Chapter 309 What Should I Do About Zheng Worry?

After Einstein said this to Xiang Yu, he looked up at Ye Chen who was sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon.

He whispered to Xiang Yu again.

“How old are you, do you think you are a child? You said that you have lived thousands of years ago, how can you still have this virtue.”

Einstein was really helpless, since the two of them followed behind Ye Chen, Einstein felt that Xiang Yu still hadn’t grown up.

He is still like before, why is he always like a naive child, always playing some pranks, does he feel so energetic?

Einstein was also very angry when he thought of these things in his mind.

But he knew that he had nothing to do with Xiang Yu, so he could only endure it.

Xiang Yu kept smiling when he saw Einstein’s angry look. At this moment, he put on Einstein’s arm and whispered to him with a hippie smile.

“Why is this person so boring? Didn’t I do this for your own sake? Look at Ye Chen who doesn’t speak behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, the two of us are boring standing here.”

“Even if I wasn’t making fun of you just now, it’s okay to scare you, at least it’s better than the two of us being idiots here, and I don’t know when Ye Chen will take us out of here.

After Ai 787 Einstein heard Xiang Yu’s words, he didn’t want to bother with him anymore. This guy has this kind of virtue and is heartless.

Even if he is angry with him at this moment, so what? Xiang Yu will be like this next time, and it will not change.

Einstein and Xiang Yu have been together for so long, both of them work for Ye Chen, every time.

Einstein was used to it and didn’t want to bother with him too much.

Einstein thought of this with a helpless expression on his face. After Xiang Yu saw it, he felt happy and knew that Einstein would not be angry with himself.

“What time is this, and you make me happy, did you see that the expression on Mr. Ye’s face changed at this moment, let’s be careful.

“You guys still make me happy, I think you’re trying to get on my nerves, I’ve been with you for so long, and you haven’t made me happy.

“How can you say that you are not convinced? Are you trying to make a gesture? If you are not convinced, let’s go to the back of the rockery to fight.”

On Soochow Star, Einstein did not expect that there would be a rockery in this place.

This planet is really special, how could such a rockery be built?

It seems that this has something to do with Olot, otherwise, how to explain all this? Is it because Olot likes this rockery and wants to build it like this?

But Einstein has seen many mountains, but he has never seen a rockery building that is as realistic as the rockery building not far behind him.

Moreover, the rockery looks very strange, there are mountains and waters, and those waters are still fake, but they are very realistic, which makes Einstein even more strange.

So Einstein deliberately teased Xiang Yu to see what he had to say. After all, it was impossible for the two of them to duel in this place.

What’s the situation now? The two of them aren’t that stupid yet.

Now Ye Chen is sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, he doesn’t know what’s going on, and he doesn’t know what to think.

After all, this guy lied to himself just now, and he lied so badly. He always joked with himself, regardless of the occasion or location.

On Soochow Star, everyone was very careful. At this moment, they all looked at Ye Chen’s face, but Xiang Yu had no brains, since he said such a thing.

Because when Xiang Yu and Einstein were okay, the two of them would go out to fight in the Hall of Longevity.

And after the fight, I feel full of strength, and it’s good to exercise when I have nothing to do.

Otherwise, the two of them would often stay in the Hall of Longevity and have nothing to do at all.

Sometimes it is uncomfortable for them to be idle. (bacd) Only by following Ye Chen to the alien planet and constantly absorbing energy, can they feel that they can make a difference.

You can also let it pass by yourself, which is better than staying in the Hall of Longevity.

So Einstein is now deliberately teasing Xiang Yu to see what this guy will say.

But at this moment, after Einstein said this, Xiang Yu suddenly became more energetic.

Suddenly jumping to his side, Gui Gui Chong Chong saw his eyes, some doubts, some guesses, and whispered in a low voice.

“Is it true? That’s really good, where is the rockery? Why didn’t I see it.

“Laozi was worried about his body and uncomfortable, so he just exercised twice to unclog his muscles and bones.

“I knew that I wanted you just now, and you were not convinced and wanted to duel with me, so come on, who’s afraid of who?

“What’s wrong? Is it the scariest? Why are you looking at me like this? Isn’t that what you said? Where is the rockery? .”

After Xiang Yu said this, he pulled Einstein aside and looked around.

But at this moment he hadn’t seen the rockery, and he didn’t know where the rockery was. Could it be that Einstein wanted him? He was teasing himself.

Xiang Yu can finally understand, how can there be a rockery in this ghost place, this is the Soochow Star, why do you want to build a rockery?

Isn’t this person too stupid, is he full of food? To build a rockery in this ghost place is really idle.

So Xiang Yu knew at this moment that Einstein must be taking revenge on himself, he was happy, and he wanted to play by himself, that’s what he said.

There can be no rockery in this ghost place.

After looking around, Xiang Yu did not see any signs, nor did he find the rockery that Einstein said.

At this moment, he jumped in front of Einstein, angrily, stared at him, and whispered to him.

“What did I say about you? Are you kidding me? Or are you asking me to take revenge on me, right? How could there be a rockery in this place, I didn’t see it.”

“I searched for a long time just now, but I didn’t see the rockery you mentioned.

“Let me just say, in such a place, this is Soochow Xingshang, how could it be possible to build a rockery? If there is, then the person who built the rockery is really faulty.”

“Do you think what I said is right? Then this person is really sick, otherwise, the Soochow Star is so beautiful and has everything, there is no need to build a fake mountain.

After Xiang Yu said this, he kept staring at Einstein.

I feel that this guy has started to deceive people now, and he has started to learn tricks and wants to make fun of himself.

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