Chapter 224 Global Evolution: The Hall of Longevity joins the WTO! (Begging for everything!!)

North America.

Great Lakes Plain.

In a large cornfield, a group of scientists gathered together with a solemn expression.

A well-known agricultural scientist said solemnly: “Everyone, this piece of corn grew 2 centimeters in only 30 minutes!

“This matter is definitely related to the mysterious beam of light in the east.”

“It’s not just corn.

Another zoologist looked solemn: “The fish in Lake Superior are also growing like crazy!”

Hearing the words of the two, everyone present was speechless for a while.

Immediately, the leader of Group G said solemnly: “Gentlemen, collect as much information as possible on this aspect!”

“I will report this matter now!”

Except North America.

Anomalies have been found all over the world.

Sahara Desert.

A tour group accidentally photographed a huge scorpion measuring 1.5 meters in length.

in the Amazon rainforest.

A geologist found that the trees were growing like crazy.

Some plants that were originally less than one meter grew to 1.5 meters in an hour!

All over the world.

Anomalies occur frequently.

Someone is afraid.

Some people exclaimed that the end of the world was coming.

Some Mayans even prophesied that the end of the world would come a month later.

This further exacerbated the panic abroad.


Zhang Tao was a little flustered.

Mr. Ye did not reply.

Not only Mr. Ye, but the entire high level of the Hall of Longevity seems to have disappeared!

This casts a shadow over the top executives of various countries who want to seek a sense of security, just like Zhang Tao.

It always felt as if something big was about to happen.

At this time of global panic and excitement.

In Changsheng City, the “Chuangshi” sky carrier is about to set sail.

The Chuangshi is the largest of the five Heavenly Motherships under the Eternal Life City.

It is also the one that directly obeys Ye Chen.

The captain is Qi Jiguang, and the deputy captain is Huang Feihong.

On the deck of the Genesis, the four deputy hall masters, twelve directors, many directors and core members of the Hall of Longevity are all listed!

Except for a very small number of people who must stay behind, everyone is here!

Ye Chen looked at the dense crowd and smiled.

Except for Wei Qingfo, Tu Youyou, Jiang Youwei, and Buffy.

No more, no less, just 60 people.

These 60 people did not include the thirteen ancient sages of the Yellow Emperor and the others.

If you count, that’s 73 people.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen, their spiritual leader and the gods in their hearts.

“Everyone, have you felt any changes today?”

Ye Chen looked at the crowd and asked.

When Ye Chen finished his words, Zhebie, who had a big beard and looked rough, smiled: “Sir, today’s martial arts practice seems to be smoother.

As a Mongolian archer, Zhebe’s martial arts are amazing.

Every day, I practice martial arts and arrows with everyone, and I haven’t pulled it down for a day.

After Zhebei finished speaking, the rougher Chang Yuchun also smiled: “Yes, sir, it’s like being in meditation today, and it’s much smoother.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone spoke up.

Even Ma Yun followed suit: “Sir, I also noticed some differences today, it seems that my body is lighter.”

Ye Chen nodded: “What you feel is not wrong.

After a pause, Ye Chen gradually became dignified.

A strong aura of superiors came out from the soul.

Everyone’s expressions suddenly condensed and they put away the smiles on their faces.

“Everyone, this is the Chuangshi Tiangong mothership.”

We are “soon to be called Genesis, to the place of creation!”

“Today, it’s going to change!”

“People in this world will also break out of cocoons and turn into butterflies!

Ye Chen looked at everyone and said solemnly: “From today on, the Hall of Longevity is joining the WTO!”

When Ye Chen’s words fell, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

Even the four deputy hall masters of Jiang Ziya’s pupils shrank.

They had guessed a lot.

However, I never thought that I would join the WTO today!

Thinking of this, Guiguzi asked: “Sir, the earth is full of oxygen today, and the internal organs seem to be baptized, could it be…

Before Guiguzi finished speaking, Ye Chen said, “You’re right!”

Ye Chen showed a faint smile: “Today, the earth is undergoing a major change!”

The “Original Qi of the universe is drawn into the Earth.”

“The mysterious beam of light before was called the Pillar of Creation!”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar.

Except for a very small number of people, most of them have heard of the Qi of the Source.

It is a mysterious energy that permeates the entire universe.

Also known as dark matter.

You can’t see, touch, or even detect.

However, it actually exists.

Ye Chen didn’t say much.

Then you will know.

The Mothership rises from the sea level.

A stream of seawater was expelled.

After the dome mothership was quickly lifted into the air that day.

Stealth device is on.

In just a moment, the Genesis Helicarrier was completely invisible.

“Sir, is it necessary to sail at full strength?

Qi Jiguang, the captain of the Genesis, is majestic and domineering in a black uniform.

Ye Chen nodded: “Well.”

When Ye Chen’s words fell, Qi Jiguang gave instructions one by one.

Immediately, the Tiangong mothership rushed out with a low sonic boom.

This is the first time the Tiangong mothership has left the Pacific Ocean.

from this moment.

The Hall of Longevity officially entered the WTO!

And from this day onwards, the world will see great changes!

The distance of thousands of kilometers, driven by the dual drive of nuclear power and air kinetic energy, only took 30 minutes to reach the plateau.

From a distance, everyone could see the Kunlun Mountains with continuous mountains.

Before getting close, Tesla and other scientists’ faces changed slightly.

The Origin Qi of the universe here is more than a hundred times richer than other places!


Suddenly Darwin exclaimed: “Unbelievable! There are more than 30 meters of shrubs here!”

Everyone looked at the sound, and their expressions changed.

Contemporary trees, especially shrubs, never reach 30!

Even, even 20 meters are very few.

At this time, an antelope sprang out of the forest quickly.

The moment they saw the antelope, Mendel and others immediately took a breath.

This antelope is about three meters tall!

This is an antelope, it is clearly a huge rhino!

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

After more than 2,000 years of hard work, Huang Di and the others finally achieved their goal.

Ye Chen, looking at the snow-white body of Gonggelfeng, revealed his expectations.

(Zhao Haozhao) Of course he didn’t want everyone to greet the Yellow Emperor and them.

This time, it is for the creation pillar.

Don’t look at the cosmic origin Qi here is very strong.

However, it is far from the cities in Kunlun.

What Ye Chen will do this time.

It is to let everyone’s body evolve!

Maybe they still don’t understand how precious this matter is.

But when global evolution begins, they will know how lucky they are!

The Tiangong mothership soon reached the sky above Gongger Peak.

Deputy Captain Huang Feihong looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded.

The next moment, the helicarrier, like an air fortress, was released from stealth.

Immediately, a behemoth with a length of 2 kilometers appeared on the Gongger Peak.

This is the Genesis Helicarrier!

It is 2100 meters long!

The displacement has reached a terrifying 1.2 million tons!

At this moment, Zhang Tao and the others who were located at the foot of Gongger Peak raised their heads!

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