Chapter 187 Super Tyrannosaurus Rex

after the meeting.

The scientific research institutes and security company headquarters in charge of Tu Youyou, Su Ying, Wei Qingfo, and Zhebie have all moved into the City of Eternal Life.

And this time.

Headed by the Helicarrier, the Third Fleet is supplemented.

A huge military parade began.

The Tianma is surrounded by 20 airships.

After that, there are 30 warriors wearing exoskeleton mechs.

In the sea area, there are many new weapons such as the Third Fleet and the Swordfish.

This is Zhuge Liang’s suggestion.

The reason is shock and excitement.

This is the first military parade in the Hall of Longevity.

Probably the last for a long time too.

In this military parade, there were two technologies that surprised Ye Chen.

One of them, named Deep Space Explorer.

This is a spacecraft carrying unformed warp technology.

Its speed is unmatched by any spacecraft on the market.

The second one of “Qiqi” was even more powerful, and it was called Jinzi Nuclear Star Cannon.

It is ten times more powerful than nuclear weapons.

It is 1.5 times that of the nuclear energy wave device.

Mostly, it’s a cosmic super weapon.

It is said that the end of the charge can kill an asteroid.

This is a super weapon that Tesla has painstakingly developed.

Even in the next decade, Tesla may not be able to surpass this weapon.

The two killers added a lot of color to this military parade.

At this time, it was located in the northern part of Changsheng City.

On a certain street in this place where the members of the lower and middle classes of the Hall of Longevity lived.

Auntie Liu and Auntie Li were very flustered.

Their sons work at the Institute of Longevity Biology and the Aipu Research Institute respectively.

It is a real high-precision talent in China.

He is also a well-known scholar at home and abroad.

Because some errands are needed.

So Zhuge Liang and the others selected a group from the family members of internal employees.

The requirements are extremely strict.

From age, personality, three views, life experience, to language, skills and so on.

Selected, but also to sign a strict non-disclosure agreement.

In addition, they were closely monitored by the God Punishment Unit.

Among the nearly 500,000 people, only 1,000 qualified ones were selected.

Aunt Liu and Aunt Li are two of them.

Originally, they were quite happy.

I feel that my son is promising, and after I retire, I can make some money and take my grandson to play cards.

Who knows, they were greeted by an aircraft carrier!

This frightened the two aunties.

When they arrived at the destination, the two aunties immediately regretted it.

A super tall skyscraper!

Ultra modern building!

And the flying aircraft carrier the size of a dark cloud!

All this made the two aunts feel like they were dreaming.

Looking at the unseen things in the sky, Aunt Liu’s hand holding the sackcloth kept shaking.

After a long time, Aunt Li murmured, “Is this the Hengdian base?”

Aunt Liu shook her head: “Shouldn’t it be?”

“No wonder the selection is so strict.”

Aunt Li stared blankly at the helicarrier flying over her head and said, “We shouldn’t need to clean such a big ship, right?”

“I don’t know.”

Aunt Liu stared at the mecha warriors galloping past in the sky in a daze.

While chatting.

A police officer wearing black and wearing the unique logo of the God’s Punishment Squad came over.

“You two, we’ll start gathering right away.

The two aunts came back to their senses and nodded quickly.

The superintendent also glanced at the Tiangong mothership, showing a look of awe.

They are only the bottom layer of Longevity City.

However, even at the lowest level, countless people feel envious.

The superintendent took a deep breath and returned to his post to continue to stand guard.

After the military parade is over.

Ye Chen stood on the deck of the majestic and shocking Tiangong mothership and looked around the entire Changsheng City.

Above the head is a looming particle barrier.

Immediately, Ye Chen waved his hand.

Immediately, a temporal magnetic field covering the entire Longevity City was laid out.

The flow of time in the magnetic field is a hundred times slower than the outside world.

Under this flow rate, everyone’s aging rate will drop rapidly.

And this is only for those middle and lower-level employees.

The core employees of the middle and upper layers have time magnetic field layout respectively.

After doing all this, Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Just as he was about to speak, a system alert sounded.

“Heh, congratulations to the host for completing the milestone event, the upper limit of time travel has been raised to 100 million years! At the same time, you can bring any target back to the modern age.

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback.

So he can travel back to 100 million years ago?

Doesn’t that mean that he can get a few Tyrannosaurus rex as pets?

At that time, some prehistoric mosasaurs will be placed in the sea area around Changsheng City.

Wouldn’t it be better than some fleets?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen laughed.

“Schrödinger, if you put a Tyrannosaurus rex in your box, would your conjecture still hold true?”

Schrodinger behind Ye Chen was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, 0

On the contrary, Guiguzi laughed: “Sir, are you planning to build a biological Tyrannosaurus Rex?”

Ye Chen nodded: “That’s right!”

There has been a lot of progress in biological engineering under the Hall of Longevity.

In particular, the longevity medicine developed by Da Vinci has already been put into production.

What about taking one for the Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Even combining the technologies of Tesla and Da Vinci.

What about a super tyrannosaurus rex that makes up a half-machine, half-body?

At that time, such a super Tyrannosaurus rex force will be able to sweep most of the universe civilization, right?

Guiguzi’s words made Tesla and Da Vinci’s pupils shrink.

They couldn’t imagine how powerful such a monster combined with technology would be.

Ye Chen stayed in the Longevity Tower.

The Longevity Tower is 999 meters high and has 166 floors.

Among them, floors 100 and above belong to Ye Chen alone.

In the future, Ye Chen plans to take over Ye Pengfei and the others.

Below the 100th floor, it is used for meeting rooms, exhibition halls and other places.

The Longevity Pagoda is the symbol of Longevity City.

It is also a status symbol.

Ye Chen’s room is very big.

It’s not even a room to describe it.

His room took up the whole floor.

On the lower floors, there are dedicated parking spaces for luxury cars and wine cellars.

The Longevity Tower is more than ten times more luxurious than Villa No. 1.

Of course, Villa 1 will not be abandoned either.

But left them to 2.3 Lu Qi.

Many domestic affairs also need to be dealt with, and also need manpower.

the next few days.

Ye Chen has been in the city of longevity.

Occasionally stroll in their own city.

Ye Chen basically didn’t know anyone in the past.

But they all knew Ye Chen.

That huge statue, and many billboards in the city had Ye Chen’s portrait.

They know that Ye Chen is the master of this city.

Because the second phase of the project is still in progress, the sense of technology in Changsheng City is not too strong.

In the future, there will be a maglev road here.

There will also be various types of working robots.

three days later.

Ye Chen decided that it was time to start his own time and space journey.

And this time, the candidate for the deputy hall master, whom he had long admired, was about to take office.

(Guess who this deputy hall master will be? Welcome to leave a message in the book review area.)

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