Chapter 303 Stand in God’s Perspective

At this moment, Einstein also felt sorry for Oni Stamble, who had a chance to live just now.

However, this young man was going to court death, and he was going to say those abusive words to Ye Chen.

Einstein also felt a little pity if he wanted to say disrespectful words to Ye Chen, how should he forgive his life.

Bai Xia’s young life is about to die like this. He had just felt that Oni Stable was full of justice.

Although Oni Stamboul does not have any energy in his body, he is indeed very courageous, and he is not afraid of tigers when he is born.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t dare to say such things to Ye Chen, and he wouldn’t even care about death, so what else could be considered a terrible thing for him in Oni Stamboul.

Einstein knew that now as long as Ye Chen wanted to kill Oni Stamboul, no one could beg for mercy for him.

Even Olot is in vain, Olot has now become this virtue, and it is difficult for him to protect himself.

It has turned into a mass of blood, and is dying, and it is impossible to survive.

Even if Olot can live now, what’s the point of living? Is it possible to live on the ground all his life?

This is also very cruel to him, it might as well be dead, it’s a hundred.

Einstein did not expect to come to Soochow Star today.

Now that I saw such a good show, I didn’t expect that the people here are particularly cowardly, and some are particularly strong like Oni Stamboul.

He has no strength, but he has a tenacious heart.

Otherwise, how could Oni Stamboul have such courage to say such things to Ye Chen.

It was because Onishtambull had a heart that would not admit defeat, and was not afraid of anything, that he dared to say such words to Ye Chen.

Xiang Yu stood stupidly in front of Einstein at this moment, after hearing what he said.

He raised his head and looked at Onistambull and Ye Chen in the distance.

They felt that at this moment, the two were competing with each other, and Oni Stamboul’s eyes were full of hatred, without flinching.

The eyes that have been staring directly at Ye Chen are Ye Chen, and the eyes of Oni Stable are also full of evil spirits.

But Ye Chen didn’t instantly destroy Onistambull at this moment, which made Xiang Yu feel strange.

This is indeed not Ye Chen’s consistent style, no wonder Einstein would say so, Xiang Yu felt that a reckless person like himself could see all this, let alone everyone.

At this moment, Xiang Yu, thinking of this, took his eyes back, looked at Einstein beside him, and whispered to him.

“Today is also very strange. Mr. Ye has never been in this state before, and he doesn’t know what he is today. You look at his eyes, which are always full of evil spirits.” ”

“If Mr. Ye had such eyes in the past, I’m afraid the person in front of him would have disappeared long ago, and he would have disappeared long ago, and it is impossible to live up to now.

“But what’s going on now? Since Mr. Ye has such eyes, but he didn’t kill Oni Stambul, how can this be explained? It’s really hard to figure out.”

“If you ask me now, I don’t know either. Even someone as smart as you can’t see through, let alone a reckless guy like me.”

“I don’t think we can do anything right now, so we can only keep guessing in our hearts, what exactly is Mr. Ye thinking about, and how he wants to treat the Oni Stambul in front of him. Indeed, neither of us can see through it, nor can we guess it.

After Xiang Yu said these words, he thought to himself.

What the hell is going on with this One Stamboul? Ye Chen wants to let him go, but he wants to go to death. Isn’t this tired of living?

But now Ye Chen didn’t kill Oni Stambul at this moment, which really surprised Xiang Yu and the others.

At this moment, no one could understand Ye Chen. Xiang Yu and Einstein used to follow Ye Chen.

They still knew about Ye Chen, but today they felt that the Ye Chen in front of them was very unfamiliar to them, and they didn’t understand it anymore.

After Einstein heard what Xiang Yu said, he knew that he was right, and it seemed that Ye Chen in front of him was indeed different from before.

No one could guess his thoughts, they all came to Soochow Star with Ye Chen to plunder, to absorb a lot of energy.

They are all Ye Chen’s confidants, but they actually don’t know Ye Chen at all, and they knew how much Ye Chen was thinking before.

But he couldn’t see what Ye Chen was thinking, Ye Chen is the master of time in this parallel world.

No one can guess what he was thinking.

At this moment, Oni Stambul was standing under the Void Swallowing Dragon, looking down at Ye Chen.

Thinking that this high-ranking person actually said such a thing, Oni Stamboul really felt that Ye Chen was boring.

He is a strong man in the world, he can say whatever he wants to do, why should he say such nonsense, since he wants to die, then come here, and let his life be worse than death.

To say such a thing is really childish.

Oni Stamboul has never seen a strong man, a time master told himself, if you want to kill, you can kill, if you want to brush, you can brush, why bother with nonsense.

Oni Stambul was a little confused at this moment. He originally thought that after saying these words, Ye Chen would instantly turn him into Olot.

However, it was just different from what Oni Stamboul thought, and now Oni Stable is still standing in front of the Mroni people intact.

There is no damage, nor is it subject to folding.

Oni Stamboul can’t figure out what tricks this Ye Chen is playing.

What kind of life would he let himself suffer rather than die?

Oni Stambul thought of this, and thought that Ye Chen who was aloof was quite interesting.

(Zhao Qianhao) Since he made such a trick with himself and wanted to torture himself, Oni Stamboul felt that it didn’t matter. Anyway, he was not afraid of death now.

Even if he is tormented, he can only think of some pain. Sooner or later, he will lose some more pain.

Oni Stamboul felt that his life was worth living, at least not once in this world.

Having lived on this Soochow star for tens of thousands of years, Oni Stamboul never knew what the pain was like.

If you are punished by Ye Chen now, you can also taste the pain, and you can also taste Olot’s current pain.

Oni Stamboul felt that it was also good, and now that he thought about it, Oni Stamboul was even more fearless.

No matter what Ye Chen said, he would not be afraid.

He kept his head high and saw Ye Chen sitting on the back of the Dragon Swallowing in the Void.

His eyes were full of anger and fearless.

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