Chapter 310 Thoughtful

Therefore, Xiang Yu felt that it was not so easy for this guy Einstein to lie to himself.

How could he be fooled, because he searched for a long time just now, but found no trace of the rockery.

There is no such place as a rockery at all. It looks immortal and can’t see anything. Is it behind the immortal?

Einstein saw it, so why can’t he see it himself. At this moment~ Xiang Yu thought of this.

With confusion in his eyes, he whispered to Einstein again.

“That’s not right. Are you lying to me or telling the truth? Does this place really have the illusion you said, or I can’t see it, you can see it.”

“If this is the case, what does it prove? Prove that your power is stronger than mine, you can see what I see, how is this possible.”

“Whenever the two of us are in a duel, there is no difference and a draw, how could you be stronger than the supernatural power in my body, I don’t believe it.

“So I always inferred just now that I knew you were teasing me. Do you understand that this is revenge? I was going to tease you just now, and now you are trying to tease me again.”

“Do you think it’s so powerful? You’re not such a person, when did you become like this, you started to be careful, and you still hold grudges.

After Xiang Yu said this, he pouted and kept looking at Einstein.

After Einstein heard Xiang Yu’s words, he was almost stunned by him. What happened to this guy, he didn’t hold any grudges.

How many times has Einstein been deceived by Xiang Yu before, you have never been angry or bothered with him.

But the guy in front of him wanted to talk about Einstein at this moment. Einstein couldn’t take it anymore, he punched Xiang Yu and roared in a low voice.

“I said, do you have any rules, what nonsense are you talking about? How can I hold revenge?

Then, “Can you calm down, don’t be too public, Ye Chen can watch us from above, if we see the two of us in this state, we will be punished.”

“I don’t want to be swayed by you, if Mr. Ye shows his power, then we will not be able to escape his guilt.

“Okay, you still stand obediently behind me like this, don’t be so embarrassed, okay? You didn’t see the rockery yourself, why do you blame me.”

After Einstein finished saying these words, he was really angry when he saw Xiang Yu’s flamboyant dance. Couldn’t this guy be a little more low-key?

What’s the situation? In front of him, Ye Chen is dealing with all the things on Soochow Star, and he is still waiting to deal with the situation of Olot and Oni Stamboul.

But since Xiang Yu was babbling here, it was really unbearable.

And Einstein has been observing Ye Chen’s every move and watching his performance changes.

After all, he has followed Ye Chen for so many years, how has Ye Chen changed, and what is he thinking? Einstein probably guessed it too.

Seeing Ye Chen’s changeable expression at this moment, Einstein knew that he had a lot of worries in his heart, and it seemed that the Onestable in front of him made Ye Chen embarrassed.

It also made him tangled, otherwise, how could Ye Chen have such a weird look on his face.

Even though Einstein and Xiang Yu followed Ye Chen at the same time, he was Ye Chen’s left arm, but Einstein was thoughtful and had a particularly strong ability to observe.

It can also see through Ye Chen’s mind at any time, and can also kick Ye Chen in time to share and relieve worries.

Like Xiang Yu, he knows how to drink every day foolishly, and he knows how to use brute force, and he never thinks about these details. This is the difference between Xiang Yu and Einstein.

Einstein also knew that if he wanted to be by Ye Chen’s side and to protect himself, he had to watch his words.

Do your best in all aspects, think about everything in front of Ye Chen, and plan all plans for him.

Otherwise, what’s the use of following Ye Chen behind him, isn’t he a waste?

That Ye Chen will destroy himself sooner or later, Einstein is very sure of this, so he is also very wise.

Knowing what to do, and knowing that he has to work hard and increase his skills, can do more things for Ye Chen.

Share a lot of sorrows for Ye Chen, so that you can live with value, and you can stay behind Ye Chen forever and not be eliminated by Ye Chen.

After Xiang Yu heard Einstein’s words, he felt that this guy was deceiving himself.

-0 for flowers…

He always looked like a fox and a tiger, and used Ye Chen to scare him, but Xiang Yu felt that it didn’t matter, and Ye Chen wouldn’t pay attention to them at this moment.

Because Ye Chen’s mind didn’t keep staring at Oni Stamboul below, and was dealing with this Oni Stable all the time. After all, this young man has a special story and is not afraid of danger.

It made Ye Chen a little helpless, so Xiang Yu was not stupid, he knew that Einstein said these words to scare himself and calm himself down.

But he felt that it didn’t matter. Since Einstein lied to himself just now, he must tell a cause and effect, where is this rockery.

Why didn’t I see it, I was so entangled and stubborn sometimes, I had to figure out everything.

It’s like he has to figure out this matter now, if he can’t see this rockery, he just won’t stop, and he can’t be at peace for a moment.

Xiang Yu still did not change, he was still the same as before, staring at Einstein in front of him, and said in a low voice.

“Is there something wrong with you? What are you talking about? Mr. Ye has no time to talk to us. Look at what he is doing at this moment.

“What do we mean, we’re wholeheartedly dealing with Onistambour, and we’re dealing with Onistambour, so why don’t we have time to watch us.”

“You don’t want to talk to Mr. Ye about whether things are going well or not. Besides, even if the two of us are talking here, it’s normal, and Mr. Ye won’t blame us.

After Xiang Yu said these words, his expression was indescribable, and he still acted his own way.

His eyes widened, he looked at Einstein in front of him, and yelled at him.

“What’s the matter? Are you afraid and you still regret it? You said just now that you would go to a rockery duel with me. At this moment, you regret it.”

“Besides, how can there be any rockery in this place, you are obviously trying to deceive and deceive me.”

“Do you think that you are the only one who is careful, and that I am a fool? Although I am a rude person, I will think about it if I have a brain. My ability is no lower than yours, and if I see your things, I will also see it.

“So I didn’t see any rockery at all just now. You are lying to me. You don’t want to duel with me at all. Why are you talking so much nonsense.” Again,

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