Chapter 188 Jiang Taigong Fishing

This person is the originator of the military family, the sage of martial arts, and the master of a hundred schools.

The first omniscient and omnipotent existence in history, Jiang Ziya!

As the god of mythology, he is the god of war and the god of wisdom.

He is regarded as “the great prince is here, the god of the gods who retreated from the gods.

In the real history, Jiang Ziya was an outstanding strategist, military strategist and statesman with a long-standing influence.

His historical status is recognized in the ancient books.

Confucianism, Taoism, law, military, vertical and horizontal all pursued him as a figure in their family, and was respected as “the master of a hundred schools.

In other words, he is the patriarch of Confucius, Mencius, Lao Zhuang, Guigu and other hundreds of schools.

He assisted Zhou Wenwang Ji Chang to establish hegemony.

After becoming the military commander of Zhou State, he assisted Zhou Wuwang Ji Fa to eliminate Shang Zhou and establish the Zhou Dynasty.

Later, Jiang Ziya was named Marquis of Qi and became the founder of Jiang’s Qi state and the founder of Qi culture.

In the remaining decades, Jiang Ziya assisted Zhou Gongdan,

Helped the Zhou Dynasty to pacify the civil strife, open up the territory and expand the territory, and established the rule of Chengkang.

in short.

Jiang Ziya was a sage who was able to make peace with martial arts and govern the country with Wenneng.

Such a heroic talent should not be the deputy hall master, who should be?

Jiang Ziya is 10 famous longevity people.

From 1156 BC to 1017 BC, lived a total of 139 years!

However, Jiang Ziya is a typical late bloomer.

He worked as a butcher who slaughtered cattle and sold meat, and also opened a hotel and sold wine.

But Jiang Ziya people are not short of ambition.

Whether slaughtering cattle or doing business.

Jiang Ziya has always worked diligently to study astronomy, geography, military strategy, and the way to govern the country.

1084 BC.

This year, Jiang Ziya was 72 years old.

The shore of the Wei River, touching the stream.

When Ye Chen appeared in linen clothes in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties more than 3,000 years ago.

On the banks of the Weishui River, there was already an old man wearing a hat and clothes.

The old man’s beard and hair are all white, and he is immortal.

There is also a bamboo tube woven from bamboo on the left hand of the old man.

There are no fish in the bamboo tube.

This is the famous Jiang Ziya in history, Jiang Taigong!

1084 BC, 2019 AD is too long!

Ye Chen looked at the blue sky.

He smiled slightly at the unknown big trees and weeds by the roadside.

The air is clear and the spring water is sweet.

This era is desolate, but it has a strong natural atmosphere.

What a business week!

At the same time, Zhou Guo, Fengjing (now Anxi City).

In front of Ji Chang, 76, was a thin old man.

The old man held a tortoise shell for divination.

After a while, the old man said: “The king hunted today, and the prey he got was neither a dragon nor a tiger, nor a bear nor a tiger; what he got was an assistant minister who accomplished the overlord’s career.”

Ji Chang was overjoyed, and immediately went out hunting with his civil and military officials.

On the north bank of Weishui River, upstream of Phosphorus Stream.

Jiang Ziya looked at the river, and his heart was peaceful.

At this time, he was the first wise man who knew astronomy and geography.

As early as yesterday, he calculated that he had met King Xian in the last few days.

Therefore, Jiang Ziya has been fishing here.

Just waiting for the virtuous king.

Although his eyes were looking at the river, his heart had already begun to plan for the future wise king.

At this moment, the river suddenly became turbulent.

Immediately, a white cloud volleyed across the distant sky!

Jiang Ziya’s face changed dramatically!

He put down his fishing rod and waved his fingers.

The next moment, Jiang Ziya lost his voice: “Purple Qi is coming from the east, and the dragon is singing from the east!”

Jiang Ziya’s face changed and changed.

what happened!?

Could it be so strange?

Purple Qi is coming from the east, and the dragon is singing from the east. This is a hexagram that even emperors are not qualified to possess!

