Chapter 223 Creation Pillar Global: Change!

Inside the endless cave.

After more than 2,000 years of development, the once humble and plain caves have disappeared.

It was replaced by a mountain city with extremely advanced technology.

The walls are made of new alloys.

On the walls were inlaid pieces of metal with different shapes.

The dense arrangement of these metals seems to contain great mystery.

The 9999 pieces of metal are passed and implicated in each other, with indestructible defense and earthquake resistance.

Here, even the entire Kunlun Mountains collapsed.

Yamauchi city will not be damaged in the slightest.

The amazing thing is that it is clearly in the cave.

But it gives the feeling of being outside.

There is the sun, there are mountains and rivers, and there are white clouds.

A proper paradise.

At this time, in the very center of the city.

Thirteen 100-meter-high buildings with different shapes stand out from the crowd.

In the center of the thirteen buildings is a skyscraper about 200 meters high.

It is the highest peak in the entire mountain city.

10 is also a place that symbolizes supreme glory.

Right now, in the meeting room of a skyscraper.

Huangdi, Cangjie, Laozi, Confucius, Sakyamuni, Qu Yuan, Bai Qi, Lian Po, Mozi, Lu Ban, Li Mu, Qin Shi Huang and Wang Jian!

Thirteen ancient sages and ancient saints and emperors sat in a circle.

Everyone’s expressions were very excited.

All of you, even the last dynasty to join, has already lived forever in 1818.

As for the Yellow Emperor, he has lived for 4618 years!

This covers almost five thousand years up and down.

Terrifying, incredible.

At this moment, this group of ancient longevity had excited expressions on their faces.

The Yellow Emperor looked at you all with a slight smile: “Everyone, the day when the Creation Pillar is launched is the time for our return!”

After Huang Di finished speaking, everyone laughed.

Qin Shihuang sighed: “It’s almost 2,000 years, and Mr. should still be thinking about us.”

Mozi smiled: “Yes, we have finally lived up to Mr.’s expectations, and the creation of the pillar has finally been successfully developed.”

The outside world is still speculating about it. “Lu Ban laughed.

Genesis Pillar.

It is their greatest achievement in thousands of years.

It is also the highest technology to change all mankind.

Since it is called the Pillar of Creation, it naturally has the ability to create the world.

The Genesis Pillar has two functions.

First: transform the physical fitness of all human beings so that they can adapt to the new environment.

Second: draw the source energy in the universe to the earth, and create an environment where everyone can cultivate!

The Pillar of Creation will become the most worthy of a great book for human beings for countless thousands of years in the future.

will become an immortal legend!

This is also the main reason why Ye Chen established Kunlun!

Laozi stroked his beard with a relaxed smile on his face: “The secular world has already exploded, I don’t know what Mr. is thinking at the moment.”

“Sir should be calling me soon.” Bai Qi smiled.


At this time, Qu Yuan asked, “There is a new movement in Mroni.”

After listening to Qu Yuan’s words, everyone looked over at the same time.

For thousands of years, they have mainly done three things.

The creation pillar is one, and the second is the exploration and analysis of alien civilizations.

Cang Jie smiled when he heard this and said, “The Lord of Mroni intends to establish diplomatic relations with us, but we have to listen to what Mr.

“Soochow Xingren has been making frequent moves recently.

Confucius smiled: “It seems that Mroni is feeling the pressure.”

Everyone laughed at the same time.

These great beings are all light and happy.

hidden for thousands of years.

It’s finally time to enter the world.

How can you not be excited?

In particular, completed some tasks of Mr.

This makes them even more relaxed.

Right now.

A mobile phone like a token in Huang Di’s hand lit up.

Immediately, the Yellow Emperor looked a little excited: “Everyone, sir, let us know!”



“Ha ha!”

Huang Di nodded and smiled: “Everyone, we can return now!

In Changsheng City.

Ye Chen looked at the webpage and smiled slightly.

The response on the Internet was great.

However, this is really nothing.

After a period of time, a great change will be set off in all mankind.

That’s when the real innovation comes!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen picked up his phone and sent a few messages.

Not for a while.

Jiang Ziya, Guiguzi, Zhuge Liang and Da Vinci arrived at the same time.


The four bowed respectfully.

Ye Chen smiled slightly and said, “Everyone, everyone knows what happened before?”

Jiang Ziya and the four smiled.

Jiang Ziya said: “Yes sir, there are some guesses.”

Ye Chen nodded: “Notify all the members and welcome them together!

After Ye Chen finished speaking, the heartbeats of the four of them accelerated.

Immediately, Da Vinci asked curiously, “Sir, who are you talking about…

“Hehe, everything will be known soon.”

Ye Chen showed a mysterious smile.

After a pause, Ye Chen said again: “In addition, notify all members of the six groups to speed up the project in hand.”

“Kong Ming, you and Da Vinci are currently in charge of Earth 2, give me a detailed progress report and future plans.”

“Next, we have a big move!”

Zhuge Liang and Da Vinci were refreshed when they heard the words.

Even Mr. said it was a big move.

Well, this action is absolutely amazing!

Global shaking.

Before, it was only among the high-level officials of various countries, but now it has spread to the whole people.

With the fermentation of the mysterious light beam incident in China, foreign netizens also found something strange.

As a result, Twitter and other well-known social media posts about the 733 mysterious beam of light emerged one after another.

Foreigners in the Celestial Dynasty picked up their mobile phones and started live broadcasts and various revelations.

And many other netizens browse the news of China over the wall.

Then move to platforms such as Twitter.

For a time, the whole network was full of news and tweets about Kunlun’s mysterious beam of light.

The popularity surpasses any event and hotspot in history!

Some international students abroad have first-hand information.

Thanks to these mysterious news, the fans quickly rose.

Among them, one named Jet Liu had the biggest increase.

His followers have grown from 2,000 at the beginning to 250,000!

And, this growing trend is still going on.

In total, Jett Liu tweeted about the mysterious beam of light.

Each one caused a huge response.

Because Jett Liu has an uncle who is an archaeologist, the news is the most accurate and the content is the most reliable.

Among them, the tweet about the mysterious light beam suspected of an astronomical phenomenon has the highest number of likes.

It even listed items of data as support with high reliability.

At a time when netizens around the world are in full swing.

North American high-rise, found some unusual changes!

These changes make them terrified!

Make them shudder!

[Please give me some flowers and evaluation tickets, the story of this book has now reached a new chapter, a more grand and exciting world is coming, Ye Chen is about to become a god of creation. ).

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