Chapter 186 The Highest Level Meeting of the Hall of Longevity

After saying goodbye to Ye Pengfei and his wife, Ye Chen lived a peaceful life.

At this time, discussions about the Hall of Longevity gradually emerged around the world.

The cause started when Ye Chen went to North America.

Because of the welcome of many stars and superstars, many media and paparazzi are moved.

One photo after another was leaked.

Pieces of analysis are put on the Internet.

As a result, the topic of Mr. Mystery on the whole network became popular again.

It’s just that Ye Chen didn’t care about all this.

North America also remained silent.

No matter how hot the topic is, there will always be a time when it cools down.

However, in people’s hearts, there will be more adaptability.

This is also the reason why Ye Chen deliberately let the media take pictures before.

After a rest.

On the second day, Zhuge Liang sent a message.

Experiment bases around the world have been relocated!

For the past few days, Zhuge Liang has been presiding over the work in Changsheng City.

Ye Chen laughed after seeing the news.

After so long planning and organizing.

Longevity City is finally complete!

And he himself can officially enter the Longevity Pagoda.

F3 point.

When Ye Chen came to Changsheng City, this brand-new city was already full of vitality.

A few days ago, there were no people in the city of Longevity, which can be described as crowded at this moment.

Personnel from research institutes, related institutions and enterprises from all over the world came to Changshengcheng on the aircraft carrier.

Using two aircraft carriers to carry people should also create a new precedent.

Ye Chen roughly estimated that there should be nearly 10,000 people.

This is still to the core.

Some who have to stay in various places have not been counted.

So far, the Hall of Longevity is already a behemoth.

Counting everyone, the number should have reached 400,000.

Very scary!

In the sky, the silver-grey Sky Mothership patrolled around with several airships.

There are also several warriors in mechs on the mobile guard.

Full of technology.

The visual impact is even more explosive.

Zhuge Liang, Guiguzi and others have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Ye Chen coming, everyone bowed: “Mr. Ye.

Ye Chen nodded at the crowd with a gentle smile on his face.

Longevity Tower.

Room 1.

This large conference room on the 66th floor was used for the first time.

Conference room No. 1 is a conference room that will only be used when Ye Chen is around.

Others can only use the conference room No. 2 and later.

At this time, the number of people in the conference room reached 40 people.

Still, it didn’t feel crowded.

It even seems to be extremely spacious, even if there are 200 people in this conference room, there is no problem.

Zhuge Liang sat on Ye Chen’s left hand.

The first on the right is Einster.

After that, Xiang Yu, Guiguzi, Da Vinci, Tesla, Yue Fei and others were listed in turn.

As Ye Chen’s first secretary, Chu Fangyu was still sitting behind Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked around the audience.

He immediately said: “Everyone, starting from today, we have a home.

Ye Chen’s words fell, and everyone looked at each other and smiled.

Yes, there is a home!

Which of these people has not wandered for decades, hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

Home and family are long gone.

Now they are a group of wanderers.

A group of immortals wandering in the long river of history.

And now, they have their own home.

This family, everyone present has contributed.

Ma Yun was among the few sitting at the end of the long table.

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, Ma Yun felt extremely fortunate for no reason.

In front of this group of ancient beings, he also has a place because he judges the situation.

Ye Chen looked around the audience and continued: “Starting today, the first chapter of the Hall of Longevity has been turned over, and the second chapter has begun.”

“The so-called second chapter is the stars of the universe.”

In the next few years, we will have in-depth communication and exchanges with alien civilizations.

“At the same time, on the planets outside the city of Tiangong, establish more bases of the Temple of Longevity.

The Hall of Longevity will be the supreme existence of the entire universe, and even countless parallel universes.

Ye Chen’s words fell.

Many people present were breathing a little faster.

Lord of the universe!

This is really going to the Lord of the universe.

Before meeting Mr., most of the people present didn’t even dare to think about it.

Some people are still struggling to survive.

Ye Chen looked at Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang stood up and bowed to Ye Chen.

Immediately, he looked at all the senior management and said, “As entrusted by Mr. De, next, you will talk about the latest architecture of the Hall of Longevity.”

“The Hall of Longevity has one Hall Master, who will be temporarily appointed by the gentleman, and 4 Vice Hall Masters.

“One of them has not yet been appointed, and the other three are appointed by Liang, Senior Guigu and Mr. Da Vinci.”

“Under the deputy hall master, there are twelve chairman of the board of directors, who manage the six groups of the hall of longevity respectively.

“The specific personnel are: Einster, Tesla, Yue Fei…

·0 Seeking flowers…

The four deputy hall masters, except for Zhuge Liang and the others.

There is another Ye Chen who already has a candidate.

In the next time and space travel, this one will return to the team.

Twelve directors, each group has 2 directors, who manage the corresponding groups at the same time.

Among the four deputy hall masters, Zhuge Liang was the most powerful.

It is the ruler of the entire hall of longevity.

Guiguzi and Da Vinci are responsible for general affairs and technology respectively.

Four deputy hall masters, plus twelve chairman, this is the core high-level of the hall of longevity.

Under the chairman, there are 24 directors.

After all, each group has 2 directors and 4 directors.

The director is the middle level of the Hall of Longevity.

Under the board of directors are the relevant responsible persons in each group.

Further down, there are ordinary members.

If it still goes down, it is the non-direct staff.

For example, researchers at the Tianqi Experimental Base, etc.

Among them, two are special.

One is Chu Fangyu.

Although Chu Fangyu was not in these positions, his status was no worse than Zhuge Liang.

Because she is Ye Chen’s secretary.

The other is Xiang Yu.

This overlord of Western Chu, who has been the most powerful in the past and present, is Ye Chen’s personal bodyguard.

The status is also very high.

After Zhuge Liang finished speaking, Ye Chen said: “In the early days of the Hall of Longevity, the selection was re-selection every 5 years.”

“The selection method is the method of assessment plus general voting.”

“At the same time, the benefits are different for each position.”

“I will give you grades every year based on your contributions and abilities. Everyone, it’s up to you in the future.”

“Yes, sir!”

More than 40 people present respectfully said at the same time.

Ye Chen nodded and said: “From now on, except for some branches and launch bases, the rest of the staff will return to Changsheng City as soon as possible.

“In addition, Da Vinci Tesla, the protection work on the Longevity City needs to be strengthened.

Da Vinci and Tesla quickly nodded and responded, “Yes sir.

This meeting lasted for a full two hours.

It was also the largest meeting ever.

Apart from Jiang Linbo, Rost and Yang Chao from Tarim, only Dong Renfeng and Du Yiming, who were still abroad, did not return.

There will not be many such meetings in the future.

Most of them are hosted by Zhuge Liang.

Then Chu Fangyu attended as his spokesperson.

(Kneeling and begging for a flower evaluation ticket, there will be a sixth update soon, the author is in the codeword of bitter haha.) And,

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