Chapter 304 Kill it without mercy

Because Oni Stamboul had seen Olot become like this for a long time, at that moment he looked at life and death very lightly, and felt that it didn’t matter.

Since his uncle has become like this, he will not live in this world.

So now, no matter what Ye Chen said, Oni Stamboul would not be afraid, whether it was better to die or die at this moment.

For Oni Stambul, it was a relief. He felt nothing, anyway, it was normal for him to suffer some pain and suffering.

Oni Stamboul knew that from the moment he was sensible, he knew that he had no worries about food and clothing.

Growing up under the blessing of Olot, he has always been favored by Olot, and he has never suffered a bit or learned a bit of skill.

Staying pampered in the palace every day, without having to do anything, Oni Stamboul also knew that it was time for him to suffer some pain.

This Oni Stamboul now feels that he is going to be separated from Olot and the others, and he is going to be separated from the Mroni people forever, and it is also a pity.

I haven’t spent enough time with them all day and night, I feel that everyone is very happy together, and all the Mroni people get together.

Everyone’s heart is very anxious. At this moment, even though Oni Stambul sees the Mroni people, they are very scared and stay far away from Olot.

Oni Stamboul also knew what they were thinking. After all, they didn’t have any ability, and it was normal for them to be afraid at this moment.

Oni Stamboul never blamed them for it.

They feel that they are powerless, and in order to save their lives, it is normal for them to do.

Oni Stamboul knew that he had not stayed enough on this Soochow star. This was his homeland. He had stayed on this Soochow star since he was born, and he never left.

He had never seen the outside world, what other planets were like, he never knew.

It’s just that I heard Olot mention it when I was fine, and I heard Olot talk about the outside world and what the outside scenery is like.

Every time I come back in Olot, I will tell Oni Stambul a lot of things about the outside world.

But Olot does not take Oni Stambul with him every time he leaves.

Because Olot knew that Oni Stamboul had nothing to do with him, taking him with him would only add to a lot of troubles, and he had to protect him.

At that time, Olot felt that he was helpless, and felt that he could not use all his skills, so he could only leave Oni Stambul in the palace.

At that time, Olot was also afraid that when he went out to plunder resources with Oni Stamboul, he would also make Oni Stambul suffer some hardships.

For the safety of Oni Stamboul, he could only leave him in the palace and let him stay quietly.

Every time Olot goes out, he also gains a lot.

When I come back, I will bring a lot of fun things to Ostenburg.

Oni Stambul now feels very happy when he thinks of the days when he and Olot get along day and night.

Thinking of the toys and weird little things that Olot brought him every time before, Oni Stambul couldn’t put it down after seeing it.

He was very happy in his hands, like a child who didn’t grow up, jumping and jumping.

But Onistambull knew that the days before would never return, and now the entire Soochow star would perish.

The enemy of the entire Soochow Star is Ye Chen, the powerful Lord of Time.

Onishtambul knew that no one had the ability to fight against Ye Chen.

I can only watch helplessly as everyone is going to perish here today.

However, Onistambull had just heard Ye Chen say that he should forgive these Mroni people and not let them die in vain.

But Onistambull knew that he had already turned against Ye Chen, and would he implicate the Mroni people?

Onistambull was worried that it didn’t matter if he died, but he couldn’t let the Mroni people be wiped out.

The most worrying thing about Oni Stamboul now is that the Mroni people are embarrassed. These Mroni people who are kneeling on the ground look particularly pitiful.

They don’t have much ability, and they can only live to the present by relying on Olot’s previous ability to protect them.

So now they don’t want to die either, and Oni Stamboul is a little regretful now.

If he hadn’t been so busy just now, he wouldn’t have angered Ye Chen, and now all the Mroni people might not be able to face death.

If Ye Chen is really angry now, then the innocent Mroni people will be buried with them.

Now that Oni Stambul thinks of these things, why is he so reckless, can’t he think of other consequences when he does things?

It is always so rash, even if he is dead, he must think about all the Muroni people on the Soochow star.

They have to survive, they still have their own families, they have their own children, they have their own relatives on Soochow Star, and they don’t want to die like this.

Oni Stamboul also knew that it was too late to regret it, and what he should say has already been said.

He is facing Ye Chen’s gaze now, without dodging, feeling that Ye Chen’s gaze will swallow him in his stomach at this moment.

But Oni Stamboul didn’t want to be afraid either, he didn’t even want to blink when he looked at Ye Chen’s eyes.

Because Oney Stamboul now knows it’s not a matter of dodging either.

Even if he doesn’t look into Ye Chen’s eyes at this moment, so what.

If Ye Chen wanted to kill himself, he would not be merciful, nor would he appease himself.

So now Oni Stamboul doesn’t want to look like a berry, a cowardly personality.

He already has a mortal mentality, so why should he make those submissive expressions?

Oni Stambul thinks of this now, extremely proud.

And his eyes were full of hatred, he kept looking at Ye Chen without leaving for a moment.

The words were also very cold and said to him.

“You are the supreme master of time, what do you want to do to me, I have no chance to resist, is it useful for you to tell me this?”

“What you want to do is up to you. I don’t want to argue with you, because it’s useless for me to say anything else. How you want to deal with me is your business, and it has nothing to do with me.”

“Don’t listen to me saying this, it’s not pleasing to the ear, but I have this personality, don’t look at me, I don’t know anything, I don’t have any superpowers, but I won’t be afraid.

“Don’t look at me like this, am I afraid? If I was afraid of you, I wouldn’t say such things in front of you.”

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