Chapter 320 invincible

See Olot resorted to such weapons, how can we condone Chen leaves him.

So that moment Ye Chen feel we must use their own time of stagnation, to prevent this happening, it is just a word, it is easy for Ye Chen incredible.

This word can be resolved a dispute, it will resolve the battle.

Let yourself behind these people, less susceptible to some of the suffering, Ye Chen think this retention time is very useful.

With them also handy.

Chen Ye think of this moment his body a few of these features really good.

Every leaf when Chen cast also feel invincible.

No man is his opponent, and here again today Ye Chen contacted several new features, is good.

Ye Chen kept thinking, actually see a little bit of Olot there are poor, want to let go of him.

“Ye Chen how you going? Why are soft-hearted look at him? He just shot against you, he has not relented.

“Ye Chen Furenzhiren you really are, which are under what circumstances, do you think the poor people, if this moment is that you lie on the floor, I’m afraid no one pity you.”

“Ha said, also, I should not pity, I now come here to plunder resources, look at the poor people, then I will become a poor man.”

“Even if you think the right thing, even if you have to let go of Olot, nor is it now, so he must be punished in the future, let him fill of all the pain, then let him go again.”

Chen looked at the leaves lying on the floor Olot, he told himself.

So, although Chen Ye in the heart of Olot also feel pity, but he has not let him know that this moment of time.

Must wait until after Olot tasted bitterness in his forgiveness, then Olot will be very grateful for themselves.

Janus-faced on their own will not feel the idea, to have this effect.

Otherwise it all Qibushibai fee, let Olot blood, are there any change into a ball.

If you want to Olot Chen Ye’s life, do not be so strenuous.

All this is to let Chen Ye loyal to Olot, do not feel Janus-faced, Ye Chen was doing.

Ye Chen now thought of this, his eyes again full of evil spirits.

He did not need to feel relented after he had come on the planet.

In order to plunder their resources back to earth good use of them, it must be strong own energy, so that their strength increased.

So to be able to play to their own strength, want to develop all the resources of the earth.

There reach the high-tech, so that their contribution to mankind, and now they have to do that.

Because Ye Chen also know no other way, since the system to his own powerful parallel world come to the Galaxy system is to allow ourselves to upgrade the system.

Want your system’s strength, and only then himself brought here, otherwise what is the point that they came here.

Aonisitan Istanbul this moment in Olot with around touched his head, feeling this moment uncle still breathing.

But why uncle heard myself say later, to now have not respond to their own, even a little bit faint sounds good too.

Ye Chen this moment not sure, do not own uncle died slowly it?

Aonisitan Boolean feel a little scary, if his uncle died so he is not live.

“Uncle, did you hear me? Why didn’t you answer me?”

“When I see you like this, my heart hurts so much. If you hear what I say, it would be nice to make a little noise.”

“Uncle, don’t scare me, okay? I don’t even know what to do. If you’re gone, I don’t want to live anymore.”

“Uncle, can you say something? I have a relative like you. If you’re gone, what’s the point of my life? I’ll go with you too.”

After he couldn’t say these words, he tried desperately to lie beside Olot’s ear, trying to make him hear what he said.

His hand was still on Olot’s head, although Olot’s head became flat at this moment, but Oni Stamboul felt that it was not scary.

No matter what the person in front of him looks like, no matter how terrifying Oni Stamboul feels that he will not be afraid.

This is his uncle and his self-confidence. If it wasn’t for him, Oni Stambul knew that he probably wouldn’t be alive until now, and he would have died a long time ago.

Without an uncle, he also knew that he did not have what he is today, so now watching Olot become like this, Oni Stambul was really heartbroken and didn’t know what to do.

0 asking for flowers…

I really want to endure this kind of pain for Olot, but Oni Stamboul knows that what he thinks is useless.

He couldn’t do anything, and he could only lie down beside Olot, screaming constantly, sobbing, unable to do anything.

But Oni Stamboul felt that even if he knew that Olot was alive at this moment, he would be fine.

Why did he not answer himself after hearing what he said.

Oni Stamboul felt that something was wrong, was his uncle dead at this moment?

Have you left yourself and died?

At this moment, Oni Stambul slowly sat up from the ground, wailing in pain.


His voice became louder and louder, making people heart-piercing, and Olot’s voice echoed throughout the Soochow Star, making people deafening.

Oni Stamboul was very sad now, because he thought Olot was dead.

After all, after he said those words just now, he didn’t hear Olot’s answer, and Olot didn’t respond to him either.

Oni Stambul was in extreme pain at this moment, crying and looking up at the sky above Soochow Star.

I feel that I am afraid that my beautiful home will never be seen again from today.

Because Oni Stamboul has decided to go with Olot, because he feels that his life is meaningless and worthless.

Since he can’t avenge Olot, he can’t compete with Ye Chen.

It’s better to go with him, so that you don’t have to suffer in this world anymore.

Don’t have to suffer like this anymore.

As long as you die, everything is freed, and you don’t have to face all this anymore.

So now Ye Chen cried out in pain while crying, seeing how beautiful and charming the sky above Soochow Star is.

It seems their future today, you never see such a view.

The cries of Onistambull are now hovering over the Soochow Star.

It made people shudder to hear it, and also felt that Oni Stamboul’s voice was piercing, making people unable to help but feel sad. again,

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