Chapter 191 Human Emperor Ye Chen! Poetry Immortal Li Bai

What Marven Ye said is not to change history.

According to later historical records, all the civil and military officials in the ancient Tang Dynasty recommended Gun to control the flood.

Xian, the father of Yu Dayu, the pioneer of the Yu Dynasty.

But Jesus’ fate was tragic.

He was finally buried in Yushan.

Hearing that Ye Chen also recommended the county, Yao pondered for a while and said, “Then he!

Ye Chen and Yao chatted for more than half an hour.

At last.

Ye Chen looked at the ancient Ming Jun and smiled slightly: “Let’s stop here today, if we have fate, we may meet again.”

Yao got up quickly and said politely, “Where are you going, sir?

Go to “the future.”

Ye Chen gave Yao a deep look.

Immediately disappeared in front of Yao.

Yao was shocked.

He looked around and his face changed and changed.

After a long time.

Yao looked up and his face turned pale.

“I can’t believe that there are gods in this world.”

After Yao finished speaking, there was a glint in his eyes.

“This is an omen of great auspiciousness and great auspiciousness! The Tang Kingdom is prospering!”


Tang Yao built a majestic statue in the capital.

The statue took a full year to complete.

As soon as the statue came out, the whole country worshipped it.

Yao even bathed and changed clothes every year, begging the immortals to pray for blessings.

over the next few decades.

Yao united relatives, united allies, conquered the four barbarians, and unified the Central Plains.

Even if we create a prosperous age that our ancestors have not achieved, they are still rich but not arrogant, expensive and not comfortable.

after Yao.

Zen gave up to Yu Shun.

Thus began a new dynasty, the Great Yu.

Dayu is more prosperous than Tang.

And the legend of “Da Yu opened up nine states, opened up nine roads, broke down nine lakes, and passed through nine mountains” was officially known to later generations.

The flood gradually receded, the society became more and more stable, and the economy developed rapidly.

After that, Yu Shun gave in.

The succession of Yu, the hero of water control, opened a new chapter in history.

This year.

Yangcheng Bedroom Palace.

Dayu took off his imperial crown and walked into the Hall of the Emperor respectfully.

The Hall of Human Emperor is dedicated to a god.

That god, who once instructed the sage Tang Yao.

He also tutored the late emperor Yu Shun.

However, the whereabouts of the gods are uncertain and mysterious.

Even Yu Shun has only seen it three times.

“Wen ordered to meet the emperor!

When he reached the entrance of the Palace of the Emperor, Dayu respectfully bowed.

Immediately enter.

As soon as he came in, Dayu was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a happy expression: “Your Majesty, are you here?!”

The Emperor’s whereabouts are too mysterious.

At that time, the emperor bestowed on Dayu the secret technique of water control.

Yu was able to control the flood.

After that, Dayu met once five years ago.

This human emperor is naturally Ye Chen.

Ever since he parted ways with Yao, Ye Chen has discovered a secret.

Maybe it’s too long ago.

There is no relevant information.

So, his actions did not have any impact on history!

Ye Chen has been in this era for more than 90 years.

Yao, Shun, and Yu have all received advice from Ye Chen.

Later, seeing Dayu, he really couldn’t think of a good way to control the flood.

Ye Chen couldn’t bear to die too much, so he told Dayu how to control the flood.

Replace containment with sparse.

Sure enough, the floodwaters receded.

Afterwards, Yu Shun honored the gods as emperors with awe.

Because of him, he brought hope to the people.

That is, 20 years ago.

Ye Chen became a human emperor inexplicably.

Therefore, the Palace of the Emperor was erected.

Ye Chen didn’t know who the three emperors in ancient times were.

However, according to the classics of the times of Yao, Shun, and Yu, the so-called three emperors are just false references.

Dayu looked at Ye Chen respectfully.

This is the fourth time we have met since he was born.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Have you ever thought about the country name?”

