Chapter 231 Discuss with the Muroni

When the Yellow Emperor finished speaking, everyone stopped their work.

Ye Chen smiled: “It’s pretty fast, let’s go and have a look.”

“Also, let the diplomats of all countries come together.

Outside Changsheng City.

A huge spaceship broke through the atmosphere.

Immediately, it appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

After seeing this huge spaceship, many people exclaimed.

In the previous live broadcast, Ye Chen had already said it.

So no one panicked.

Instead, one by one was extremely excited, holding a mobile phone to shoot various videos.

In the City of Longevity, the diplomats from various countries who had already arrived early cheered up.

Unlike ordinary people, they are a little nervous and willing in their hearts.

For the future situation, it is impossible to say now.

In the future, could it be the Earth Federation?

Or in the current situation, continue to be headed by the Hall of Longevity?

When thinking.

Ye Chen took everyone’s space to Changsheng City.

With so many powerhouses suddenly appearing, the diplomats of the various countries present were a little stagnant in their breathing.

Da Vinci”, open the particle barrier.

Ye Chen smiled.

He had already seen the shuttle-like spaceship.

When the particle barrier slowly opens.

Turodi’s eyes skyrocketed in the spaceship: “Level 3 technology!”

On the other hand, teaching was a little weird.

“Captain, when did Earth’s technology become so advanced?”

Turodi didn’t speak, but his face was a little unsightly.

The more technologically advanced the earth becomes, the more difficult it is to control.


Suddenly, Turodi was slightly taken aback.

Over Changsheng City, five huge helicarriers caught his attention.

“This is?”

Turodi’s face changed greatly: “The technology of earthlings is so advanced?”

“There is still a half-warp flight device and light energy?!”

The teacher’s face also changed.

These technologies are only possessed by Level 3 civilizations!

Mroni has just reached level 3, and many technologies are comparable to here.

The faces of the two of them immediately became difficult to look at.

In addition to those two, they also saw a lot of third-level technology.

Even, the energy fluctuation transmitted on the tallest building seems to have reached level 3.5!

“Is that quantum weapons and nuclear energy fluctuations?”

Turodi was a little unsure.

The technology is the same, but the exterior styling is a bit different.

Turodi and Jiao Ben looked at each other, and Turodi immediately said: “This earth is a bit weird!”

They didn’t realize that Ye Chen was special.

I don’t know the weirdness of the Hall of Longevity.

At this time, the largest mothership, the Chuangshi Tiangong, took off slowly.

Immediately, the hatch opened.

Yellow Emperor and the four deputy hall masters stood on the deck at the same time.

them, as receivers.

When the shuttle spacecraft of Muroni star approached.

Below, the expressions of diplomats from various countries became a little nervous and forgetful.

Even those members of the Longevity City were full of curiosity.

The shuttle spacecraft slowly opened.

Immediately, Turodi, Jiuben, and two other senior members walked out of it.

The moment they saw the four of them, everyone looked over.

This is the first public appearance of aliens in human history!

It is also the first time in human history that aliens have actually appeared.

This is also the first time in human history that it is about to establish diplomatic relations with aliens!

This day is destined to go down in history.

And Ye Chen and his hall of longevity will also be famous for the ages!

At the scene, someone set up a camera, and someone took out a mobile phone.

Certainly not live.

Marven Ye didn’t know the attitude of the other party yet, and rashly broadcasting the broadcast would cause a lot of panic.

The four of Turodi walked to the deck of the Genesis.

Immediately, Jiang Ziya and five people stepped forward.

The Yellow Emperor smiled slightly: “General Turodi, the earth welcomes you!”

When you’re done, reach out.

Turodi looked at it, and the Mroni star did not have this etiquette.

However, it was the first time to do as the locals do.

Turodi also stretched out his hand, and immediately said: “Are you Xuanyuan Huangdi? Hello!”

Because everyone wears a translator for the language of Muroni.

So can understand.

Seeing the other party’s attitude, the Yellow Emperor said, “General Turodi, please come here.”

Immediately, a group of 9 people got off the Genesis.

Inside the Longevity Tower.

Ye Chen, Cangjie, Laozi, Confucius and others were already waiting in the conference room No. 1.

When Turodi and his party came in.

The Yellow Emperor said solemnly: “General Luo Di, this is the god of our earth, Mr. Ye!”

Mroni also has their gods.

However, the god of Mroni and Ye Chen are obviously different.

Hearing Huang Di’s introduction, the four Turodi immediately became interested.

Their god is very powerful.

All Mulroneys will have great respect.

Turodi smiled when he saw that Ye Chen was a young man.

·0 Seeking flowers…

“Mr. Ye, Mroni is very happy to establish diplomatic relations with you.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “The same is true for the earth, please sit down.”

The crowd took their seats.

At this time, Turodi motioned for someone beside him.

Immediately, a Mroni who looked young stood up.

“Hello, I’m Tulloch.”

Tuluoqi looked at Ye Chen and others with a faint disdain on his face: “We Mroni people never associate with the weak.”

“In our words, lions are not in the company of dogs.

“According to the way we established diplomatic relations, you need to send a representative to discuss with me.”

“If you can get my approval, you can establish diplomatic relations.

Before Tuluoqi finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly.

Yue Fei and the others frowned, their expressions rather cold.

As for the diplomats of various countries, their expressions changed drastically.

Is this coming to Mawei?

Turodi hurriedly said: “Aah, don’t mind everyone, Turoqi is a servant of the gods and has an extraordinary position.

“The establishment of diplomatic relations between Mroni and any civilization requires the witness of the servants of God.

Even so, everyone’s faces are still not very good-looking.

When Ye Chen heard the words, the corners of his mouth rose slightly: “Xiang Yu, you represent us.”

“Remember, bring out the enthusiasm of the earthlings.

Xiang Yu stood up and said respectfully, “Yes, sir!”

When Tuluoch saw the other party’s breath was not strong, he immediately laughed.

The parallel route of Mroni star technology force.

And he, Tuluoqi, just walked by force.

He is of average strength among the crowd, but he also has the strength of the early days of Tianyuan Realm.

Xiang Yu, on the other hand, was at the peak of the origin realm.

Differs greatly.

Turodi also laughed, this one should be fine.

The two came to the open space outside the conference room.

Tulloch took out a laser sword.

Laser weapons are also available in the Hall of Longevity, and they have basically been equipped with all staff.

Seeing Xiang Yu’s bare hands, Tuluoqi couldn’t help laughing: “The technology of your earth is still too backward.

“It doesn’t even have a beam energy weapon.”

After listening to Tuluoqi’s words, Xiang Yu grinned slightly.

Immediately, the translation headset in his ear fell to the ground.

Ye Chen couldn’t help laughing when he saw this, this Tuluoqi was going to be unlucky.

“Now that you’re ready, let’s get started.”

When Ye Chen’s words fell, Tuluoqi smiled.

Under the watchful eyes of Turodi, Jiaoben and others, the speed skyrocketed and rushed over. again,

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