Chapter 230 The Muroni Arrive On Earth! (Please Customize)

The live broadcast is over, but people around the world have not dispersed.

There are heated discussions on various live broadcast platforms.

All over the business district, people gather together.

Whether they knew each other or not, they were all talking about aliens and cultivation.

What reassures the senior leaders of various countries is that few people panic.

Most are confused.

There are also quite a few very excited.

in the live room.

Zhang Tao, Song Lining and the others looked at each other.

are somewhat unacceptable.

The future…is here!

Zhang Tao swallowed and looked at Ye Chen and said politely: “Sir, about

Before Zhang Tao finished speaking, Ye Chen smiled: “I will let my people preach in the country first.”

“Afterwards, your people will preach all over the world.”

After Ye Chen said, Zhang Tao was overjoyed.

Not only Zhang Tao, Song Lining, Chen Yuming and others were all overjoyed.

Thank you “Mr. Ye!”

Zhang Tao couldn’t hold back his excitement.

It’s timeless!

They will overtake all countries!

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “I don’t care about the next thing, Wu Ke University should do it.

“In the next hundred years, the world will be dominated by technology and martial arts, and the rest will be supplemented.

Ye Chen didn’t say much. 740

These two sentences are enough for Zhang Tao and the others to use them for a lifetime.

“Thank you, sir.

Zhang Tao said solemnly: “We will send you all the funds as soon as possible.”


Ye Chen nodded casually: “Xuanyuan, you can connect with them for the latter part of the work.”

When Ye Chen’s words fell, Zhang Tao, Song Lining and others were slightly taken aback.

The next moment, the expressions of several people changed dramatically.


Could it be, could it be Xuanyuan Huangdi from the ancient times!?


Song Lining had goosebumps all over his body.

He just felt creepy.

The originator five or six thousand years ago… is also an immortal?

Seeing a group of people looking at him with astonishment, Huang Di smiled slightly: “Even me, I didn’t expect such a grand scene after more than 4,700 years.

Song Lining and the others stared blankly at the Yellow Emperor.

It just feels like a dream.

It is said that the descendants of Yan and Huang.

The Yellow Emperor is the ancestor of the Chinese people!

This is a living ancestor!

Song Lining even had a feeling that he wanted to bow down to his ancestors.

Not only Song Lining, but also Chen Yuming and others.

Zhang Tao subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Inside Kunlun City.

Everyone has reached the original state.

From the moment of completing the evolution, constantly absorb the Qi of the source to improve itself.

until awakened.

Awakening abilities is considered to have reached the awakening state.

The source realm is even more profound.

All Origin Realms can use abilities more easily, and the consumption of Origin Qi will be reduced a lot.

At this moment, Ye Chen, Qin Shihuang, Bai Qi and others were sitting together.

In front of everyone, a mirror with a diameter of a hundred meters was erected in front of it.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng said respectfully from the side: “Sir, this is the star field energy display.”

“It can detect the trajectory of the spacecraft of Mroni.”

Ye Chen nodded.

On the display, a spot of light flew towards here at an incredible speed.

Mroni’s star was originally 16 light-years away from Earth.

However, it only took a moment to fly 6 light-years.

This speed is terrifying.

It should be flying at warp speed.

“It looks like it will be here in two days.”

Ye Chen smiled and said, “Let everyone get ready.”

“Also, Yue Fei, you have to train your troops as soon as possible.”

Although Mroni said that he was here to establish diplomatic relations.

And in the past few decades, they communicated very friendly with Huangdi.

However, this is an alien after all.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

It is impossible for Marven Ye to treat Muroni as a friendly country naively.

And according to Huangdi their analysis.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between Mroni and Earth still has a deep purpose.

Perhaps, it is also for (bacd) the core of the earth.

Level 3 civilization can fully use the core energy.

Moreover, it has been able to initially use the energy in the galaxy.

Mroni, the achievements in science and technology are definitely stronger than all the countries on earth!

Even the Hall of Longevity may not be comparable to them.

With the coming of Mroni.

All over the world, preparations are underway.

outer space.

10 light-years from Earth.

A huge starship is advancing at an unbelievable speed.

At first glance, the material used in the spacecraft is similar to that of stone.

The whole body is simple and atmospheric.

The spacecraft is 600 meters long.

90 meters wide.

The overall shape is similar to a rhombus crystal.

In flight, it is like a sharp arrow penetrating the void.

inside the ship.

A slender Mroni star with silver ears stared blankly at the space.

Mroni star, similar in size to humans.

The body is also similar.

Apart from the silver ears, the biggest difference is a red mark on the forehead.

At first glance, it appears to be wearing a red belt.

This is the captain of the spaceship, Turodi.

Beside Turodi, stood a slightly taller man, this is the vice-captain Jinben.

“Captain, the spacecraft is about to enter its third warp flight.

Teach the original urn sound and urn gas path.

The corner of Turodi’s mouth rose slightly when he heard the words: “Originally, this time we seized the opportunity.”

“A mere level 2 civilization, I am very happy to learn that we have established diplomatic relations with us.”

Jiao Ben laughed when he heard the words: “Yes, Captain, this time, the Celestial Master acquiesced to our actions.

Wait until “the earth, let my people give them some slack.”

Turodi nodded: “Yes, both kindness and grace.”

“After we have established our base of operations on Earth, it will be more convenient to come to Earth.”

While talking.

The spacecraft entered warp flight again.

In an instant, the spaceship traveled 2 light-years.

At this time, Turodi and the others could already see the solar system.

“It’s a really good energy planet.”

Turodi smiled and said: “If it wasn’t for the supervision of the Starfield Federation, we could have come here long ago.

“It’s the captain, we were the first to discover the earth.

Just as Jiao Ben finished speaking, a red mark on his forehead lit up.

Kunlun City.

Origin Qi surged wildly in the Creation Pillar.

Groups of members of the God’s Punishment Group entered the Pillar of Creation and began to practice.

Xiang Yu, Huang Di, Yue Fei, and other beings with the strongest military force explained the Five Emperor Secret Art to everyone in a targeted manner.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of dripping from the sky above Kunlun City.

The Yellow Emperor raised his head and immediately said: “Sir, the people from Mroni are here!

(Cavinka is awesome.).

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