Chapter 319 remain silent system

Chen Ye do not know how this is, why the thought of remaining life Aonisitan Boolean, and why it is so irritable it.

The thought of the aperture on Aonisitan Boolean just the head, but also feel a little suspicious.

Ye Chen but can not find any way of answer, can not find any answers.

How could you not worry.

After all, just in time to see the leaves Chen Boolean Aonisitan first glance, it has been to see his remaining life.

The results are unknown appears on the screen.

Whether Aonisitan Boolean personal life, or his remaining life, or his background is ominous.

Ye Chen felt so strange, the more surprised.

This curiosity let Ye Chen terribly upset at this moment he sat behind the empty swallow Dragon also feel particularly angry.

The thought of Ye Chen at sixes and sevens, not a moment to peace, once again out of the system command.

“System how is it? I heard the command, why now there is no answer.”

“This is how it Aonisitan Boolean? There is no clue to now have not found his message.”

Chen leaves after these words, pause for a moment to see if the system has not heard the signal.

Such a long time his body system is still no news, quietly stay in your body where there is no signal coming from.

Ye Chen is really angry this moment, this Damn it home 790 partners do not listen to their orders?

But his own host, he was just one of his systems only, say to yourself no matter what the system must do it in accordance with their orders.

But at this moment the system in the end how you think, Chen Ye are somewhat confused, and some say different.

Damn this guy, if Chen leaves this moment can he pulled out from the body, we will let him to pieces, so that he does not pay exist.

In fact, such a thing Ye Chen also think about it.

Because he knows how powerful system for him.

The system has time to be able to do anything can do more with less.

Doing everything to succeed.

Themselves how the system could be smashed to pieces it leaves Chen also said that some of the angry words only.

After all, did not wait messaging system, how could he not be angry.

He is now time to master the powerful, the Lord of the Milky Way, so he has the capital to get angry, is normal.

Chen spoke after hearing system leaves, leaf stuck in Chen’s body, did not answer.

Because the system feel that things are too serious.

If you really press Ye Chen says so doing, the system knows to consume a lot of time.

The system also does not want to do, so when Ye Chen has just received the command, did not speak.

Ye Chen once again hear the command, the system still pretend silent.

Because he can only do that now.

The system is particularly tangled in this moment Chen leaves the body, do not know in the end how to do?

If you really leaves by Chen’s bidding, then his body point in time, would not have all run out of it?

So the system you want to stop it, can not let Chen leaves on an impulse, to make such reckless things.

Once these points later time runs out.

I couldn’t find the information of Onistambull, and the system knew that it was too late for Ye Chen to regret it.

So now the system wants to prevent this from happening, no matter how angry Ye Chen is, the system also knows that he has nothing to do with him.

After all, he is a system that exists in Ye Chen’s body.

Ye Chen has been waiting quietly, hoping to wait for the system’s answer.

Also wait until the system collects all the information about Onistambull for itself.

By that time, he will know who Oni Stamboul is.

I also know whether he is the nephew of Olot in front of him, or whether he is from the Mroni star here.

The water (bacd) will also fall out, but now Ye Chen has waited for a long time and has not heard the system speak.

Ye Chen really didn’t know what to do, because he knew that he could use a powerful system to deal with everyone.

Whether it is a planetary person, an earth person, or a cosmic astronaut, as long as it is what he wants to deal with, it is all right.

But only Ye Chen knew that what he couldn’t deal with was a powerful system.

Because this time system exists in Ye Chen’s body, he knows that he has no way to take the system, so he can only wait quietly.

Although he knew at this moment that he was angry, there was no better solution.

Now Ye Chen is slowly adjusting his mood, so that he won’t be so angry anymore.

Ye Chen also suddenly thought that if the system could help him find the information on Onistambull, it would be impossible not to speak.

Is there nothing the system can do at this moment?

He didn’t dare to go against his will, he couldn’t search for information on Oni Stamboul, and he could only stay silent in his body.

It seemed that Ye Chen suddenly thought of this, and his mood calmed down a lot, and he was not as angry as before.

After all, Ye Chen is not a fool, and he understands what happened.

He also knew why the system remained silent at this moment, neither answering his own words nor executing his own orders.

Ye Chen also knew it in his heart. Now that Ye Chen thought about this, he felt that he didn’t have the atmosphere like before. When he calmed down, he felt much better.

After all, anger makes a person lose his mind, and anger makes a person overwhelmed, like a lunatic.

Because Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, he didn’t want to make himself a lunatic because of the Onistambull incident.

Ye Chen felt that it would be better for him to be more rational.

After all, he is a powerful master of time, and he cannot be too impulsive, because impulsiveness is the devil.

Ye Chen didn’t want to turn himself into a devil either.

So now he knows that his struggle is useless, it is better to wait calmly.

If the system can really search for the Onistambull information without spending time.

I’m afraid the system won’t shirk. After thinking about it, Ye Chen felt that his mood was no longer so depressed, and he was no longer so angry.

The whole person also relaxed a lot, looking at the Mroni stars under his feet.

I also felt that they were a little pitiful, and that Oni Stamboul and Olot were a little innocent.

After all, Ye Chen’s mood is different now than when he first saw Olot.

Because when Ye Chen first saw Olot, he didn’t want to deal with him.

I just wanted to absorb the energy on the Soochow star and left in time.

But this guy Olot actually wanted to fire the weapon himself.

And hundreds of robots appeared in his body, flying towards him.

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