Chapter 229 The global live broadcast is in progress (please order and customize)

Douyin, Kuaishou, Weishi and other short video live broadcast platforms provide the best live broadcast environment.

Various domestic TVs and major video websites also released headlines.

The title is “Global Change, The Future Has Come!”

Eight characters, broadcast simultaneously on all media around the world.

Some newspapers and magazines even started full printing.

All the big screens in business districts and shopping plazas stop playing advertisements!

The whole world is waiting for Ye Chen’s arrival.

Everyone stopped what they were doing.

In the past month, the whole earth has been really unstable.

Animals and plants grow wildly, and humans experience massive coma and vertigo.

All indications are that the world is changing.

A super big secret that ordinary people don’t know is happening.

Around the world, billions of people are looking forward to it!

Wherever there is a network, wherever there is a TV.

Wherever there is civilization, it is paying attention.

2:10 pm that day.

The traffic of major live broadcast platforms has reached saturation.

The web is under the most stress it has ever seen.

In a live broadcast room of a platform.

There are still 50 minutes before 3 o’clock, but the number of people has reached 800 million.

This figure, even the platform operators were shocked.

Everyone is constantly brushing the barrage.

Some poorly prepared platforms even crashed outright.

More are concentrated in front of TV and computer.

Awaiting the biggest live broadcast ever.

Time passed little by little.

Inside the TV building.

Zhang Tao, Song Lining and many high-level executives continued to take deep breaths.

Like the general public, many do not know.

Much is unclear.

Heart is also very heart.

In this kind of anxious and restless waiting, 2:50 arrived unknowingly.

And at the moment when the pointer just reached 50, Ye Chen came!

Along with Ye Chen were Huang Di, Da Vinci, Einster, Jiang Ziya, Xiang Yu and Zhuge Liang.

Zhang Tao and the others’ faces changed slightly.

The arrival of the seven people instantly made these ordinary people feel an extremely depressed atmosphere.

All seven are cultivators.

Among them, Ye Chen even reached the existence of Tianyuan Realm.

A terrifying aura swept the entire live broadcast room.

Some of the weak points of the body turned pale.

Zhang Tao and the others looked shocked.

What kind of momentum is this?!

There has never been such a terrifying aura before.

Ye Chen looked at the crowd and said, “Commander Zhang, it’s been a long time.

Zhang Tao came back to his senses, stepped forward and said politely, “Sir, you are here.

After speaking, Zhang Tao looked at Ye Chen with lingering fears.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or what.

Zhang Tao found that Ye Chen was more like a god than before.

“Sir, everyone, please take a seat.”

Zhang Tao said politely.

After everyone took their seats.

More than a dozen senior executives from various industries in the live broadcast room looked at Ye Chen and the others in awe.

Before, people were still speculating about Ye Chen’s identity.

Even a lot of media have exposed some gossip.

But guesswork is guesswork.

After seeing the attitude of the high-level, everyone is very clear that this person is indeed extraordinary!

At this time, the director of the satellite TV was suddenly taken aback.

Subconsciously, “Are you Einster?”

Einster looks too representative and modern.

Anyone can recognize it at a glance.

Einster’s hair was still a little messy, and he smiled when he heard the words: “Yes.

As soon as this statement came out, many people present were a little horrified.

Director Chen Yuming’s face changed greatly, and his expression was extremely horrified.

Song Lining smiled and said: “Sir, the live broadcast process is like this.”

After that, I will introduce the relevant content.

Ye Chen nodded.

Soon, it’s 3 o’clock.

At this time, there are a full 1 billion people who are guarding the live broadcast room, TV, and computer in the world!

People all over the world are looking forward to it.

Some folded their hands in prayer.

The sky, brighter and clearer than ever, looked eerie.

There are even lavender white clouds in many places.


The most prosperous Lujiazui business district.

At the same time, an image of a young man appeared on the large screen.

Behind the youth, there are still 6 people of different ages.

“Hello everyone.”

On the big screen, the young man introduced: “I am Ye Chen.

A few short words made nearly 10,000 people gathered in the Lujiazui business district boil at the same time.

on the live platform.

With the arrival of the broadcast time, the number of people has increased!

on Douyin.

Real-time number display reached 150 million people!

Ye Chen smiled faintly at the camera and said, “I believe everyone has seen the changes in the world in the past month.”

“Yes, as some people guessed, the spiritual energy has recovered!”

When Ye Chen’s words fell, there was an uproar all over the world!

In the live broadcast room, the expressions of Zhang Tao, Song Liyu and others changed drastically.

This month, domestic think tanks, astronomers, meteorologists and more.

More than one meeting was held.

Even global think tanks have discussed it together.

In the face of unprecedented global changes and possible dangers, no one is careless.

However, when Ye Chen said this answer, everyone was a little stunned.

“In addition to the recovery of spiritual energy, alien civilizations have also noticed the earth.”

“In fact, there have been similar revelations on the Internet for a long time. 1,500 years ago, alien civilizations began to secretly contact the earth.”

“With the improvement of the level of Earth’s civilization, it has gradually attracted the attention of the major civilizations of the Milky Way.”

The previous “last civilization protection mechanism is invalid for the earth!”

Speaking of this, Ye Chen paused.

“The so-called protection mechanism of the last civilization refers to a kind of protection for civilizations below level 3.

“That is to say, from now on, many high-level civilizations will notice us and come to us.”

“Of course, you don’t need to panic.”

“With countless years of hard work, my people and I have drawn the Qi of Origin into the earth.”

“There will be a huge evolution in a short period of time for both humans and the planet, and this next challenge lays the foundation.”

In the live broadcast room, Ye Chen talked eloquently.

Some core, more classified ones were not spoken.

However, about global evolution, about cosmic civilization is roughly mentioned.

Ye Chen also didn’t want everyone to panic.

And (Zhao’s) Moreover, there is no need to panic.

This is an excellent opportunity for Ye Chen, the earth, and all mankind to develop rapidly.

The highest level of each country is paying attention to this live broadcast.

North America.

No. 1 and many high-rises gathered in a large conference room.

Ye Chen didn’t say a word, which made many people’s faces change.

All over the world.

All the people watching the live broadcast in the business district were completely blown up.

Some people are excited and do not know why.

I feel that aliens are finally entering the stage of human history.

There are also concerns that the test facing the earth will be even greater.

More, are incomparable.

After all, they don’t know how far the technology and force of various countries have reached.

The live broadcast lasted 1 hour.

At 4 o’clock, Ye Chen turned off the live broadcast on time.

As for the rest of the explanation, appeasement, and the printing and distribution of relevant materials, it is naturally a matter for each country.

(I’m going to hit the street, please ask for a flower evaluation ticket.),

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