Dayu was overjoyed, knowing that the Human Sovereign had come to give instructions again.

Hearing this, he hurriedly bowed and said, “Your Majesty, you once said that there are nine divisions and eight disciplines in the sky, and there are nine states and eight pillars in the earth.”

“Wen Ming wanted to take the sky as the country’s name.

Ye Chen was stunned.

In history, after the agreement between Dayu and the civil and military officials, Xia was the name of the country.

So what’s going on this day?

“Ancient Xiahou clan has the virtue of great wisdom and great wisdom, and your ancestor is Xiahou clan.”

Ye Chen looked at Dayu and said, “I thought it was the country name.

Dayu was overjoyed: “Thank you for the title given by the Emperor.”

Afterwards, Da Yu looked at Ye Chen and said earnestly: “My lord, although I am a little tired, the princes of the world are not satisfied.

“Excuse me, Lord Human Sovereign, how to clear their doubts?”

Ye Chen smiled.

Stepping forward, he said, “Casting the great cauldron of Kyushu, condensing the fate and luck of the sky, so the kingship is supreme, and the country can be unified!”

Dayu repeated it.

Immediately, the light in his eyes soared.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!!

Then, Dayu looked at this omniscient and benevolent human emperor in awe and said: “My lord gave me instructions and persuasion, so that I know what I have done, and make me change it.

·0 Seeking flowers…

“Today, the lord is the emperor, and Wen Ming is the king.

From then on, all dynasties and generations will not be able to be called emperors!”

Ye Chen was stunned.

Is this the origin of co-authoring Xia, Shang, Zhou and Spring and Autumn and Warring States period?

Thinking of Ye Chen, he laughed.

He gave Qin Shi Huang the word “emperor”, which seems to be fate.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen looked at Dayu: “You and I have run out of fate, Wen Ming, let’s work hard in the future!

After saying this, Ye Chen disappeared.

“Your Majesty!”

Da Yu was shocked.

However, he called several times, but Ye Chen did not appear.

At last.

Dayu looked at the statue of Ye Chen in the Hall of the Emperor in despair, and bowed respectfully.

The era of Yao, Shun, and Yu was the one in which Ye Chen stayed the longest.


It’s time to say goodbye to this ancient era with almost no historical data.

After 96 years.

The space-time scroll unfolds again.

Dayu died.

Xia Qi establishment.

Xia Jie’s brutal Shang Tang replaced him.

Era passed by before our eyes.

When Ye Chen saw from the picture scroll that he met Jiang Ziya, he smiled slightly.

After that, the encounters with Guiguzi, Xiang Yu, Zhuge Liang, Hua Mulan and others flashed in sequence.

In the end, the time and space scroll was frozen, and Ye Chen took one step.

July 734 AD.

At this time, it was the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Tang Xuanzong Li Longji succeeded to the throne, opening the first prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty: the prosperous age of Kaiyuan!

Before that, Ye Chen had never been to the Tang Dynasty.

The eastern capital of Luoyang.

As the famous Kaiyuan prosperous age in history.

Luoyang is naturally prosperous to the extreme.

Du Fu once said, “Recalling the heyday of the Kaiyuan era, there are still thousands of families in Xiaoyi.”

It is said that the population of the Tang Dynasty increased sharply and the economy developed rapidly.

Luoyang was full of people and crowded.

Ye Chen glanced at the competition and couldn’t see the end.

Hearing the comments of the pedestrians on the road, Ye Chen laughed.

“I can’t believe that today is the wedding day of Princess Xianyi, the daughter of Tang Xuanzong.”

“It’s better that way.”

Ye Chen looked at the high platform at the end of the street and smiled.

He came here for two purposes.

First, Jiang Ziya.

Second, appreciate the style of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and Li Bai!

Li Bai, known to the world as Poetry Immortal and Sword Immortal.

He is one of the most sophisticated and romantic in the five thousand years of history. again,

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