Chapter 317

Could it be that Soochow Star will be gone in the future? Onistambull really thinks such a thing is really cruel.

Why does such a catastrophe occur?

They didn’t provoke Ye Chen, why did the aloof Time Lord in front of him come here?

To plunder the resources here and kill all the people, why did he do this?

Oni Stamboul now thinks of this, and really can’t figure it out.

In fact, Oni Stambul also knows such a question, who should I ask?

Are you asking Ye Chen who is aloof?

There’s no way this Damn it guy can tell the truth, besides that’s how the world is.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

Planetary people with powerful abilities begin to kill enemies and plunder everywhere, which is normal.

Oni Stambul suddenly remembered that Olot was like this before, and he would also go to other planets to plunder resources.

Each time brings the fruits of victory to himself, and Oni Stambul remembers it clearly.

It seems that it is finally their turn today, and Onistambull has been safely on the Soochow Star.

It has been tens of thousands of years, and they have never encountered the situation they are today. It seems that they will also face such a situation today.

Oni Stamboul really felt incredible. In the past, uncles used to go to other planets to plunder.

Now there is finally a formidable opponent, and even his uncle Olot can’t handle it. At this moment, Olot has become like this.

Olot felt that the world was really cold, and the world was like this.

Feng shui took turns, and now it was finally Olot’s turn to be punished like this.

Oni Stamboul wondered if his uncle had done too much in the past.

Always go to other planets to plunder resources to go there to invade other people’s homes.

Now it was finally his turn to have such a powerful opponent, Ye Chen, to come here to invade his homeland.

So now that he is here, he feels that he does not have such hatred in his heart.

Ye Chen is normal, since uncle can go to other places.

The energy that invades other planets, so why can’t others come to the Soochow star to invade?

Oni Stambul suddenly thought of this, and he felt as if he was suddenly enlightened.

In my heart, I suddenly thought that all this is a causal relationship, otherwise, how could such a thing happen today.

It seems that his uncle has done too many bad things before, otherwise how could he be punished like this today.

Although Oni Stamboul also knew that the dying person lying on the ground was his uncle and his closest person.

But Oni Stamboul also knew what he did, even though Oni Stable knew what Olot did, all for the sake of the Soochow Star and all the Mroni people.

But what he did was a heinous crime for other planets.

So now Onistambull doesn’t want to blame Ye Chen at all.

At this moment, his eyes gradually softened, and he was no longer full of hatred like before.

Oni Stamboul turned his head to look at Olot, who was lying on the ground, although this was Oni Stambler’s idea.

But he wouldn’t blame his uncle, after all, the bad things his uncle did in the past were also for the benefit of all the powerful Soochow stars.

This was done for the sake of the survival of all the Mroni people.

Oni Stamboul looked at Olot by his side, because Olot was out of shape now.

His facial features could not be seen at all, his entire head had become flat on the ground, and only one mouth was left to breathe.

Seeing Olot like this, Oni Stamboul couldn’t help but burst into tears and began to cry again.

Because Olot has always been particularly tall, particularly mighty, and invincible in Oni Stamboul’s mind.

I have never met an opponent before, but today, in the eyes of Oni Stamboul, since I met an opponent stronger than Olot, that is Ye Chen.

So now Oni Stambul feels Olot is very pitiful.

No matter how many bad things Olot has done before, Oni Stamboul will not blame him.

Because this person in front of him is his uncle, and he is the best person for him.

“How are you, uncle? Are you alright? Can you still talk.”

“I’m Oni Stamboul, do you still remember me? You can still hear my voice.”

“I know I’m the one who got you down today. If I didn’t speak, and I kept my mouth shut, there would be no disaster. 0”

Uncle “Can you hear me? It’s me who hurt you, I think I’m dying at this moment, I should bear such pain for you.

“Looking at you, I’m really in a very bad mood, and my heart is also very painful. How could you become like this, it’s all because of me”

After Oni Stamboul said this, he touched Olot’s flat head.

At this moment, O’Neill felt his hands were sticky when he touched it. Could it be that Olot’s head is also slowly melting?

Oni Stamboul thought it was incredible, if this was the case, wouldn’t the uncle’s whole person turn into a pool of blood.

Oni Stamboul looked at his hands. It turned out to be his uncle’s sweat. Could his uncle still sweat now?

Oni Stamboul felt incredible, Olot has become like this, how can he still sweat, why does this phenomenon occur.

Oni Stamboul couldn’t understand either. After he said these words, he burst into tears.

Feeling that he had the heart to die, Olot became like this, and it was all related to Oni Stamboul, so he blamed himself very much.

Oni Stamboul looked at the sweat on his hands and put down a lot in his heart.

It seems that Uncle Olot’s head has always been, although the head has become flat, but it has not melted.

Then Olot is alive 2.3, and Oni Stamboul is much happier. It seems that Olot may have heard what he said, but he just couldn’t answer it.

Oni Stambul’s heart is much more at ease, no matter what, even if Olot becomes like this at this moment, at least he is still alive.

Then you, at least at this moment, still have the only relative to accompany you.

Oni Stamboul felt that he was no longer alone, and cried while lying on the ground, whispering in Olot’s ear.

“Uncle, are you okay, you scared me to death just now, I thought your head was slowly melting, but at this moment your head didn’t melt.”

“You’re still alive, right? You just can’t talk to me, right? It’s all my fault, it’s me who hurt you, let me bear this punishment for you.

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