Chapter 177 Lessons from the next ants


At this moment, the thing like a Buddha bead on Zhuge Liang’s wrist made a clear reminder sound.

Unlike Buddhist beads, this is completely made of everything.

Also, each bead has a Tai Chi-like pattern on it.

Ye Chen also received a prompt at the same time.

This is one of Tianji Pavilion’s technological products, Tianjizhu.

There are a total of 13 beads, the same number as the general bead bracelets.

In addition to normal communication like a mobile phone, the role of Tianji beads also has the role of global positioning.

This is not GPS positioning, but a spy organization that has been developed in Tianji Pavilion for more than a thousand years.

“Sir, it should be the North American side.”

As the intelligence agency of the Hall of Longevity.

Tianji Pavilion is naturally extremely competent.

Zhuge Liang explained while speaking: “It seems that the North American Third Fleet has been dispatched in secret.

Heavenly Secret Pavilion, control the world “Seven-one and zero things, know everything.

This is the significance of Tianji Pavilion.

He is Ye Chen’s eyes and Ye Chen’s brain.

Heaven and Man Club, responsible for wealth.

Shenwuying, mainly for force.

The Tianji Pavilion just complemented the shortcomings of the Hall of Longevity.

Ye Chen smiled.

Although Tianji Pavilion is not good at technology.

However, they have also invented many interesting gadgets, which are extremely helpful for intelligence and information.

“Okay, you are watching closely.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he looked at Xiang Yu: “Xiang Yu, starting from today, you are my bodyguard.”

Originally, Marven Ye was about to tell the three of the relevant divisions.

However, for now, what is more important is the Longevity City.


Xiang Yu was instantly overjoyed.

For more than a thousand years, he has not given up martial arts.

Instead, he became more and more addicted to it.

Although Mr.’s methods are unpredictable, there are still many things that cannot be done by himself.

“Mr. Ye, you are here!”

A group of scientists such as Tesla and Da Vinci greeted them one after another.


Ye Chen said kindly: “Let’s get to know each other.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Da Vinci stretched out his hand and said, “Hello, I’m Da Vinci.”

Guiguzi smiled and said, “Ghost Valley.

Everyone made an introduction at one time.

After the three and Du Yuancheng and Yue Yun also introduced them.

The expressions of the two of them changed suddenly.

Did the old seniors from BC actually appear?

Du Yuancheng had a shocked expression on his face.

So, Mr. is at least BC?

There are other scientists who have guessed the same as Du Yuancheng.

They found that Mr. Ye became more and more mysterious.

It’s getting more and more awe-inspiring.

Under the leadership of Da Vinci and the others, the group came to the base of the Tiangong mothership.

According to Tesla, after the helicarrier is put into production, it only needs 300 million maintenance costs per year.

It’s pretty cheap.

In addition to that, the helicarrier can be fully used as a space station!

The second Tiangong mothership is already in production.

After the second ship is produced, it will begin to enter the building process of Tiangong City.

At that time, there will also be a joint defense measure in the sky and underground.

“Sir, in two days at most, the helicarrier can go to Linhai.

Tesla was a little excited.

This is his work.

like his son.

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction and said, “What is the maximum sailing distance?”

Tesla thought about it and said: “With the current configuration, it is possible to reach Uranus, but it will take a long time.

“If warp flight can be achieved, then it can reach anywhere in the universe.

Ye Chen nodded.

The warp flight project is currently in charge of Einster and Schrödinger.

The last time I crossed, I gathered a large number of top scientists.

Their participation has completely changed the world.

It also accelerated the speed at which the Hall of Longevity was pushed into the universe.

“Very good, I’ll come back just when it’s put into use.”

After speaking, Ye Chen went to Putin’s laboratory.

Changshengcheng has been partially put into operation.

Among them, there are two biological institutes and Putin’s research institute.


Putin and Einster hurriedly went out to greet them after they got the news.

The excitement on the faces of the two has not disappeared.

“Sir, this should be an electromagnetic pulse signal from 21 light-years away!”

Einster explained on the side: “After the analysis with Putin, I intend to use this regular pulse signal to feed back to the past.

The short 2-second signal plays continuously.

Everyone was listening quietly.

After a moment.

Ye Chen heard the words and smiled: “How’s the signal strength?”


Putin said: “But it is very regular, a total of three launches, this one is the clearest.0”

Behind Ye Chen, Guiguzi and the others looked at each other a little dreamily.

“Don’t respond.

Ye Chen said: “We don’t know the specific situation, and we don’t know the level of technology of the other party.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Guiguzi and Zhuge nodded.

They mean it too.

Immediately, Ye Chen said again, “How is the Tianjing plan going?”

Da Vinci said: “Sir, it has been put into construction.

The Tianjing Project is a project mainly in charge of several scientists from Leonardo da Vinci and Einster.

Its purpose is to use the sky mirror to search for more traces and information of aliens.

And, hand it over to Putin for analysis.

“Now that we have found actual evidence of extraterrestrial civilization, we must begin to analyze what this so-called E-class civilization means.”

Ye Chen looked at everyone and said solemnly, “I ask you to do the following three things.

“First, speed up the pace of financing, and sell non-core technologies to them if necessary, so as to improve the scientific and technological level of all mankind.”

“Second, I need more advanced and powerful weapons to deal with the future cosmic hegemony.

Third, “I need to get a unified and clear attribution message globally.

Although it is a bit exaggerated according to foreigners.

However, the internal unity of the Earth is also very important.

This does not mean the unity of force, but the unity of opinions and the unity of camps.

More than 20 people including Zhuge Liang said at the same time: “Yes, sir!”

“In addition, Putin, continue to strengthen the search for pulse signals in the range of 30 light-years.”

“The Kuafu Type 3 can be activated at the same time as the Sky Mirror.

Putin said excitedly: “Yes sir!”

Right now.

Yue Yun suddenly said: “Sir, the North American fleet reappears a hundred kilometers away.”

After listening to Yue Yun’s words, everyone laughed.

Is this the food delivery again?

Ye Chen waved his hand: “Xiang Yu, together with Yue Yun, let them see what the real oriental force looks like.”

Xiang Yu and Yue Yun looked at each other.

Immediately Xiang Yu smiled and said, “Sir, is it all annihilation?”

“Leave a supreme commander.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he looked out the window: “Since the ants don’t know whether to live or die, then we don’t need to be polite.”

“Remember, this time the movement is a bit louder, it is the second stage of our accession to the WTO.”

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