Chapter 189 Ziya Meets the Immortal

1046 BC.

Shangdu, Lutai.

Tens of thousands of armored soldiers, chariots and cavalry surrounded Lutai.

After nearly 40 years of war, this ancient dynasty that has been established for more than 500 years is about to collapse.

On the deer stand.

Emperor Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, Emperor Xin, was already crazy, wearing a Baoyu clothes and laughing wildly in the fire.

Not far away, is Jiang Ziya and Ji Chang’s son Ji Fa.

The two looked at each other with emotion.

In the corner of Lutai, Da Ji, who was all over the country, was so frightened that Hua Rong’s face turned pale.

“The tyrant will be destroyed.

Ye Chen overlooked all this from the highest point of Lutai.

It has been 38 years since I walked out of the space-time picture scroll.

In 38 years, Jiang Ziya is a centenarian.

Ji Chang, the King of Zhou Wen of that year, has also passed away.

“Hahaha, real people are immortal!”

Di Xin was still roaring and laughing like a lunatic.

The flames on his body had burned him to black.

A strange color flashed in Ji Fa’s eyes.

Immediately, he took out his sword and strode forward.

The next moment, amid the exclamations of the Shang soldiers, a sword cut off Di Xin’s head.

Immediately, Ji Fa said loudly: “The king is dead! The Shang Dynasty is overthrown!”

The whole place was a tsunami.

On the deer platform, Jiang Ziya looked around suspiciously.

He sensed the immortal’s breath!

After 38 years, the approvals of the immortals have come true!

Jiang Ziya’s respect and yearning for Ye Chen reached the extreme.

However, the immortal has not appeared since then!

“There are 29 years left.

Jiang Ziya looked up at the sky and murmured, “I don’t know if the immortal can wait until that day.”

Jiang Ziya is 110 years old.

In this era, it is super longevity.

He didn’t think he would survive until then.

However, he didn’t think the immortal’s words were false.

In this way, my heart forgets and looks forward to it.

“Master, Father, Feng Wang is dead.

Ji Fa held Di Xin’s head with a respectful look on his face.

Jiang Ziya came back to his senses and smiled slightly: “Entering the capital of Yin and making an edict to the world, it is said that the Shang Dynasty was destroyed and the Zhou Dynasty was born.

Jiang Ziya was suddenly stunned after speaking.

The next moment, Jiang Ziya’s complexion changed drastically!

On a high platform in front of him, he saw a figure through the firelight in the sky!

A fairy who made him awed!


Jiang Ziya took a deep breath.

Immediately, Ji Fa, who couldn’t care less, took a step forward and gave a respectful salute.

On the high platform, Ye Chen smiled slightly.


Ji Fa didn’t understand, so he stepped forward and asked, “What is this for?”

Jiang Ziya was excited, smiled and said, “I have to meet an immortal.”


Ji Fa’s face changed slightly.

Immediately, he hurriedly bowed in the direction just now.

After the ceremony.

Ji Fa said cautiously, “Can I ask the immortal to talk about it?”

Jiang Ziya shook his head: “Immortals are noble, how can we mortals get close?”

Ji Fa thought for a while and had no choice but to do so.

The vicissitudes of life, the reincarnation of the sun and the moon

Year by year.

In the blink of an eye, it was 1017 BC.

At this time, Jiang Ziya was already 139 years old.

Hundred years.

The Great Zhou Dynasty experienced four generations of emperors.

From Ji Chang, Ji Fa to Ji Dan, and then to Ji Zhao, King of Zhou Kang.

Jiang Ziya also assisted the four virtuous kings.

At this time, Jiang Ziya had supreme majesty in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

However, he was dying.

The capital of Dazhou, Haojing.

Prime Minister’s Office.

The state prime minister’s mansion was mourning again and again, and everyone was in pain.

In the Prime Minister’s Mansion, Jiang Ziya’s sons knelt down in front of the bed and cried bitterly.

