Chapter 227 Cultivation 5 Realm System New Changes! (Seeking Everything)

Seeing Ye Chen’s expression like this, everyone put away the smiles on their faces.

Ye Chen looked around the audience and said solemnly, “Everyone here, except me, there are 13 people in total.”

“The Thirteen Saints of the Yellow Emperor and the others have been evolving for 56 years since the creation of the Pillar of Creation.”

After completing “the evolution of the genetic sequence, they have been practicing for 55 years.

“After that, in the contact with the alien civilization, the training level was formulated.”

“details as follows…

The cultivation level, Ye Chen discussed with Huang Di in ancient times.

Ye Chen never believed that there was only one civilization in the universe, the Earth.

So plan ahead.

According to the actual contact, Huang Di and the others adjusted the cultivation level.

The so-called five civilization levels are also inseparable from the cultivation level.

“So, I will help you.”

Ye Chen tapped his index finger on the table and said, “I need all of you to enter the second realm within one month!

The cultivation realm, from low to high, is: Awakening Realm, Origin Realm, Tianyuan Realm and Grand Master Realm.

As for the master, Ye Chen and the others have not announced it yet.

I also don’t want everyone to be too cautious.

Below, Yue Fei and others are all eager to try.

“Everyone, I have arranged the time magnetic field in the creation tower.”

Ye Chen stood up and smiled slightly: “Everyone find a good position and start practicing before entering outer space!”

“Yes, sir!”

73 people stood up at the same time and said in a deep voice.

They know that from this moment, a new era has come!

That is, from this moment, a new challenge comes!

outside world.

Zhang Tao’s hands trembled slightly, while Song Lining looked sluggish.

The bushes in front of them started to grow at a rate visible to the naked eye!

Not only trees, but even animals seem to be growing in size!

After receiving the highest order from No. 1, Zhang Tao immediately mobilized relevant scientific researchers to be stationed here.

In the sky, a galaxy of stars shone brightly.

This celestial phenomenon that only appears at night is now appearing in the daytime.

And the stars are brighter than at night.

Except over Kunlun.

A few differences were found around the world.

On forums, on posts, on Twitter, on TV news, and more.

Information is collected one by one.

Subsequently, they were secretly sent to the highest departments of various countries.

What makes the top leaders of various countries more flustered is that Mr. Ye has never responded!

Fear gradually pervaded the upper floors.

Just like that, three days passed before I knew it.

Originally it was only a local variation of flora and fauna.

Then there is the global scope.

All plants and animals are growing rapidly.

For some animals, one day’s growth is usually a year’s or even ten years’ growth.

within the city.

Even with all the pruning machines out.

Still can’t keep up with the growth rate of plants.

to the end.

The green area of ​​most cities has expanded a lot!

This situation is obviously not a problem that official evasion can solve.

under pressure from all sides.

High-level officials of one country began to come forward to refute the rumors.

Some say it’s the weather.

It is also said that it is experimenting with a new drug that promotes production.

However, no matter what kind of one, can not convince the public!

On the fifth day.

Human beings began to change around the world.

Or originated in the country.

Xiling City.

As one of the largest cities in the Northwest.

There were several strange comas in Xiling City.

Someone was walking on the street and suddenly fainted.

Someone was chatting and laughing at the dinner table, and suddenly fainted.

At first, it didn’t attract attention.

But then one person fell into a coma.

Except in a coma.

Some people have a strange situation of sudden increase in food intake.

The situation quickly spread around the world.

People all over the world exploded!


The parade increased day by day.

In the midst of enormous pressure and unprecedented global change.

Inside the Creation Tower.


The bright beam of light came out again.

The beam of light soared into the sky.

This time it was bigger than last time.

Even without seeing the end.

The beam of light lasted for three seconds and then disappeared.

This time, more people were photographed.

More people follow.

And in the first floor of the Creation Tower.

Ye Chen opened his eyes and smiled slightly.

On the side, someone opened their eyes at the same time.

The Yellow Emperor respectfully said, “Sir.”

Immediately, Jiang Ziya, Confucius, Sakyamuni, and Zhuge Liang began to wake up one after another.

Several people looked at each other and felt amazed.

They all entered the second realm, the source realm.

Zhuge Liang’s eyes shone brightly and said, “The Five Emperors Judgment created by Mr. and Senior Yellow Emperor is truly mysterious!”

Five Emperors Art.0

It is a cultivation method jointly created by Ye Chen, Huang Di and Cang Jie.

It is also the first step for human beings to practice the exercises so far.

Relying on the Five Emperors Art, one can enter the awakening state and start the subsequent practice.

When Zhuge Liang finished his words, Guiguzi exclaimed, “I am astonished!

“The five emperors are incomparably mysterious, and this Origin Realm has made our physical body break through to a new limit!”

After listening to the conversation of several people, Ye Chen smiled.

Immediately, he awakened the system.

Host: Ye Chen

Strength: 100 (can break through)

Agility: 100 (can break through)

Spirit: 100 (can break through)

Realm: Tianyuan Realm

Rule: Time

Time point: 100 million years

Host lifespan: 50 million years

System level: 7 (0/100 billion)

Although only a month has passed.

But under the stagnation of time, Ye Chen spent 10 years.

It took him 10 years, starting from the zero foundation to the present, to reach the Tianyuan realm.

Compared with the Yellow Emperor and the others, they were a whole higher level.

A few days ago, Ye Chen got a prompt from the system.

The system has changed!

This change made Ye Chen slightly happy.

It seems that the values ​​of those three items that have not been improved for a long time can be broken through.

Moreover, there are two more realms and laws in the system list.

According to the systematic explanation, the law is the most mysterious thing in the universe.

The law of time is the supreme law of the universe 2.3, there is no one!

At this time, one after another, everyone began to open their eyes.

Ye Chen looked at the more than 20 people who had woken up and said, “It’s time to tell the world the truth.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Jiang Ziya laughed: “Maybe the outside world is already panicking?”

“Well, without further ado, you guys, come out with me.

“Yes, sir!”

Under Gonggel Peak.

Zhang Tao and the others have been here for a full month.

In the past month, the number of people in the original team of 20,000 people has declined rapidly because nearly half of them were in a coma.

This coma.

Not temporary, but lasting at different times.

Someone woke up in three days.

Someone woke up in less than a minute.

Some people only wake up after a week.

At this time, Zhang Tao and everyone were already very busy.

The exploration of Kunlun and Gongger Peak has yielded nothing!

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