy, and it was impossible to prevent these from happening, but he also knew that he should think of a way.

Since this Void Swallowing Dragon has become one of them, I hope he can survive.

If they have another Void Swallowing Dragon, it is not bad to be with them.

Therefore, Einstein also hopes that there will be one more person like the Void Swallowing Dragon in his team.

After all, he is not only a planetary person, he is also a blue dragon with a powerful energy.

Einstein thought it would be good to leave the void and swallow the dragon, but why did Ye Chen do this at this moment?

Einstein kept guessing in his mind, constantly thinking about what this was for.

Ye Chen clearly could come down from behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, let the Void Swallowing Dragon relax a little, so that he can slowly wake up.

After all, Void Swallowing Dragon’s last breath of strength is now supporting Ye Chen’s weight.

Because Einstein saw that the Void Swallowing Dragon had closed his eyes, and his eyes were no longer white as before.

·0 Seeking flowers…

It seems that closing your eyes has given up all of this, but it still hasn’t fallen slowly.

The Void Swallowing Dragon carried Ye Chen and stayed in the sky. He was completing his final mission. Maybe the Void Swallowing Dragon had already thought about it.

Sooner or later, he will die in Ye Chen’s hands. If he can die like this at this moment, it can be regarded as a proper death.

Einstein also knew that this was his own guess, but felt that this Void Swallowing Dragon seemed to think so now.

After all, his demeanor was the same as Ye Chen’s, he looked very safe, had no regrets, and was no longer so entangled.

It’s just that the mouth of the Void Swallowing Dragon is slowly infiltrating blood, which proves that the Void Swallowing Dragon can no longer bear such gravity.


Einstein thought of this at this moment, his eyes were full of helplessness, and he didn’t know what to do. Okbarga, who was also looking in front of him, said to him.

“I know you’re in a hurry, am I not in a hurry? What should I do with this issue? I don’t have a good car yet.

“This Void Swallowing Dragon is going to die soon. I don’t know, but what good way do we have to stop this.”

“Do you think that if the two of us go forward now, can Ye Chen listen to our opinions? Can he come down from behind the Void Swallowing Dragon.

“So I think you should measure your strength well, and decide whether you can prevent this from happening. Don’t act rashly.”

“Now it’s not rash to solve problems, and some things you have to rely on your head to solve.

“What’s the matter? Do you think my words are unreasonable? You have been asking for my opinion, and I don’t have a better opinion now, so I can only say this. Don’t worry, there will always be a solution.”

Einstein hoped that Okbarga would be calmer after hearing what he said.

Don’t be so reckless, don’t be so anxious, everyone is looking at Ye Chen at this moment.

These Mroni people kneeling on the ground, they also know that something seems to have changed.

But they didn’t dare to look up, they still knelt on the ground and lowered their heads. again,

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