Chapter 315 The Destruction of the Soochow Star

It is not easy for Oni Stambul to persist in living for tens of thousands of years. If he had a very good physique since childhood, I am afraid that Olot would have taught Oni Stambul powerful cultivation and supernatural abilities long ago.

It was because of Oni Stambler’s poor health that he was not suitable for practicing Qigong at all, and Olot took this into consideration.

Therefore, there is no teaching Oni Stable, until now, Oni Stable does not have any ability, nor does he have powerful abilities.

At this moment, Oni Stable, thinking of these things, looked at Ye Chen who was hanging in the air.

I feel that the Lord of Time is really arrogant at this moment, and his body exudes a powerful aura, which makes people shudder.

But Oni Stamboul knew that he would not be afraid at this moment, but if it was someone else, all the Mroni people on the Soochow Star would be afraid.

Otherwise, why did they retreat so far at this moment, kneeling on the ground one by one and still not daring to get up.

He didn’t dare to look directly into Ye Chen’s eyes, and Oni Stambul knew it.

It turned out that this powerful Lord of Time was indeed very powerful, which made people look terrified.

It was only now that Oni Stambul understood that the powerful Lord of Time in front of him was so arrogant.

It seems that he does have the capital to show off, with his abilities the entire parallel world, and all the powerful people in the galaxy add up.

None of them are the opponents of the young man in front of him, which Oni Stambler is very clear in his heart.

Although Oni Stamboul does not have any supernatural powers or powerful energy, Oni Stable has already seen through this point.

After all, Oni Stamboul also knows that his uncle Olot is also a strong man in this parallel world.

But when he met Ye Chen in front of him, there was nothing in the world at all, and he didn’t have any resistance, so he was simply vulnerable.

Now Ostanbul finally understands, it seems that the Lord of Time Index that my uncle said before is indeed very powerful.

With the infinite power in this world, no one can resist his power, and no one can compete with him.

But Oni Stamboul knew that he would not be afraid, because these people who are afraid of Ye Chen now are afraid of death.

Oni Stamboul knew that he had been on the board since the day he was a director, and he didn’t know what his parents looked like.

There is only one uncle to accompany him, and he knows that now that his uncle is dying, it is impossible to live on this Soochow star.

So Oni Stamboul felt that he had nothing to fear, and he was not afraid of death, so would he still be afraid of Ye Chen who was aloof?

Even if he is a powerful Lord of Time, then the big deal is death, no matter what, it is better to die than to live.

Even if Ye Chen made Oni Stamble brutally punished, Oni Stamboul felt that it didn’t matter, he could endure any kind of suffering and suffer any crime.

Oni Stambul thought of this at this moment, and how did his uncle feel.

He suddenly turned his head and stopped looking at Ye Chen who was hanging in the air. At this moment, Onistambull ran in front of Olot.

Lying on the ground and looking at Olot’s expression, Oni Stamboul was horrified at this moment.

Is Olot out of breath?

Oni Stamboul jumped up to Olot to take his breath.

It turned out that Olot was still breathing at this moment, and it seemed that he was not dead yet.

Oni Stambul relaxed a bit, feeling that he was not finished yet, at least he had to accompany his uncle at the last moment.

It is impossible for my uncle to leave alone like this.

After all, O’Neill felt that Olot was really pitiful now.

The whole person has become like this, which makes people look terrible.

I also feel unbearable.

How can there be such a cruel criminal law in this world, making the planetary people become like this, this is something that Oni Stambul has never seen.

I am afraid that in the entire galaxy system and parallel worlds, no one can have the means of Ye Chen.

No one has ever seen Ye Chen use such a method, it really makes people shudder.

The person lying on the ground in front of him turned into a pool of blood, and his entire head had become flat.

This man is Oni Stamboul’s uncle, and Oni Stamboul feels that he really can’t stand it anymore.

But he had to endure all this. If he felt scared and couldn’t bear to watch it now, who else could accompany Olot by his side?

Oni Stamboul knew that he was the only one who was by Olot’s side at this moment, no matter what Olot became.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Oni Stamboul would not be afraid either, Oni Stambul knew that he was not afraid at all.

It’s just that I couldn’t bear to see Olot become like this, and I couldn’t bear to watch it any longer. The entire planet was already kneeling on the ground.

Far from Olot, the people of Mroni are also afraid of being implicated.

After all, they all have families living on Soochow Star, and they don’t want to die.

Oni Stambul understood this very well, and did not blame them. He felt that they were forced to do so, and it was normal for them to do so.

Oni Stamboul was at Olot’s side at this moment, and turned his head to look at the Mroni people who were far away from Olot.

0 They were still kneeling on the ground at this moment, with their heads lowered, one by one shivering and shuddering with fright, and they did not dare to look up. Olot did not dare to raise his head to look at Ye Chen sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon. Watching this scene, Oni Stable really thought why Soochow Xingshang suddenly became like this. Originally, everyone lived well on Soochow Star, and everything was very peaceful. Suddenly, Ye Chen’s group of invaders came, making Soochow Xingshang look like this. In the blink of an eye, all the Mroni people will lose their homes. It is also possible that they may never be able to live here, or they will be wiped out by Ye Chen in the next moment. Therefore, Oni Stamboul not only did not blame all the Mroni people, but also felt that all the Mroni people were very pitiful at this moment. They didn’t recruit or provoke anyone, they lived very peacefully on Soochow Star, and lived a very comfortable life. Suddenly this group of invaders came, plundered their homes, and possibly killed them. How could Oni Stamboul have the heart to blame them? They are also a group of victims, and they also want to live. move,. When Nistanbul thinks of these things now, his heart is bleeding. Why does such a cruel thing happen? Are all the Muroni people on the Soochow star going to be destroyed today? Again,

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