Who is it?

At this time, a young man wearing linen clothes with extraordinary bearing came from far to near.

Jiang Ziya’s pupils shrank slightly.

The young man was obviously far away from him, but he just arrived in front of him in an instant.

Young people are naturally Chen.


Jiang Ziya exclaimed in his heart.

Ye Chen looked at the wise man with a hint of astonishment in his expression and smiled: “Jiang Shang, his reputation really lives up to its reputation.”

Jiang Ziya, Lv’s name, the name is still, the word Ziya.

Jiang Ziya was stunned.

Immediately, he said respectfully: “Ziya doesn’t know that the immortals have come from afar, and I hope the immortals will atone for their sins!”

Jiang Ziya looked at Ye Chen up and down, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

Ye Chen sat cross-legged beside Jiang Ziya.

Immediately he said, “I am not an immortal.”

After a pause, he said: “However, the person you are waiting for is coming soon.

Jiang Ziya was stunned for a moment and then quickly said: “Thank you immortal for your guidance.

Immediately, Jiang Ziya asked, “I wonder if there is a shortage of people under the Immortal Throne?

Seeing this, Ye Chen smiled and said, “The fate of you and me has not arrived yet.”

Jiang Ziya felt a little disappointed when he heard this.

However, he also understood the so-called fate.

He immediately said: “Today, if Ziya meets an immortal, it is a blessing for Ziya.”

Ye Chen looked approving.

Immediately looked at the distance and smiled slightly.

Then, Ye Chen looked at Jiang Ziya with a respectful expression and said, “In this case, I will give you a half-life approval document.

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed and hurriedly listened attentively.

“I haven’t met the master for a long time, and the situation will eventually change. The master of Ming got it by chance, and the Ji family has a famous teacher.”

“Xiu De and martial arts, destroying Shang and prospering Zhou. Muye fought repeatedly, and was the first person to meritorious deeds.”

“Jiang Ziya, you and I will meet again in 67 years!”

Jiang Ziya was shocked.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Ye Chen had disappeared without knowing when!

Jiang Ziya stared blankly at the lake in front of him with a shocked expression on his face.

Jiang Ziya repeated the 40-character approval over and over again.

After a while, a group of mighty men approached from far and near.

In the luxurious carriage, Ji Chang saw the old fishing man on the north bank of the Weihe River from a distance.

Immediately, Ji Chang got out of the car and rode.

He didn’t let the sergeant come near.

Vaguely, he felt that the old man had an extraordinary 717 temperament.

Stop for a long time.

Ji Chang’s face changed slightly.

Because the old man’s hook turned out to be real!

What’s even more amazing is that the straight hook even caught fish?!

Ji Chang was instantly in awe, and felt that the old man in front of him must be a strange person.

Ji Chang stepped forward quite politely, cupped his hands and said, “Sir, how did you catch fish with a straight hook?”

Jiang Ziya has recovered from the previous shock.

He also realized the connotation of Ye Chen’s approval.

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya laughed: “May the bait take the bait!

“Will the bait take the bait?”

Ji Chang’s eyes lit up: “Mr. Seconds!”

Immediately, he chatted happily with Jiang Ziya.

Chatting and chatting, Ji Chang became more and more shocked.

to the end.

Ji Chang bowed his hands and said earnestly: “We have been looking forward to you for a long time, please come to us and help us run the country.”

On the top of a hill several hundred meters away from the north bank of the Weihe River.

Ye Chen sat on the ground and the corner of his mouth rose slightly as he sat on the breeze.

The very famous Jiang Taigong fishing in history.

He actually experienced it himself.

After that, Jiang Ziya began to show his grand plans.

First, he was named a national teacher by Ji Chang, who was already the largest military attache in Zhou.

After that, he was promoted to the prime minister, and he was in charge of Zhou’s political and military affairs.

Since then, Jiang Ziya has been honored as Jiang Taigong!

(New week, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets!!!!!!),

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