Chapter 308

Einstein and Xiang Yu usually followed behind Ye Chen, and when they went to plunder the planet, they basically didn’t have to put in any effort.

Bi Jing had Ye Chen standing in front of them, everything was resolved, just like meeting these powerful opponents today.

In any case, Xiang Yu and Estein have not been waiting for their strength.

Everything was solved by Ye Chen so quietly.

, So the two of them sometimes feel particularly boring, and they don’t even have a chance to cast.

They also have powerful abilities in their bodies, but they never exert their abilities.

With Ye Chen in front of them, they can’t be used at all, they can only follow behind Ye Chen, which is enough.

Before Einstein did not believe that there is a powerful Lord of Time in this world.

But since the first time I followed Ye Chen to various planets to plunder the resources here, I have seen Ye Chen’s true power.

At that moment, Einstein completely believed in this parallel world, and there was indeed time to exist independently, and it was Ye Chen in front of him.

From that moment on, Einstein surrendered to Ye Chen and admired him very much.

No matter what Ye Chen said, he always tried his best to complete it, and never dared to go against it.

Because he is still relatively clear in his heart, such a powerful Lord of Time in front of him.

No one can choose to betray him, let alone go against his will, unless he doesn’t want to live.

Einstein thought of these things at this moment, and looked in front of him, Xiang Yu, who was dumbfounded, whispered to him.

“Hey, Xiang Yu, what’s the matter with you? Did you hear me? Don’t scare me, okay? Are you stupid at this moment?”

“What are you looking at? Why do I think your eyes are a little scary, did you think of something? You were still frightened by Olot just now, can’t you, you are not such a timid person.”

“Besides, even if Olot becomes like this, he becomes a pool of blood, what does it have to do with you, you won’t be punished like this.

“Did you hear me? Is it okay to answer? Are you also frightened.”

“You guy looks carefree, and sometimes he suddenly falls into a trance, always in this state.”

“If you don’t speak, I will ignore you. I will go over there and leave you here alone.”

After Einstein said this, he kept shaking Xiang Yu’s arm, hoping to get him back.

He also didn’t know what this guy was thinking about, and he was so distracted that he still didn’t want to pay attention to himself.

At this moment, Einstein has self-knowledge again. Maybe this guy just doesn’t want to talk, and it is normal to make such an expression on purpose.

From what Einstein knew about Xiang Yu, he knew that this guy sometimes liked such pranks, showing a trance-like appearance, stupid, just trying to scare himself.

Every time Einstein was fooled, just like at this moment, Einstein began to worry about him again, and he didn’t know what Xiang Yu was.

After all, the two of them have been together for so long, and they both worked for Ye Chen, and he didn’t want anything abnormal to appear.

I also hope that he can be well. After all, Einstein knows that he and Xiang Yu get along quite well, and he does not want him to have some abnormal conditions. He also hopes that he can be safe and sound.

After all, they also know that following behind Ye Chen is sometimes very dangerous.

Emergencies may be encountered at any time. Although Ye Chen is powerful, they must be on guard at all times.

Einstein shook Xiang Yu’s arm at this moment, but Xiang Yu did not respond.

Einstein got angry, let go of his hand at once, and pretended to leave his side.

See if this guy reacts.

When Einstein just took a step, Xiang Yu suddenly hugged Einstein’s road sign and did not let him go.

At this moment Xiang Yu looked at Einstein with a smile and said to him.

“What’s the matter with you? I’m not joking with you, why are you serious? You really want to leave me and go over there.”

“Besides, where are you going? There are a group of Muroni people on the Soochow star, do you want to stand with them? Really.

“Isn’t this just kidding you? Otherwise, the two of us are really depressed, just waiting there, and I don’t know when Ye Chen will be able to take us away.”

“I was thinking too much, so I just thought of a way to tease you, pretending not to speak, and pretending to be out of the body, but I didn’t expect you to really believe it.

After Einstein heard Xiang Yu’s words, he almost fainted from his anger. How old is this guy, and he even joked with himself.

Looking at the plot of Olot in front of me makes people look terrible.

But Xiang Yu, this bastard, still has the heart to make jokes, and he also has the heart to tease himself.

This guy is really heartless, why is his heart so big?

After Xiang Yu said those words just now, he looked at Einstein with a hippy smile, a rogue expression on his face.

After all, he knew that Einstein would not care about him. He knew Einstein too well, so Xiang Yu often played some pranks, which was quite annoying, but every time Einstein was not happy, he was angry. .

But Xiang Yu will not have a long memory next time, so he has to make such an expression, just like now, Xiang Yu pretended to be out of the body, just for the sake of Einstein.

However, he was fooled. Xiang Yu thought of this and felt amused, and now a strange smile appeared on his face.

Einstein was really angry when he saw a virtue like you, but he knew that people like Xiang Yu could not be angry.

(Zhao Qianzhao) Because Xiang Yu is shameless and heartless.

So now Einstein stood still and didn’t go, Xiang Yu kept holding his arm and didn’t let him go.

Einstein also felt that he had no choice but to stand here, otherwise, where would he go.

This whole place is a group of Mroni people, do you really want to stand on the side of Mroni people?

So now Einstein is standing still. But when he saw Xiang Yu in front of him, he was a little angry, he threw his arm away, glared at him, and said to him.

What’s the matter with you guy? Are you fed up? It’s all about the crux of the matter, and you’re joking. ”

“Besides, are you kidding me? Are you making fun of me? Do you understand that you’re frightening me? How can you be like this, you bastard.”

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