Chapter 228 Global Live Broadcasting (Seeking Everything)

All precision instruments fail instantly once turned on.

So that everyone can only use the most stupid way, artificial exploration, artificial excavation.

Just when Zhang Tao had some headaches for this.

Suddenly, the vision is blurred.

The next moment, Zhang Tao found himself in a strange place.

Zhang Tao’s face changed drastically and he looked around.

Here, it is still Gongger Peak.

He could even see their camp.

But why did he appear like this again?

At this moment, a dozen or so figures suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Tao.

Zhang Tao’s pupils shrank slightly, and he only felt his scalp tingling.

When he saw who was coming, he was shocked and relieved.

“Mr. Ye

Zhang Tao looked at Ye Chen and others with a complicated look.

He looked at the Yellow Emperor, Laozi and the others behind Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn’t mean to introduce but said: “Commander Zhang, inform the global media that I will do a live broadcast.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Zhang Tao’s face changed dramatically.


Zhang Tao’s body trembled.

Immediately, Zhang Tao’s face became extremely solemn: “Sir, is it?”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Alien civilization is about to land on Earth.

“The globalization of 10 is imperative.

These two short sentences contain a huge amount of information.

Zhang Tao’s heart beat faster, and his face became more and more difficult to look at.

Immediately, Zhang Tao asked, “Sir, is the earth dangerous?”

“Everything is unknown.

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Then he added: “The time of the live broadcast will be set at three o’clock in the afternoon, and then I will go to the national satellite TV in Beijing.

After saying this, Ye Chen waved his hand and disappeared in front of Zhang Tao with everyone.

This time, Ye Chen did not use space transfer.

But it belongs to the power of Tianyuan Realm.

Tianyuan Realm can communicate with the Qi of the origin of the world.

A source gas magnetic field can be formed.

Of course, for Ye Chen, cultivation is only incidental.

Because, he has the law of time!

After such a long time, Ye Chen also had a clearer understanding of the system.

This system may be a super-civilization product condensed by certain laws.

As for more details, Ye Chen didn’t have time to study it yet.

However, with the advent of alien civilizations, all this is no longer a secret.

Inside Kunlun City.

A huge compass was suspended in mid-air.

On it, there are dense veins.

Each vein has some points of light with different radiance and brightness.

Ye Chen stood under the compass and looked intently.

Yellow Emperor and Mozi looked at each other.

Immediately, Mozi explained: “Sir, this is the astrolabe of the Celestial Pole Star Region, which is equivalent to our map.”

Ye Chen nodded.

This celestial star field astrolabe should have been gifted by the Mroni star.

“It’s really huge!”

Tesla was a little stunned.

On this compass, the solar system is just an inconspicuous little dot.

In front of the astrolabe of the star field, I really felt small.

“When will Mroni send the starship over?”

Ye Chen asked.

Ying Zheng heard the words and said quickly: “Sir, in early October.”

“One more month…

Ye Chen smiled: “It’s very soon.

After a pause, Ye Chen said again: “After this time, our technology will continue to accelerate.”

In addition to the level of civilization, it depends on the cultivation level of the planet.

The level of technological sophistication is also crucial.

As far as Ye Chen knows, there are many civilization planets in this Celestial Pole Star Region that do not have the Qi of Origin.

These civilized planets mainly develop technology.

Technology and cultivation are two parallel paths.

equally important.

And this Mroni star is taking these two paths.

These are also the two paths that Ye Chen wants to take.

“In addition, Kong Ming, the development of Earth 2 should also be accelerated.”

“Tomorrow, I will rearrange the time field.

Zhuge nodded brightly: “Okay sir.”

Immediately, under the leadership of Huang Di and others, everyone came to the west side of Kunlun City again.

Here, a total of 20 large machines with a height of about 30 meters are running around the clock.

These are the efforts of Mozi, Lu Ban and their descendants.

After seeing these instruments, Da Vinci’s pupils shrank.

Immediately, Einster said solemnly: “This is a warp flight engine!

Warp flight is a technique of navigating through compressed space.

The principle is to use an antimatter-driven warp engine to create an artificial warp force field around a moving object.

This enables objects to move at speeds approaching or exceeding the speed of light in this warped space-time bubble.

Tesla and other scientists’ faces changed slightly.

Pujin looked at Mozi with admiration.

Warp flight technology, many scientists in the sky group are researching.

The historic problem of how to warp space has now been solved.

However, there has been no major progress in obtaining the energy required to distort the space.

Although nuclear energy, aerodynamic energy and light energy can be solved to a certain extent.

However, it is still a big problem to achieve warp speed between stars.

Therefore, the Genesis Helicarrier can only be equipped with half-warp flight engines.

Seeing the shocked and puzzled looks of many scientists, Ye Chen couldn’t help laughing: “Original Qi!”

“You guys don’t know the real face of Mount Lu.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, everyone suddenly realized.

Ye Chen looked at the rapidly rotating instrument and asked, “How is the text work on the Tianji Star Field completed?”

Cang Jie stepped forward behind Ye Chen and said, “Sir, decipher everything.

After a pause, Cang Jie said: “It has been printed in a booklet and engraved into the source chip.”

Ye 737 Chen looked at Cangjie with approving eyes: “So efficient? It’s hard work!”

Cang Jie said quickly, “Sir, you should.”

There are tens of thousands of characters and hundreds of thousands of languages ​​in the Celestial Pole Star Region.

The amount of work is huge.

Even if Cangjie is called Wenzu, it is not easy to accomplish.

After examining the achievements and hard work of Huang Di and the others for thousands of years, Ye Chen has a general plan in mind.

By this time, it was already 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that all the core members came out of the Creation Tower, Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Live broadcast is a simple and rude means.

However, Ye Chen was a little curious, when the world saw that those ancient sages were not dead.

On the contrary, when you have been hiding in the identity of the immortal, what will your reaction be?

“Xuanyuan, Da Vinci, Einster, Jiang Ziya, Xiang Yu, Kong Ming.

Ye Chen named six people’s names and said, “You come with me.”

Beijing, National Satellite TV.

The big pants building has long been emptied.

Except for the necessary live broadcast personnel and equipment maintenance personnel.

All evacuated.

Even the major programs on satellite TV have stopped.

Just to clear the field for Mr. Ye.

This is the first time in China.

In addition to the people from satellite TV, top media from all over the world sent representatives.

A live broadcast with the highest specification and highest ratings is about to begin! .

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