Chapter 336 Infinite Evolution!

Einstein also felt cruel to see all this. These Mroni people knelt on the ground from beginning to end and did not respond, and did not dare to resist.

It seems that this is the truth that the winner is the king and the loser is the pirate. These Mroni people have no power or strength, so they can only kneel and beg for mercy.

They don’t even have the right to resist, so now Einstein thinks about this and feels that this world is really cruel and really terrible.

Einstein now also knows that it is better to let himself slowly become stronger and have supreme power.

Let your abilities continue to improve, so that you can protect yourself, and when you encounter danger one day, you can let yourself retreat.

It’s not like the Mroni people in front of them were insulted, and they didn’t even look at others for a while on their knees, because they were really afraid of death.

Einstein also knew that when the whole world looked around, everyone was afraid of death, and there was no shame in being afraid of death.

If he were to face such a tragic situation one day, he would probably kneel down and beg for mercy like these Mroni people.

As long as it is possible to survive, it is more important than anything else, keeping the green hills and not afraid of running out of firewood is always the most practical.

As long as you have a chance to survive, you don’t have to worry about not having a chance to turn over.

Therefore, Einstein did not feel that these Mroni people were so shameful at this moment, but felt that they did it out of instinct.

Einstein did not yearn for them, nor did he feel that they were cowardly. If it were replaced by himself, he would also encounter such an end.

I will do the same myself, and I don’t hesitate to kneel on the ground. As long as I can survive, it is the most important thing.

Okbalga knew that he was always in such a hurry when he heard Einstein speak.

But now he has to be anxious, seeing that the Void Swallowing Dragon is about to die, what should I do?

Wait until the Void Swallowing Dragon dies before making a decision? I’m afraid it’s already too late.

So Okbarga really didn’t want the Void Swallowing Dragon to die like this, so he was so anxious.

He knew that Einstein was very calm in this subject, and he couldn’t learn his skills at all, and he didn’t have his thoughts.

He also knew that when Einstein said things very rationally, he was never reckless.

It’s not like he suffers from everything he encounters, and he is so anxious, just like he is now.

Because Ok Barga was born with this character, and it can’t be changed at all.

Sometimes he also knows that his fault is not good, and hopes to get rid of it.

But every time Okbarga encounters something, he will become like this, especially impatient and anxious in his heart.

Okbarga is also very envious of Einstein at this moment, and hopes that he can be as stable as him.

I really should have learned from him, but every time Okbarga was with Einstein, he learned a lot.

But what happened was changed, and it became the same as before.

After all, his bones are born with a frizzy personality, how can he easily change?

Okbarga also knew very well that Einstein said this for his sake.

I don’t want him to act rashly. Once Ye Chen is excited, I am afraid that no one can bear this end, and no one can handle it.

Okbarga also knew that he could not offend Ye Chen for his own justice.

Taking his own life to save the Void Swallowing Dragon, Okbargar knew it wasn’t worth it.

I just hope that a more reasonable solution can be found and that the Void Swallowing Dragon can be easily rescued.

Einstein was right about everything else, and Okbarga knew it in his heart.

Okbarga thought of this at this moment, and understood what Einstein meant, looked at him, and said to him.

“Einstein, I know what you said is for my sake, I hope I can be calmer and don’t make me too reckless.”

“After all, I offended Ye Chen, no one can bear this end, and no one can handle it.”

“But I understand the truth, but you told me not to worry and wait until when. Didn’t you see that the Void Swallowing Dragon was dying soon.”

“Don’t look at me like that, okay? I know you don’t want to risk my life for the Void Swallowing Dragon, do you? You are thinking of me, after all, I am more important than the Void Swallowing Dragon.0”

After Einstein heard Okbarga’s words, he burst out laughing. How could this fool say that? Of course, his life is much more valuable than the Void Swallowing Dragon, and he can’t be compared at all.

“I said you, a fool, how do you say such a thing, although the Void Swallowing Dragon has some skills and powerful abilities, after all, we have just met him, and we can’t compensate for his life and ours.”

“Are you right? Is it worth what we have done? If the trade situation of our people has really angered Mr. Ye, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Except “Void Swallowing Dragon’s life, how can it be compared to you, you two are not comparable, Void Swallowing Dragon is just someone we just met, and we are not familiar with him now.”

“Don’t remember when we first encountered the Void Swallowing Dragon, he was so arrogant, he didn’t take us seriously at all, and only Ye Chen could deal with him, I didn’t expect Ye Chen to have no effort at all, just Bring him down.”

After Einstein finished saying this, he didn’t see Okbarga’s eyes beside him, he kept looking at Ye Chen in the distance, and the Void Swallowing Dragon.

At this moment, Ye Chen was still the same, tall and big, and it seemed that it was as big as the sky above the entire Soochow star.

Now Void 2.3 Swallowing Dragon was hanging in the office with Ye Chen on his back, and he was about to land.

But it still stopped there, and there was no response, nor did it rise into the air again, nor did it land on the ground.

Because Einstein knew the current state of swallowing the dragon with the void, he couldn’t take Ye Chen into the air again.

He no longer has this ability, and his ability has almost been digested.

After all, his current state is indeed appalling to watch, he has slowly closed his eyes, his expression is very calm, that is, he is waiting to die there.

Although Einstein looked at the Void Swallowing Dragon at this moment, it was really pitiful and innocent.

He’s going to die soon, but he really doesn’t have a good way to solve all this, and he doesn’t know what to do?.

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