302 Dirty can’t do anything

Olot already knew very well in his heart, he knew that even if he was alive, at this moment, life would be better than death.

It has turned into a pool of blood, and there is only a slight breath left, how can you live?

Olot also knew that everything he had done was in vain, and the suffering and humiliation he suffered were all in vain.

In order to protect Oni Stamboul, this unsatisfactory guy actually said such things to Ye Chen, and he still had the mentality of mortal death.

Olot knew that nothing could be undone, but at this moment he didn’t want to see his nephew die in vain.

He hadn’t grown up yet, Olot felt a pity, if Ye Chen really killed Oni Stamboul.

How could Olot go under Jiuquan to face his brother?

At this moment, Olot felt that he might as well die now, so as not to feel the pain of seeing all this.

At this moment, Onishtambull stood under the Void Swallowing Dragon without fear, no matter how cruel Ye Chen said, he felt nothing great.

Anyway, he didn’t want to live anymore at this moment, no matter how cruel the punishment was, he could still bear it.

It’s just that One Stamboul didn’t expect that Ye Chen didn’t kill him at this moment, but let him live and tortured him well.

Oni Stamboul felt a little surprised, and he pondered in his heart, what exactly he thought of this powerful practice in front of him, it was really hard to figure out.

Seeing Ye Chen’s eyes full of evil spirits, Oni Stambul knew that he would not survive.

But now that Ye Chen hasn’t killed Onistambull, he is really confused.

Now I don’t want to live. After all, Olot has become like that. Oni Stamboul feels that there is no point in living.

If there is no uncle, he feels that his life is worthless, and it is better to accompany his uncle to die.

Einstein saw Ye Chen’s change, and he felt strange at this moment, Ye Chen had never said such a thing before.

It won’t say to anyone.

Using the fold method of life is worse than death, it seems that Ye Chen really appreciates the one in front of Oni Stamboul.

Otherwise, Ye Chen wouldn’t do it. Einstein knew Ye Chen well.

As soon as he heard this, Einstein knew what was going on.

It seems that Ye Chen has never met such a stubborn character as Oni Stamble in the galaxy.

At this moment, Oni Stamboul still refused to admit defeat, and kept making unkind words to Ye Chen.

Einstein also felt that Oni Stable was a little strange, no wonder Ye Chen was very optimistic about him, that was the reason.

Einstein’s face was full of curiosity at this moment, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Looking at Xiang Yu next to him, he said to him.

“Then did you hear Mr. Ye speak just now? What does that mean? It’s obvious that Onistambull will be spared.”

“I’m really surprised, what the hell is this Mr. Ye thinking about? Oni Stamboul told him or not, in that case he didn’t kill him at this moment, which is really beyond our expectations.

“This is not like our Mr. Ye’s usual style. If he usually encounters someone who is rude like O’Neill Stable, I’m afraid he would have been angry a long time ago.

“But today, Mr. Ye has changed his style from the past, and it is really different, which makes me feel a little different, and I can’t understand what Mr. Ye is thinking at this moment.

Einstein has been following Mr. Ye for a long time, and he has never seen him. He is still in this state as he is today.

He would never show mercy to someone who had offended Ye Chen before, after all, Ye Chen would not kill someone easily.

But as long as there are unfortunate people in Ye Chen, those who look down on Ye Chen, he will not tolerate, nor will he show mercy, nor will he be soft-hearted.

But today, when facing Oni Stamboul, Ye Chen did change his attitude, and he didn’t know what he thought.

So Xiang Yu and Einstein didn’t understand Ye Chen’s thoughts at this moment, and the two of them were a little confused again.

After all, the two of them often chatted with Ye Chen when they were with Ye Chen, but at this moment they felt that they knew nothing about Ye Chen at all.

Knowing that this was a superficial matter before, no one could guess what Ye Chen was thinking.

After all, Ye Chen is the master of time and has powerful power. What he thinks in his heart changes endlessly, and it changes rapidly.

It is normal that no one can guess Ye Chen’s thoughts.

After Einstein finished saying these words, his eyes moved from Xiang Yu’s side and looked at Ye Chen in the sky.

I felt that Ye Chen was really incredible at this moment, and looked at him with a weird expression.

Einstein has never seen such an expression on Ye Chen’s face, what is this expression?

Are you looking at Oni Stamboul? Einstein was a little overwhelmed.

This Mr. Ye has never been so strange as today.

Einstein looked at Ye Chen now, and felt that Ye Chen’s eyes had been staring at Onistambull, and he had never left for a moment.

Einstein guessed it, and it seems that Ye Chen is still very interested in Onistambull and wants to know him.

I don’t know how much life expectancy is left in Oni Stamboul, and Einstein also knew that Ye Chen now has this function in 783, which can see through everyone’s life expectancy.

As long as Ye Chen wants to know something, there is nothing he doesn’t understand. Is Ye Chen understanding the remaining lifespan of Onistambull at this moment?

If he wants to absorb his lifespan for his own use, and can also exchange some time points, Einstein thinks it is incredible now.

Then what Ye Chen said just now might be false, and he didn’t want to let Oni Stamboul go at all.

Otherwise, at this moment, he wouldn’t have been staring at Oni Stambul with such murderous eyes.

Einstein also felt the seriousness of some terrible things when he thought of this at this moment, did he make himself guess right?

The moment Ye Chen has been waiting for, when Oni Stambul is at his best, he will use his lifespan for his own use.

At that time, Onistambull’s lifespan will reach the maximum limit, and more time points can be exchanged for Ye Chen.

It must be so.

Einstein now thinks of this, feeling creepy.

It seems that Ye Chen is also very cruel. Although he killed innocent people indiscriminately, after all, Oni Stambul made a rude remark to him just now, and he offended Ye Chen.

So it’s normal and not cruel that Ye Chen wants to kill Oni Stamboul now.

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