Chapter 190 Resolving the Confusion for Yao, Shun, and Yu

After half an hour.

After Ye Chen explained, he looked at Jiang Ziya and said, “Jiang Ziya, you and I will meet again when the time comes.

Hope”, you will take my words to heart.

After saying this, Ye Chen disappeared in front of Jiang Ziya out of thin air.

Jiang Ziya’s face changed slightly.

Immediately, he bowed respectfully to Ye Chen.

At the same time, he murmured: “Ziya, remember the teachings of the immortals!”

After a while.

Crying came from the Prime Minister’s Mansion.

King Kang of Zhou announced to the world that Jiang Taigong had passed away.

Outside the Prime Minister’s Office.

Ye Chen looked at the sky and smiled.

“It is said that the dynasty began with Xia, Shang and Zhou.”

“So, what about before Xia?”

“Is it the tribe of Yao, Shun and Yu, or the rumored Dayu Dynasty?”

The Dayu Dynasty, a dynasty that has not been recognized by historians so far.

Even in the domestic archaeological history, there are very few cultural relics unearthed in the Xia Dynasty.

Therefore, many foreign scholars are skeptical about the Xia Dynasty.

Before this time-travel, Ye Chen had been thinking about this issue.

He now has almost no limit to time travel.

“Forget it, let’s go to the times of Yao, Shun and Yu first.”

After thinking for a long time, Ye Chen smiled.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to go to the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

717 On the one hand, however, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are too long ago.

A long time ago, many deeds were recorded by word of mouth.

Who are the real three emperors?

Who are the five emperors?

Although these were later sealed.

But historically, there should be someone.

It is precisely because it is too long that history cannot be verified.

Ye Chen is afraid that rushing through the past will change history and affect reality.

At that time, information was extremely limited.

One move can change history.

The times of Yao, Shun and Yu were different.

The relevant historical data are relatively detailed.

After looking at this era again, Ye Chen’s mind moved.

Immediately, the time and space scroll enveloped Ye Chen.

One after another, ancient and desolate pictures emerged from the eyes.

1018 BC.

1058 BC.

2198 BC.


2357 BC BC!

According to historical records, in this year, Yao had just turned twenty years old, had just ascended the throne and set his capital in Pingyang.

At this time, it is 2019.

It’s been 4376 years up and down!

A long and long history.

According to one of later generations, Yao was also one of the five emperors.

Yao’s father was an emperor beast, and his great ancestor was the famous Yellow Emperor.

In the times of Yao, Shun, and Yu, the system of concession was still practiced.

Not like Xia, Shang, Zhou and later hereditary systems.

When Ye Chen walked out of the time and space scroll.

A city that made him unfamiliar appeared in front of him.

The architecture here is obviously different from the Zhou Dynasty!

Rougher and more primitive.

The construction process is much simpler than that of Da Zhou more than 1,000 years later.

Many are directly stacked.


It was the capital of Yao’s tribe.

Although it is a capital city, whether it is the city wall or the building, it gives Ye Chen a simple feeling.

And Pingyang City is very small.

The population of this era is more than ten times less than that of 1000 years later.

Even the capital city is not as lively and prosperous as imagined.

However, there were quite a few people in Pingyang City at this time.

Ye Chen roughly calculated that there were about 6,000 people.

The common people are praising Yao.

At this time, Jing, who was wearing a brocade suit, was extremely shining, and surrounded by hundreds of officials, he ascended the high-rise building to accept the ceremony.

Ye Chen entered the no-man’s land, and quickly entered the classics office of the capital.

The ancient books were picked up and put down by Ye Chen.

It looked as if Ye Chen was just browsing it at random.

However, under the blessing of time stagnation, Ye Chen memorized every book.

After the system transformation, all of Ye Chen’s abilities are at the limit level of human beings.

This, of course, also includes memory.

But Rao is Ye Chen, and he doesn’t know many words.

These texts have never been recorded in later generations.

Ye Chen looked attentively and slowly.

From a series of history books, Ye Chen learned about the splendor of this era.

(bacd) knew more about the deeds of Emperor Yan and Huang.

These books, in the long years to come, were destroyed.

After a long time.

It was getting dark.

Ye Chen closed the last book and smiled slightly.

“It seems that modern people are right.

Tang Yao’s Tang Dynasty and Yu Shun’s Yu Dynasty were both ancient dynasties before Xia, Shang and Zhou.

In this era, it has not yet become the custom of the dynasty.

But Tang country.

And from these classics, Ye Chen also found that this era was not as backward as he imagined.

Crops and economic production are already the same.

There are even officials dedicated to astronomy.

This shows how admirable the wisdom of the ancients is.

For some books, Ye Chen copied a copy and put it in the storage space.

After all this is done, the time standstill is lifted.

At this moment, a young man wearing a crown pushed in the door.

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback.

The young man was also stunned.

The youth is none other than Yao!

Ye Chen casually arranged time stagnation.

Yao was stunned for a moment, then asked, “Who are you?”

While talking, Yao looked up and down at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen’s dress is the same as that of the Zhou Dynasty, and it is very different from this era.

Seeing this, Ye Chen chuckled and said, “As expected of a Ming Jun who created a kingdom.

Yao, who can be called the ancestor of China, is very calm.

And, it’s very courageous.

Yao walked to Ye Chen.

There is no such thing as an emperor.

In this era, there is no powerful class of later generations.

Even if he is the king, he is still in harmony with the ministers.

“Where did it come from?”

Seeing Ye Chen’s extraordinary bearing, Yao immediately became interested.

In his whole life, he has been looking for talents, hoping to better manage the country.

And Ye Chen’s behavior is obviously not ordinary.

Chatting with such a long-time figure, Ye Chen also became interested for a while.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen said, “Coming from the south.

“South? Seems like a tribe?”

Yao smiled with a nostalgic look on his face: “Back then, my great ancestor went to the tea clan.

“Yi Qi Fangxun, do you know why I came?”

Ye Chen looked at Yao and smiled slightly.

Yao’s surname was Yi Qi and his name was Fangxun.

However, later generations are generally used to calling him Yao, or Tang Yao.

Yao thought about it and shook his head.

Ye Chen said: “Let me send you a word.”

“Heaven and earth are the foundation of life; ancestors are the foundation of class; rulers and teachers are the foundation of governance.”

Yao’s face changed slightly.

For a time, I only felt that this sentence was esoteric and obscure.

Yao said it several times before he asked: “Sir, you have great talents. If you can help Yao, Tang Guoding will be a blessing to the people!”

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head.

Yao was disappointed.

However, he believed that Ye Chen was the rumored Daxian!

is a true saint.

Yao’s attitude was more polite than before.

He cupped his hands and said, “Sir, the flood is terrifying, and the people are worried. I don’t know if you can have a good plan?”

This era is flooded.

Similar to the time of the Western legend of Noah’s Ark.

In fact, Ye Chen felt it as soon as he crossed over.

Hearing that, Ye Chen said: “It can cure water.”

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