Chapter 225 The two sides meet the nuclear energy (please everything!!)

The Genesis stopped at 1,000 meters above Zhang Tao and the others.

Everyone who was busy was suddenly covered by a dark cloud.

The crowd raised their heads subconsciously.

The next moment, the complexion changed dramatically!

Even at such a long distance, Zhang Tao and the others could still see clearly.

“This is?!”

Zhang Tao’s pupils shrank and his scalp felt numb!

From this distance, the Genesis is still huge!


Like a huge dark cloud!


Song Lining took a deep breath and looked horrified.

“Commander Zhang, this is

Chen Changan’s eyes were a little suspicious.

The sense of oppression of the Genesis is too strong.

In particular, there are also red cannon barrels on it!

If this is knocked down…


“I don’t know!

Zhang Tao stared blankly at the giant flying object similar to an aircraft carrier.

Immediately, his eyes suddenly saw a familiar

That’s a black and white door!

It is the symbol of the Hall of Longevity!

Zhang Tao’s face changed dramatically!

“It’s from the Hall of Longevity!”

Song Lining lost his voice: “This, what kind of high technology is this?”

Both have a dreamlike feeling.

737 Zhang Tao’s body trembled slightly.

They just had a full-ball summit meeting a few days ago.

I’m about to go to the Hall of Longevity.

As a result, it came here?

What does Mr. Ye want to do?

The huge helicarrier flew slowly.

After a while, a scene that made Zhang Tao and others even more shocking came.

That behemoth was quickly invisible!

Disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Only 3 seconds before and after!

Zhang Tao’s eyes were almost protruding.

Is this a stealth coating device?

No, definitely more advanced than stealth coating!

on the Genesis.

Everyone disembarked.

At the same time, it is located in the northwest of Gongger Peak.


The abnormal sound appeared and the earth shook and the mountains shook for hundreds of kilometers.

A huge door made of alloy slowly opened.

Seeing this alloy door shaking off the ice and snow appeared, even Jiang Ziya was shocked.

The alloy door is about 100 meters high.

30 meters wide!

It slowly opened like a door to a world.

Behind Ye Chen, Yue Fei, Bruce Lee, Einster and others were all shocked.

The technology content of this door is very high!

The world inside the door makes them more shocking than bacd.

Ma Yun’s mouth opened wide.

Just like when I saw Changsheng City.

Behind the door, a vast and unseen world appeared in front of everyone.

In this world, there is purple energy rising.

Someone was suspended in mid-air.

There are also some strange aircrafts that have never been seen before flying quickly.

Under the astonishment of everyone, a flying saucer-like aircraft slowly landed.

Immediately, Huangdi, Cangjie, Laozi, Confucius, Sakyamuni, etc.

Thirteen all walked out.

The two groups of people finally met after thousands of years apart!

Jiang Ziya’s face changed.

Xiang Yu’s face changed.

Guiguzi’s face also changed…

Behind the Yellow Emperor, Bai Qi, Lian Po and other figures from the Warring States Period changed their faces at the same time.

Two sets of troops, apparently extremely shocked!


Bai Qi, Li Mu few people looked blankly Guiguzi.

Since white is Guiguzi students.

Once, because Bai Qi offended Ye Chen once, Guiguzi had to fight Bai Qi.


The Yellow Emperor and Qin Shihuang stepped forward a little excitedly and respectfully.

Ye Chen looked at everyone with a kind smile.

“For more than two thousand years, everyone has worked hard!”

Ye Chen’s words are like a spring breeze.

Laozi and Confucius looked at each other and smiled.

Immediately Laozi said: “Sir, thanks to you, we are all fine.

Behind Ye Chen.

Ma Yun was breathing very fast.

He recognized Qin Shi Huang!

White Qi recognized!

Recognized Confucius and Laozi!

I even recognized Shakyamuni Buddha!

Not only Ma Yun, but Du Yuancheng and Li Bai also recognized it!

As for the Yellow Emperor.

Everyone didn’t dare to think about it for a while.

However, seeing that the Yellow Emperor seems to be the leader of the role, obviously has a very high status.

Shakyamuni folded his hands together, and sighed a little: “Sir, it’s really like being separated for more than two thousand years.”


Ye Chen looked at the thirteen people and smiled: “Go, let’s go in.”

“Sir, please come in!”

Thirteen people of the Yellow Emperor stood aside with respectful expressions.

Two thousand years of waiting.

They can finally be born.

I can finally continue to follow Mr. Ye’s side!

Inside Kunlun City.

Du Yiming and He Pan, who were the first to follow Ye Chen, all felt like they were dreaming.

Is there such a world in the endless Kunlun Mountains?

And, are they still led by those ancient sages?

Confucius Laozi and Sakyamuni.

And Qin Shihuang, which one is not famous?

That is the existence that created the legend of the ages.

Even, it is already a demigod.

For a time, Du Yiming and others looked at Ye Chen with awe to the extreme.

Here is Mr. Ye.

Only unexpected, not impossible.

Everything is possible!

The tallest building in Kunlun City.

The 200-meter-high Creation Tower is covered by a stream of light.

These lights are extremely bright.

Sometimes purple, sometimes gold, blue.

Colorful brilliance enveloped the entire Kunlun City.

As soon as Xiang Yu and other beings with superior force stepped in, they felt that their internal organs became relaxed.

Pores all over his body, he couldn’t help but relax and greedily absorb the original Qi that permeated the air.


Behind Ye Chen, Jiang Ziya walked side by side with Laozi and Confucius.

Laozi said politely: “Senior Taigong, you will find out later.

Jiang Ziya was called the originator and master of a hundred schools by later generations.

Laozi and Confucius were naturally very polite to him.

Yellow Emperor introduced Ye Chen from the side: “Sir, according to your instructions, the Genesis Pillar has been opened by 1%.”

It is expected that “up to the evening, the concentration of the source gas in the Kunlun region will reach the level of liquefaction.

Da Vinci and others behind Ye Chen looked horrified.

Liquefaction, is this what?

Ye Chen nodded: “Xuanyuan, you did a good job!”

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, the expressions of everyone behind him changed slightly.

Especially the modern people like Ma Yun and Hua Renfeng are even more stagnant.

Ma Yun looked up.

Looking at the tall and dignified middle-aged man, he looked horrified.


This, is this the Yellow Emperor, one of the five emperors in ancient times?

The Yellow Emperor among the descendants of Yan and Huang?

Ma Yun’s expressions changed instantly.

Are their ancestors here?

This, how many years have I lived!

He Pan and Dong Renfeng looked at each other.

Immediately, the pace of the two slowed down.

In front of this group of ancient sages, saints, and antiques.

He Pan even felt a little ashamed of themselves.

When a group of people walked under the Creation Tower.

The materialized source of the universe is like a colorful jade.

And some jelly-like, very soft.

The Yellow Emperor stopped and said respectfully: “Sir, at present we have only extracted one ten thousandth of the energy of the Earth’s core.”

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