Chapter 263

Ye Chen suddenly thought, if one day someone stronger than himself appeared in front of them.

They will definitely betray themselves like they are now, but Ye Chen knows that what he thinks is useless.

There may not be someone stronger than himself in the whole world, because now he has the supreme time system.

You can control all the changes in this world, even if there is a powerful person, you can instantly destroy this person with time.

So Ye Chen felt that he didn’t need to think about things so badly.

Xiaolan sometimes feels that her imagination is too rich, and she always thinks of some strange things.

And sometimes he thinks things very badly, thinks very special, after all, he lived on earth before, just an ordinary person, and he has no ability.

Suddenly possessing the most powerful energy in the world, he couldn’t believe it, and he couldn’t believe it.

So sometimes I keep asking myself in my heart, is this true? Isn’t it a dream?

So just now there was such a thought, always worried that one day these powerful time systems would disappear from his body.

Therefore, he will always have such worries, such worries, and will have such thoughts. At this moment, he told himself in his heart to stop thinking about such a thing.

Because it is meaningless to think so much, if one day I really lose the powerful time system, there is no way to do it.

It is also irreversible, and it is useless to think so much now, it will only add to the sentimentality.

Ye Chen told himself in his heart that as long as he looked at the things in front of him, he could not decide what happened in the future.

Although he has a strong power, he may not be able to detect the future, and he doesn’t seem to have this function now.

Maybe one day when the system becomes stronger, it will be balanced, and it is also possible to unlock a skill with one more function.

But now he knows that he doesn’t have this ability either, and he can’t predict the future when he thinks about the future.

Now Ye Chen only knows everyone at the moment, all kneeling at his feet, this is enough.

Now my task is still very long, and it cannot be achieved overnight.

Ye Chen knew that everyone kneeling on the ground now was very loyal, but what they thought in their hearts, Ye Chen still didn’t know.

He didn’t use the time system to understand them, because he didn’t think it was necessary, and it didn’t matter what they thought.

If they can follow behind, that’s enough, Ye Chen also believes that they won’t betray him, because they don’t have the chance to choose now, and they don’t have the ability.

If you betray yourself, then there is only a dead end. Ye Chen knows that they will not do this, and they are not fools. If they want to survive, they must rely on themselves and follow behind them faithfully.

Otherwise, they have no choice and no way out.

Ye Chen is not worried at all now that they can betray him, they don’t have the guts or the guts.

Seeing their cowardly appearance, Ye Chen had an indescribable feeling in his heart, and also felt that none of them had backbone, they were all so cowardly and timid.

There is no one who is not afraid of death, and does not dare to stand up to fight against himself, even if there is one person who comes out to fight against himself, fight against himself.

He felt that he would definitely value him at this moment, but Ye Chen was very disappointed and did not see this scene.

After all, the group of ants in front of them are particularly cowardly, they are particularly timid, they may not dare to stand up and resist because they are afraid of their own mighty power.

They know that resistance is only a dead end, and no one dares to try it lightly, nor dare to break their promises.

Since this is the case, Ye Chen feels that it is nothing, anyway, they are all submissive to him now, this is easy to handle.

It’s just that after Ye Chen said those words just now, he saw that there was no reaction from them. Although he was a little angry, there was nothing he could do.

After all, all the people kneeling on the ground are too timid, don’t look at them living on the planet.

But they don’t have much ability, they just follow their commander and act nonsense, as long as their commander submits to them.

They will also obey obediently and have no ability to resist.

Thinking of this at this moment, Ye Chen was still very happy.

I also feel very proud. Since they are kneeling on the ground and dare not speak, let them kneel.

“Since you don’t talk, you don’t want to choose anymore, and no one wants to leave, right? That’s all I can think about” Qi. ”

“I don’t think any of you want to leave, then you will follow me in the future. As for what Olot should do, I haven’t thought about it yet. How can I show his loyalty to me? I want to be good. Section it.

“.Olot is your commander in the past, and is your Purple King. I must see his loyalty. If he pretends to want to join me, I am afraid that this bomb will be left by my side.”

“Although I’m not afraid of this bomb staying by my side, I don’t want someone by my side to be half-hearted towards me, or to have a mind on me, I can’t stand it.

After Ye Chen said this, he kept looking at Olot who was kneeling on the ground.

Olot is now kneeling in front of everyone, and is the closest to Ye Chen.

But after hearing Ye Chen’s words, he still lowered his head and felt very sad. When he hadn’t shown his loyalty, Ye Chen even doubted himself, and he felt powerless.

But now the only way for him to survive is to show his loyalty (Zhao Li Zhao), otherwise, I am afraid that he will not have any chance to survive.

At this moment, Olot also understood more clearly in his heart that he was not an ordinary planetary person, after all, he now submits to Ye Chen.

But he was also the Purple King before, and he knew that Ye Chen would not trust him so easily.

Otherwise, Ye Chen would keep mentioning his name, and he was most worried about Olot’s loyalty.

Olot knelt on the ground at this moment and bowed his head respectfully. After hearing Ye Chen’s words, he felt that he should answer. When showing his loyalty, no matter what Ye Chen asked him to do, he would have no regrets. to do.

“Mr. Ye, no matter what you say, I will do it, I don’t know how to show my loyalty now, I can do whatever you ask me to do, and I will do it without hesitation.

“I’m kneeling at your feet now, at my own command.”

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