Chapter 226 The Nine Star Regions of the Galaxy! Level 5 Civilization! (Seeking Everything)

The core is the core of the earth.

The Earth’s core is divided into two parts: the outer core and the inner core.

The material in the outer core is liquid, and the inner core scientists believe it is a solid structure.

The outer core is 2,900 kilometers to 5,000 kilometers deep.

The inner core is 5,100 kilometers to 6,371 kilometers deep.

Due to the concentration of unimaginable radioactive elements in the core of the earth, it has a large nuclear reaction.

What the Yellow Emperor extracted was one ten-thousandth of the nuclear reaction energy of the Earth’s core.

However, just 1/10,000th is enough to draw in the vast amount of Origin Qi in the universe.

When he was about to enter the Creation Tower, Mozi said, “Sir, everyone needs to wear this thing first.”

After a pause, Mozi explained: “The original Qi in the Creation Tower is still unable to adapt to the human body today.”

After Mozi finished speaking, he took out some metal objects the size of fingernails from his pocket.

–After distributing it to the crowd, Lu Ban explained: “Sir, this is the original chip. It has not yet been entered into the DNA index, so it can be opened directly.”

After Ye Chen said that the small chip was like magic.

Bloom layer by layer.

It’s like going from a flower bone to a flower.

Immediately, a precision instrument as thin as a piece of paper that could cover the palm of the hand appeared in the hands of everyone.

Tesla exclaimed: “Stretchable metal!”

“And the dynamic simulator… Da Vinci’s eyes narrowed.

This seemingly inconspicuous little object contains two cross-era high-tech!

After entering the Creation Tower.

The first thing that catches the eye is the atomized Qi of Origin.

These Origin Qi are pale blue and look gorgeous.

Being in it, everyone has a feeling of breathing more smoothly.

However, there are also uncomfortable feelings.

Scientists like Ma Yun and Tesla felt a little depressed.

Only those generals and Ye Chen felt extra comfortable.

The source of energy here is too strong.

The crowd took their seats.

Immediately, the Yellow Emperor looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled and said: “Xuanyuan, come and tell everyone the cause and effect of what happened.

The Yellow Emperor nodded: “Everyone, the world has changed, and some of you here may not understand the role of the Qi of Origin.”

“Original Qi originates from the product of the Big Bang period.”

“If you use ancient words, it is aura!”

When Huang Di’s words fell, many people’s pupils shrank.


Does this mean that?


Suddenly, someone took a deep breath.


Huang Di smiled: “That’s right, because the Creation Pillar has opened up the earth’s magnetic pole channel, and the Qi of Origin can enter.”

“In the next two years, the earth will continue to be transformed.

“In this, including everything on the earth, you should have seen some reports on the Internet, some plants and animals are growing wildly.

“This is only the first stage, in a few days, there will be human evolution.

After Huang Di finished speaking, modern people like Dong Renfeng were stunned.

Humans… have begun to evolve?

This sounds so dreamy!

As for Tesla and the other scientists, their breathing became fast.

In particular, biologists like Darwin and the others understood the significance.

“The main reason why Sir let us do this is not to join the WTO.”

Huang Di looked at the crowd and said, “Because, alien civilizations have already set foot on the stage, and most of the alien civilizations are bathed in the Qi of Origin.”

In other words, “they have already started the process of evolution!”

After Huang Di finished speaking, he looked at Cangjie beside him.

Cangjie smiled slightly: Kunlun “One of the purposes of this organization is to create a more suitable environment for everyone to evolve.”

“Everyone, in the future, humans will awaken supernatural powers!”

“Everyone follows Mr., and naturally this convenience is the first to get it.”

“At present, the source of Qi in Kunlun is the most intense.”

In the follow-up, “the core energy will be extracted at a frequency of once a month, so that the Qi of Origin will cover the whole world.”

“By that time, global civilization will undergo major changes!”

“And trials and dangers will also appear at that time!”

After Cang Jie finished speaking, everyone’s expressions became solemn.

Their opponents are the stars of the entire universe!

At that time, powerful alien civilizations will enter the earth.

Einster and Putin’s expressions changed slightly.

Historically, every once in a while there has been a technological explosion.

The existence of the Hall of Longevity is a technological explosion.

And the arrival of Kunlun, let mankind start the evolution frenzy again.

Da Vinci said solemnly: “Mr. Cangjie, everyone, what are the alien civilizations that have been identified so far?”

“Can you tell us about it?”

·0 Seeking flowers…

Ye Chen opened his mouth: “These materials are Level 1 confidential documents, but they will be released to everyone present.

“Confucius, you are responsible for this part, let’s talk about it.

Confucius said respectfully, “Good sir.”

Immediately, Confucius introduced: “As we all know, our earth is not the only living planet in the universe.”

“The Milky Way is vast and boundless, divided into nine star fields.”

Among them, “Earth is located in the Celestial Pole Star Region.”

“In the past 800 years, we have made detailed detections of the Celestial Pole Star Region.”

“The Celestial Pole Star Region has a total of 210,000 living planets, and about 28,000 planets with civilization!”

After Confucius finished speaking, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

Putin lost his voice: “So many!?”

The discovery of the Mroni star has crossed the era and is shocking enough.

However, they actually found more alien civilizations?

Even, the understanding of the situation has reached such a degree!

Everyone’s faces were very solemn.

There are more than 20,000 civilization planets in one Celestial Pole Star Region.

What about the nine star regions of the entire galaxy?

This is definitely an unprecedented challenge!

Here comes the question that everyone is most concerned about.

Confucius continued: “The level of civilization is divided into 5 levels according to the relevant complex index: Level 1 is the lowest, Level 5 is the highest, and Earth is a Level 2 civilization!”

“As to how many civilizations of level 2 and above there are in the Tianji Star Region, the relevant information is still being collected.

“However, it should be completed soon, because the third-level civilization Muroni is about to establish diplomatic relations with us.”

After Confucius finished speaking, the meeting room was extremely quiet.

Some people’s heartbeats start to add “shortness of breath.

Someone looked extremely solemn.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Everyone, how is this challenge?”

Xiang Yu smiled when he heard the words: “Sir, this is interesting!

“hehe yes.

Jiang Ziya stroked his beard.

They are immortals.

It also has divine leadership.

Even if the universe galaxy, so what?

“Okay, now, let’s start the most important thing.”

Ye Chen said with a serious expression.

(A brand new chapter is about to open, a more grand and vast world is coming!! Marven, can you become the master of the universe? Everything, let’s wait and see!! Everyone is welcome to leave messages, provide opinions and ideas!!) Also,

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