Chapter 334 The Void Swallowing the Dragon Can’t Do It

Einstein felt that Okbarga would definitely be yelling here, and if Ye Chen heard it, I’m afraid something bad would happen.

After all, they can’t speak easily without Ye Chen’s orders, and they can’t make judgments here.

Einstein thought of this at this moment, looked at Okbarga with a tangled face in front of him, and said to him.

“I said you, alas, what the hell, can’t you stop for a while? Now that Ye Chen has not changed much, why are you in a hurry.”

“You look like this, Ye Chen will be fine later, I’m afraid we are in trouble, don’t you understand Ye Chen’s character?”

“Just talk when you talk, can’t you keep your voice low? I’m afraid others don’t know if it’s a gesture.”

After Einstein said this, he signaled Okbarga to keep a low profile and not act rashly.

After all, the entire parallel world is now under the rule of Ye Chen, so the two of them should keep a low profile.

Although the two of them used to be all-powerful before, they are now Ye Chen’s subordinates.

They all have to live according to Ye Chen’s style and style, neither of them have the chance to resist, nor the ability.

Because Einstein knew that the current situation was not so easy to solve, Ye Chen had such powerful energy and possessed a time system.

What else to worry about.

Einstein also knew that Ye Chen could handle all these things, and there was no need for them to do anything at all.

Besides, Einstein knew that he did not have this powerful ability at all, which could make Ye Chen instantly change back to his original appearance.

All this depends on Ye Chen himself, and Einstein also believed that Ye Chen had this ability.

He will also restore himself to his original state, but in front of him, maybe Ye Chen is enjoying this feeling.

After all, he suddenly became very huge, and it was a good enjoyment to wear metal pieces all over his body.

Because Einstein saw Ye Chen’s expression, he knew that he was quite enjoying this state.

Otherwise, the expression on his face would not be so leisurely, nor would he be so calm.

Einstein didn’t want Okbarga to be too flamboyant, what is he doing in this slap in the face?

If there was a better way, how could Eintan just ignore it? He would have gone forward to stop it long ago.

But Einstein also couldn’t understand why this (bacd) suffering was carved by the Void Swallowing Dragon.

Ye Chen can completely come down from behind the Void Swallowing Dragon.

Why let the Void Swallowing Dragon bear such pressure, the Void Swallowing Dragon will soon be unable to afford such gravity.

At this moment, Einstein looked at the appearance of swallowing the dragon in the void, why did he slowly fall down with Ye Chen.

But when it was about to land on the ground, it stopped.

Could it be that Ye Chen is controlling all this?

Is it that Ye Chen didn’t want the Void Swallowing Dragon to lie on the ground, or did he continue to want to sit behind the Void Swallowing Dragon.

How to explain all this? Einstein really didn’t understand and didn’t understand.

The Void Swallowing Dragon has become like this, and he can no longer bear the pressure of Ye Chen.

Why wasn’t Ye Chen in time, all of his own, but let the Void Swallowing Dragon try this inhuman treatment.

So Einstein really didn’t understand, and he kept thinking about it in his heart.

Void Swallowing Dragon should not have endured such pain, but suddenly Ye Chen increased several times faster.

This moment became as big as a giant, but Einstein and Okbarga felt different.

Oni Stamboul’s eyes never left, Ye Chen felt that this moment was like watching a horror movie, and this Ye Chen really made people look a little frightened.

So Einstein now knows that it’s useless to think too much, and all this may be changed by Ye Chen himself.

He hoped that he would become like this when he became huge. If it wasn’t for Ye Chen to become big, no one in this entire parallel world would be able to make him like this.

So Einstein felt that there was nothing to worry about, but this Void Swallowing Dragon was indeed a bit miserable.

Okbalga felt extremely aggrieved after hearing what Einstein said at this moment.

With a tangled expression on his face, he pouted, and his eyes were particularly helpless.

He felt that he was really a little confused at this moment. It was for Ye Chen’s sake, but he had to be criticized by Einstein, and he also heard his words and lessons.

Okbarga glared at Einstein, feeling that when this guy is fine, he always likes to teach himself a lesson and teach himself a lesson.

But he felt that there was no way to do it, after all, sometimes it was quite right to hear Einstein say this.

Because every time I am with Einstein, I also learn a lot of things and also learn a lot of truths.

So although Okbarga is a little unconvinced now, he can only endure it.

After all, it is now on Soochow Star, everyone should be kind and not have differences because of a little thing.

Okbarga thought of this at this moment, the expression on his face was no longer so tangled, and he was no longer so wronged.

Because he feels that sometimes he is a bit reckless and very frizzy.

I am particularly anxious when encountering things. Just like when I encountered Ye Chen’s situation today, Okbalga was particularly fearful and wanted to find a way to solve it.

But now he also knows that there is no solution at all, and it all depends on Ye Chen.

After all, Ye Chen is the master of time in a parallel world, and no one has his powerful energy.

If he can’t restore himself to his original appearance, I’m afraid they will be helpless.

Okbarga thought of this at this moment, and his heart felt a little more at ease.

No longer as depressed as before, and his eyes became dull, Einstein, who was looking in front of him, said to him.

“Okay, I see. I was reckless just now, but did I just wait like this?”

“It’s alright now, can my voice be alright, can’t I be quieter?”

“It’s not that you don’t know this person. I usually have a very loud voice, but suddenly I was asked to keep my voice low, and I was really uncomfortable and couldn’t learn it. Don’t worry, I’ll try to keep my voice low.

“Like you said, we are all doing things for Mr. Ye now, and we don’t like the people under my command being too flamboyant, so it’s normal for you to ask me to keep my voice down.”

After Okbalga said this, he looked at Ye Chen in the distance again, feeling that Ye Chen did not return to his previous appearance at this moment. The Void Swallowing Dragon has foamed at the mouth, and is also slowly oozing blood.

Okbarga saw all this and felt a little terrifying, is it really impossible to swallow the dragon in the void?.

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