Jiang Ziya couldn’t open his eyes anymore.

Even breathing became extremely weak.

in the room.

King Zhou Kang of the Great Zhou Dynasty had a solemn expression, with a hint of grief.

The heroes and worthy officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty are about to die.

And the fate of Da Zhou has also become a bit confusing.

Looking at the situation in the house, King Zhou Kang sighed.

Taigong began to assist his great-grandfather.

I have always done my best until here.

Governing the Great Zhou in an orderly manner has created a prosperous situation in history.

Jiang Ziya’s eldest son Jiang Jia walked out of the house.

Wiping away his tears, he said respectfully, “Wang, my father invites you in.”

Zhou Kangwang’s eyes were slightly red when he heard the words.

Immediately, under the guidance of Jiang Jiao, he entered the inner room.

on the bed.

After hearing a few messy footsteps.

Jiang Ziya struggled to open his eyes.

In the hazy, he saw Jiang Fan, the eldest son, and King Zhou Kang.

Jiang Ziya was a little disappointed.

“The fairy can’t wait for you.

Jiang Ziya looked at the sky outside the window and murmured.

67 years of waiting.

Since a quick glimpse 29 years ago to the present.

never seen again.

Jiang Ziya sighed.

It’s fine even if we meet again.

At this time, King Zhou Kang had already walked to Jiang Ziya.

King Zhou Kang took Jiang Ziya’s hand and looked sad.

Jiang Ziya listened quietly.


Everything has changed.

King Zhou Kang was still.

The eldest son Jiang Jun and others stagnated there at the same time, maintaining their previous movements.

Jiang Ziya’s pupils shrank slightly.

Immediately your heart beats faster!

At this time, a figure that made him dream of appeared!

Fairy, Fairy!

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed, opened his mouth but was too weak to speak.

Ye Chen smiled slightly at the wise man who was about to end his life.

“Jiang Ziya, 29 years apart, are you okay?”

Jiang Ziya’s eyes were slightly red when he heard the words.

In his life, in the eyes of others, the scenery is infinite.

But Jiang Ziya knew that if it wasn’t for the immortal’s guidance that day, he might not have achieved what he is now!

Jiang Ziya struggled to get up and salute.

Ye Chen waved his hand to indicate that there is no need for this.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya had to open his mouth and said, “Ziya pays homage to the immortal!”

After a pause, Jiang Ziya said excitedly, “Immortal, Ziya can rest his eyes!”

Ye Chen heard the words and laughed: “The people I value will not die.”

This sentence made Jiang Ziya stunned for a moment.

The next moment, he saw Ye Chen put his palm on Jiang Ziya’s forehead.

Immediately afterwards, a vast and huge vitality came.

Jiang Ziya’s face changed dramatically!

The pure white beard trembled.

(Zhao Dezhao) Gradually.

Jiang Ziya found that he didn’t have to work so hard to open his eyes.

The immortal in front of him saw more clearly.

Immediately, Jiang Ziya got up with some rapid breathing.

Not even the slightest feeling of exhaustion!

Jiang Ziya was shocked in his heart.

Magical skill!

As expected of a fairy!

Has the ability to bring back the dead.

For a time, Jiang Ziya’s awe of Ye Chen reached the extreme!

“Jiang Ziya, I have given you endless longevity.”

Ye Chen looked at Jiang Ziya with kind eyes: “As a wise man, you meet my requirements!”

Jiang Ziya seems to understand but does not understand.

He got off the bed.

Immediately, he knelt down on the ground and said respectfully, “Ziya, may all beings follow in the footsteps of immortals!”

Ye Chen laughed.

“Jiang Ziya, I’m going to tell you three things next, you listen carefully.”

Jiang Ziya stood upright and listened intently.

(My favorite character when I was a child has finally been accepted. It’s comfortable. Please ask for a wave of flower evaluation tickets.)

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