Chapter 318 Extremely Calm

Ye Chen must let Olot taste his power, otherwise, how could he know what the powerful Lord of Time really is.

Ye Chen also knew that he was not such a cruel person at all, but there was no way. Now, in order to strengthen his system, he has greatly increased his strength.

It must be plundered everywhere, all the resources on the planet, but also the lifespan of the strong planet.

Although he doesn’t want Olot to die at this moment, he must also let Olot suffer from such hardships and let him have a longer memory.

You can’t belittle yourself and have no right to speak in front of yourself.

So now Ye Chen feels that Olot is not wrong to receive these punishments, he should bear them all.

Although Ye Chen couldn’t bear to look at him at this moment, Ye Chen felt that the pain that Olot should endure must be endured, not less.

Originally, Marven Ye didn’t want Olot to become like this.

It’s just that when he was angry just now, he glanced at Olot, and all the metal pieces on his body kept falling in an instant.

And the limbs began to melt slowly, and finally turned into this puddle of blood, this ghostly appearance.

This was indeed something that Ye Chen didn’t expect, but Ye Chen thought it was good too.

Let the group of Muroni people on the Soochow star behind them see their energy and their powerful power.

They would not dare to go against their will in the future, Ye Chen felt that this would save a lot of trouble and save himself from speaking.

As long as these Muroni people on the Soochow star see Olot, they will become like this, even if they don’t say anything.

They will also obediently submit to their own feet, and will not go against their will.

So Ye Chen felt that this was a good thing for them, and it was easier for himself.

Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, his eyes were full of cleverness, and he looked at Onistambull not far away.

I feel that Oni Stambul is also very sad when he is lying on the ground at this moment.

He no longer looked at himself with his head held high as before, his eyes full of hatred.

Ye Chen appreciates this point of Onistambull, because the young man in front of him is not only fearless to himself.

And he is also full of filial piety to Olot, at this moment he can cry like this by Olot’s side.

Ye Chen looked a little unbearable, but it was impossible for Ye Chen to stop at this moment.

The hardships they should endure must be endured, and Ye Chen doesn’t want to be soft-hearted.

Since I want to plunder the resources on the planet everywhere, if I am soft-hearted, what else can I do, how can I do big things.

How can I improve my system, and how can I increase my strength?

When Ye Chen returns to the earth, he has to complete more high-tech and realize more dreams.

If you are not plundering resources in the parallel world now.

Don’t absorb the energy of the planet everywhere and wait until you return to the earth.

These dreams are probably far away from me.

Ye Chen also didn’t want such a thing to happen. In order to expand his dreams and improve the high technology of human beings, he must be cruel.

Although Ye Chen is constantly plundering the planet, Ye Chen will not kill every planetary person for no reason.

Only these arrogant planetary people who want to die in vain will Ye Chen plunder their lives in an instant.

Let their life become their own time point and make themselves stronger.

Otherwise, Ye Chen would not kill innocent people, nor would he easily treat every kind planetary person.

Because Ye Chen knows that he has principles in what he does, if these guys don’t touch his bottom line.

How could he easily kill him.

Ye Chen knew that he didn’t come here to kill innocent people.

I want to plunder resources to improve my system.

Do this to increase your strength.

After absorbing the energy of the planet, you can make them immortal.

Let them continue to live on the planet, let them live a normal life.

But now Ye Chen is looking at these Mroni people, all of them kneeling on the ground and surviving.

And he didn’t dare to look up at himself, Ye Chen felt quite sad, as a planetary person.

Since they lived such a humble and kneeled life, they really couldn’t bear to look directly at them.

Ye Chen never thought that these Mroni people on the original planet couldn’t keep up with the people on earth.

If you are an ordinary earth person, you will not be as cowardly and timid as they are, this is simply a group of berry seeds.

Except for Onistambull, all the Mroni star Ye Chen here did not take a fancy to them.

It is because of Oni Stambul’s strong will, and the heart that is not afraid of death, that Ye Chen valued him so much.

And he looked at him with admiration, even though Ye Chen made his uncle look like this at this moment.

But Ye Chen wouldn’t let Olot lie on the ground all the time, and when he suffered a certain punishment, Ye Chen would also use his powerful time system to help him return to his original state.

All this, Ye Chen also looked at Olot’s face, and felt that this young man was so filial that he didn’t want to make him so sad, so he did this.

Otherwise, Ye Chen wouldn’t have kept Olot. This guy was over his head, and when he met him just now, he wanted to kill him instantly.

Ye Chen felt that Olot really didn’t know how much he weighed, since he was talking wildly.

Before getting close to Ye Chen, let Ye Chen make him like this.

So at this moment, when Ye Chen saw Olot become like this, he felt very refreshed, because he looked down on himself.

Ye Chen looked at Onistambull in the distance, always beside Olot, and was already crying.

At this moment, his heart was also aching slightly, and he felt that this young (Zhao Nuo’s) person really surprised him.

All the Mroni people are very timid one by one, I am afraid that there is such a handsome Mroni person who dares to compete with him.

Moreover, Onistambull didn’t have any power, and there was no difference at all, which could indeed make Ye Chen feel a little confused and a little strange.

Ye Chen’s section sat behind the Void Swallowing Dragon and carefully observed Onistambull.

At this moment, he saw that the red circle on Oni Stamboul still existed, and it never faded.

Ye Chen thought it was very strange, what the hell was going on, and why the system hadn’t told him the answer he wanted so far.

How long is the lifespan of this One Stamboul? It is still unknown.

When Ye Chen thought of this, he became impatient again.

The heart that had been calm just now turned upside down once again, and it was impossible to calm down again.

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