Chapter 264

After Olot said these words, he knelt on the ground tremblingly, hesitated for a moment, and continued.

“Whatever you say, I have no right to resist, after all, this is the way of the world, the winner is the king, and you are our king now.

“I and all my subordinates are now subordinate to you and obey your orders. As for how to show my sincerity, I have not thought that everything will follow your orders.

Olot has been kneeling on the ground after saying this, feeling that there should be nothing wrong with saying this.

Anyway, I don’t have the right to resist now, so I can only follow Ye Chen obediently and listen to his dispatch.

Olot felt that as long as he was alive, it didn’t matter who was the king.

After Okbalga heard Olot speak, he was more angry in his heart, it seems that this guy also knows how to see the wind.

I also know that Ye Chen is powerful, otherwise he would not have been so cowardly and timid at this moment, because Okbarga also knew that Olot’s strength was simply vulnerable compared to Ye Chen, like an egg hitting a stone. , How could it be Ye Chen’s opponent?

Now Ye Chen didn’t let Olot disappear from the planet at this moment, even if he was showing mercy.

Although Okbalga was a little angry at this moment, he couldn’t do anything, what could he do? He had already said a few words just now, and he had already angered Ye Chen. Ye did not kill him on the 757th floor. Extra open.

Okbalga is also clear in his heart, what is the difference between himself and Olot now, both of them are planetary people who submit to Ye Chen.

They also didn’t have any chance to resist, although Okbarga had always been eyeing Olot and regarded him as an enemy, but at this moment, both of them were working for Ye Chen at the same time.

So Okbarga felt that although Olot was a bit of a jerk, he couldn’t get Ye Chen to destroy him now, so he could only work with him in the future.

Okbarga really hated Olot in his heart, but he didn’t have any ability to kill Olot.

I thought that I would submit to Ye Chen now, and led Ye Chen here to destroy Olot, but I didn’t expect that Ye Chen wanted to forgive Olot.


This is not what Okbarga could have imagined, and everything did not develop as he expected.

At this moment, he felt a little unwilling to think of this. But he didn’t have any ability to resist.

Now these grievances can only be buried in his heart, hidden forever, and it is impossible for them to leak out.

Once Ye Chen knew his emotions, he knew that he might not survive, and he didn’t want to die like this.

So now he can only swallow his anger, no matter whether there is a chance in the future, as long as he is alive, he feels that nothing is important.

As for what kind of punishment Olot will accept, and how Ye Chen will deal with him, Okbarga thinks it doesn’t matter.

You can just watch it quietly from behind, anyway, at this moment, you are at least a notch above Olot.

When Ye Chen made himself stand up, he looked down on himself. Okbarga thought of this, and he was still a little confident in his heart.

I feel that I am still very useful to Ye Chen, otherwise this young man who is hanging in the air will not look at him differently.

At this moment, Okbalga looked at Olot who was kneeling on the ground, and felt very relieved, and smiled secretly in his heart.

I also knew that Ye Chen would not let him stand up easily, but Okbalga didn’t know what kind of test Ye Chen would put Olot on before he could believe Olot’s loyalty.

Okbarga felt that this question should be quite interesting, not so simple, maybe this test is also extremely cruel, Ye Chen will not let Olot go so easily.

Okbarga is what he decides after seeing Ye Chen’s cruel methods, and no one can change it.

But Okbarga didn’t know how Marven Ye would deal with Olot.

But Okbarga felt that Ye Chen would not forgive Olot so easily, or was the center of testing Olot, how could it be so simple?

At this moment, Okbarga was very much looking forward to seeing such a good show, but so far this scene has not started.

I don’t know what the young man who is hanging in the air is thinking about, what is he thinking about.

It just felt that he didn’t do anything for a long time, so Okbarga was also anxious, but he couldn’t show it in his heart, and he kept standing behind the crowd, keeping his head down and guessing in his heart.

Okbalga just thought that it seems that Ye Chen is a human being from the earth. Are the people on earth just so inefficient?

Ye Chen is dawdling, what is there to hesitate, since he has a powerful time system in his body, he is still the master of time, what else is there to worry about?

If you want to punish Olot, then punish him. Why have you been unwilling to do anything, or say anything about the test, how exactly are you going to test old Olot?

After Ye Chen said those words, he had been waiting for Olot’s answer, but at this moment, he finally heard Olot speak.

Ye Chen’s heart is still quite satisfied, it seems that this guy doesn’t dare to resist, everything follows his own arrangements.

So how should I punish him at this moment? Only then can I see if he is loyal to me.

Ye Chen was crazy, so he never said the subject of the conditions, and what Olot did was to grind everyone’s patience.

Ye Chen also knew in his heart that people like Okbarga and Vegeta couldn’t wait.

I also wanted to know how I would deal with Olot and test him, and Einstein and Xiang Yu were also very anxious.

After all, the moment Olot suddenly appeared, he didn’t take Ernstein Xiang Yuhe seriously at all, and didn’t look down on them, so they both hated Olot.

Ye Chen didn’t know if it was a good thing for him to keep Olot, because Ye Chen knew that few of them didn’t like Olot.

Because he was too arrogant and domineering, he always felt that he was amazing and arrogant, and he offended a lot of people before he made a move just now.

So Marven Ye didn’t know whether it was the right choice for him to keep Olot.

But now Ye Chen has no choice, he has already said that, and it is impossible to take it back.

Ye Chen knew that since he came to this alien planet, what he said, was what he said, he had to do it, and he never broke his promise when he never regretted it.

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