Chapter 262 Don’t dare to offend

After Ye Chen said this, his eyes were particularly cold.

After taking a deep breath, everyone looked down and knelt on the ground, and everyone continued.

“Everyone kneeling on the ground, listen to me, no matter whether you can adapt to my rules or not, you must listen to my dispatch. If anyone feels that they can’t stand my plan, they can put it up at this moment and stay away from me. ”

After Ye Chen said this, he kept looking at everyone under his feet. At this moment, everyone kneeling on the ground did not dare to make a sound.

They kept guessing in their hearts, who would dare to put forward any opinions, how could they leave Ye Chen once they were raised, and they would be instantly wiped out by him.

Therefore, everyone knows and understands that the only thing they can do now is to follow Ye Chen’s orders, and they have no other choice and no other way out.

So after they heard Ye Chen’s words now, they felt ridiculous in their hearts, how could this be a chance for them to choose.

If they leave Ye 10chen now, there is only one way to die, so they don’t want to die now.

No matter what, let them live like this, no matter how they live, they don’t care.

Although everyone kneeling on the ground thought so in their hearts, they still felt very fortunate. They were lucky that they were not wiped out by Ye Chen in an instant.

Otherwise, they are not qualified to kneel on the ground at this moment, nor are they qualified to hear what Ye Chen said.

So after these people kneeling on the ground thought of this, they felt a little more at ease in the future.

As long as Ye Chen didn’t change his mind and didn’t kill them, everything would be easy, and they felt that the only thing they could do now.

Even if they follow Ye Chen and listen to his dispatch, they don’t dare to disobey the slightest. After all, they also know that this young man sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon has powerful mana, and it is impossible for anyone to compete with him.

Not to mention them, even if everyone on the entire planet adds up, they may not be the opponents of this young man.

They now have self-knowledge in their hearts, and they know what’s going on.

These people also know why Marven Ye said that, but also because he has the supreme power.

He is also qualified to say that, after all, everyone is not his opponent now, and no one can compete with his ability.

So whoever Ye Chen lets die has no chance to live, at this moment, they know that Ye Chen let them live.

So they were so grateful in their hearts that they didn’t have to face death at this moment.

When they think of death, they are also very grateful in their hearts, and they feel that it is too cruel. They used to kill others, and now they finally have to taste the taste of being killed.

After Ye Chen said what he said just now, he has been watching and kneeling on the ground. These people felt that no one dared to look up at this moment.

After hearing what they said, they didn’t have any reaction, it seemed that they were really frightened by themselves.

Ye Chen didn’t expect that since he had such ability, he just made a random shot, and they were like this, afraid that they would become like this before they used all their abilities.

Ye Chen felt that it was really easy to deal with them. It didn’t take much effort at all. He just said a word casually, and he could easily deal with them all.

It was really too easy for Ye Chen, but he didn’t expect that after he had a powerful system, since he had this ability.

It really surprised Ye Chen, he didn’t even have the chance to make a move, he just said a word to stop time and everyone must stop there.

You can do whatever you want, so now all the people don’t dare to offend yourself. After hearing their orders, they all follow their orders and obey their orders.

Ye Chen still enjoys it in his heart and finds it very interesting. It seems that it is really cool that he can become the time autonomy of this parallel world.

For him, he has never tried this taste of ruling everyone. He didn’t expect that after coming to this galaxy, he would become the hegemon who rules here. This is indeed unimaginable for Ye Chen.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly remembered that when he had not traveled to this era before, he was just an ordinary person, without any ability, and was often bullied by others.

But now the form has changed a lot, and now in the parallel world, this galaxy has completely changed in two ways.

The situation before will never happen again. Now he has infinite power, he can do whatever he wants, and no one can stop him.

Ye Chen also knew that no one could block his energy, and anyone who blocked him had to die and could not live.

He knows that he has this ability now, and anyone who he despises will let him die in an instant, and he will not let him stand in front of him as an eyesore.

Like that pesky Kongwu who suddenly appeared just now, if it wasn’t for this Damn it guy, he would be too frivolous and arrogant.

Ye Chen knew that he would not use such cruel means to deal with him, but there was nothing he could do. He didn’t even have a chance to breathe, so he instantly turned it into a leaf, and then slowly smashed it, without even the soul.

Marven Ye didn’t want to say that at first, but when he thought that the Damn it guy suddenly appeared and said those words, it was really crazy.

At that time, Kong Wu didn’t take himself seriously at all, seeing that he was just an ordinary teenager, so he didn’t feel how powerful he was.

Ye Chen just let the Damn it guy taste his own power, and now Kong Wu has no chance to resist, not even the power to frighten, and has just turned into powder and vanished.

At this moment, Ye Chen thought of looking down at everyone here, and seeing the expressions on their knees on the ground also felt ridiculous.

All of them bowed their heads in dejection, they didn’t even dare to take a breath, and they didn’t dare to look up at themselves.

After hearing what they said, they didn’t dare to resist or answer.

Ye Chen has never seen such a useless person like him, they are still planetary people in a parallel world.

The planetary people turned out to be so incompetent and useless, and sometimes Ye Chen felt that they were far inferior to the earthlings.

Although people on earth have no ability and are very ordinary, some people are very strong and persevering, and they will not be easily defeated by others, nor will they easily surrender to the feet of others.

Not to the useless alien planetary people in front of them, they are so oblivious to their own interests, and they have a clumsy career.

And seeing that he is stronger than someone, he will follow suit, and he will not even have the opportunity to resist.

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