Chapter 317

After Oni Stamboul finished speaking, he stroked Olot’s head again.

I feel that at this moment, I really want to endure this kind of pain for Olot, and let myself also try this kind of taste.

After all, the man in front of him is Onistambull’s uncle.

He felt that his uncle should not bear such pain, all because of himself.

Therefore, Oni Stamboul has been deeply remorseful in his heart.

But Oni Stamboul also knew that he was powerless and could not bear such pain for Olot.

He could only accompany him silently, looking at him, Oni Stamboul was bleeding in his heart now, his eyes were crying all the time, and he didn’t stop for a moment.

When looking at Ye Chen just now, Oni Stamboul was also crying.

But he has been holding back, tears streaming down silently.

But at that moment, Oni Stamboul was also very strong.

If you don’t want to show the appearance of a kind of medicine in front of Chen, you have to stand tall and straight. When you are a Muroni star, you can’t let Ye Chen look down on him.

Although Olot is now on the verge of dying, he can still hear Oni Stambul speak.

At this moment, after hearing Oni Stambler’s speech, he felt as if he could see Oni Stambul’s appearance in a blur.

Olot is very happy, can he see people at this moment?

Although the sight of Oni Stamboul in front of him was a little blurry, at least Olot could see it.

Because Olot couldn’t see anything at all just now.

Olot was lying on the ground now, and he was very happy when he heard the voice of Oni Stamboul.

It seemed that Oni Stamboul was still alive, and he felt a lot more relieved that he was not destroyed by Ye Chen.

In any case, at this moment, Oni Stamboul is still alive on the Soochow Star and has not died yet, which is fortunate.

Olot felt that it was impossible for him to help Onistambull at this moment.

Because he knew that he was not qualified to speak at all, and it was because he just said those words to Ye Chen because of his own power.

I hope Ye Chen can let Oni Stamboul go, but he has been punished like this.

When he feels that all this is true, he doesn’t know, and if he knew this, he would not beg for mercy if he killed him.

Nor will he be punished like this.

At this moment, I am afraid that I am still alive, and it is impossible to turn into a pool of blood, dying.

Olot felt that it was too late to regret everything, it was too late.

Now that it has become like this, it is impossible to return to its original state.

How could someone in the entire galaxy have the ability to slowly recover from a pool of blood to the way it was before.

Olot couldn’t believe that such a thing happened, and felt incredible, so he had given up hope of survival.

He didn’t want to have any more expectations, he just hoped that Oni Stambul could survive.

Now he can only see his own creation.

If he said less and didn’t be so tough, maybe Ye Chen would keep his and not kill him.

After all, Olot knew that Oni Stamboul had no ability and no powerful abilities.

It doesn’t matter whether Ye Chen kills him or not.

At this moment, Olot felt that Oni Stamboul’s hand had been stroking his head.

Olot feels that he still has his own.

Although his head has now turned into a flat shape, at least Olot knows that he is still alive.

He could still hear the voice of Oni Stamboul, which was very content for him.

At the moment when Oni Stamboul’s voice was not heard.

Olot thought that after Oni Stambul said what he just said, he might have been wiped out by Ye Chen invisibly.

After all, Olot knew that Ye Chen wanted to destroy a Mroni star, and it didn’t take much effort to destroy it.

It will not make any sound, and it will melt a person into a pool of blood in an instant.

It will also turn the planet into a leaf, and it is possible to instantly turn into ashes.

As for what kind of ability Chen has, Olot can’t imagine.

I have never seen such a powerful earthling as Ye Chen, it is really incredible.

Olot is also unbelievable, and now only he has seen the powerful Lord of Time with his own eyes.

Only then did I know that this so-called powerful Lord of Time was not a fictitious one, but someone did exist.

And it was especially powerful. At this moment, Olot thought of this place and lay dying on the ground.

I am also very envious of Ye Chen in my heart. It would be great if I could have a powerful time system in my body.

I am afraid that at this moment, I will not be punished like this, nor will it become so miserable.

Make him feel that at this moment, he is not like a human being, and a ghost is not like a ghost, so he might as well just die.

But he knew that he didn’t even have the right to die now, if Ye Chen hadn’t decided to let him die before.

He had to be lingering, and he had to lie on the ground.

Who makes him feel that he is still uncomfortable living with each other now, and that he will receive an extra humiliation if he lives for a second now.

But he didn’t have the right to choose, he could only endure all the pain and humiliation.

This is obviously what Ye Chen did on purpose, so what can Olot do?

When Olot did not become like this, he had powerful abilities, and he was not Ye Chen’s opponent.

Before he got close to Ye Chen, he had already turned into the current 790-tan blood.

Although Olot couldn’t believe it, all this had really happened.

It is difficult to change the fact that he has become like this.

Olot is a little unwilling in his heart now.

But he still admires Ye Chen very much in his heart. After all, the young man in front of him has a powerful time system, and his skill is very good.

He is the world master of the entire galaxy, and no one’s energy can compete with him.

I am afraid that even if he encounters Ye Chen in a powerful opponent, he will be turned to ashes in an instant.

Olot was very convinced of this in his heart.

Ye Chen was hanging high in the air at this moment, seeing everything at the moment.

He felt that the fellow of Oni Stable thought of Olot again at this moment and ran to his side.

It seems that this guy has a good conscience, knowing that the person who turned into a pool of blood is his uncle.

Although Ye Chen also felt that Olot looked quite scary, Oni Stamboul was not afraid at all.

Ye Chen still appreciates this. Ye Chen looked at the two people far away from him at this moment.

I feel that Olot is indeed a bit sad, but there is no way.

Who made this Damn it guy offend himself and say something he shouldn’t have said.

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