Chapter 178 Overlord Mecha

“Captain, we are still 69 kilometers away from the target!

Third Fleet.

One of the most powerful fleets in North America.

Has two aircraft carriers.

In general, it is the famous Villefort!


Captain Truman of the Villefort had eyes like eagles.

Truman is a powerful figure in North America.

Two levels higher than Roald’s status.

Moreover, he is also a famous hawk.

After listening to the deputy captain’s report, Truman laughed: “George, don’t be nervous, it’s just a test.

Vice-Captain George gave a wry smile.

“Captain, I always feel that this time is a little unusual.”

Although he did not attend the highest level meeting.

However, it smelled some dangerous breath.

The powerful Third Fleet just went to inspect the mysterious weather?

Just ridiculous.

The more so, the more extraordinary George felt.

Because of the extremely high level of confidentiality, even Truman did not get a lot of news.

He is directly under the jurisdiction of the leader of Group G.

The orders given to him were to investigate, and to arrest humans after they were discovered.

Simple and crude.

“George, we are the Third Fleet!

Truman shouted: “Don’t forget our honor and mission!”

George took a deep breath and said, “It’s the captain!”

When 10 was talking, suddenly.

“Captain, there are suspicious ships ahead, suspicious ships ahead, report completed!”


Truman’s face changed.


Immediately, Truman said solemnly: “The first flight team is dispatched.”

In Changsheng City.

Guiguzi laughed: “It’s the arrogant Truman.”

“Sir, it seems that we can harvest two aircraft carriers.

Ye Chen heard the words and smiled slightly.

Tianji Pavilion, the layout of more than 1,500 years.

There are not many core members.

That’s because the spies of Tianji Pavilion are all over the world!

Almost every high-level country has people from Tianji Pavilion.

That’s why, the three of them got the news as soon as the North American top secret meeting ended.

Marven Ye didn’t ask how they got in.

This is the following thing.

However, Ye Chen asked, who is in North America.

When he learned that it was the deputy commander of the military, Ye Chen gave a thumbs up.

This penetration level is higher than Ye Chen imagined.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Let Swordfish No. 6 lead them here.

“Okay Mr. Ye.

Yue Yun laughed.

The feeling of walking the dog is quite interesting.

The Swordfish is one of the latest superspeed ships developed by Changshengdian, with a speed of 268 kilometers per hour.

It is nearly 2 times faster than the fastest nuclear submarine in the world.

In addition, Swordfish also comes with a stealth function.

Everyone looked at the holographic projection in front of them.

The array of the Third Fleet and the aircraft on the carrier can be clearly seen.

“Xiang Yu, Yue Yun, you all go.

Just when the Third Fleet was only 10 kilometers away from Changsheng City, Ye Chen said.


Xiang Yu and Yue Yun jumped off the podium.

Third Fleet.

“Captain, ahead is where the thundercloud storm was born.”

George Hui reports: “Unbelievable, that ship is going so fast!”

Truman nodded, his face a little unsightly.

“North America’s technology is the first, no country can surpass it!”

Truman looked forward and said: “However, there is such a fast ship, George, let the people of the first flight team attack!”

“We want to get this core technology!


Immediately, orders were issued one by one.


The first flying team, a Xiaoying fighter made a tentative attack.

However, the Swordfish was too fast.

at this time.

The endless ocean ahead suddenly changed.

A mirage-like scene appeared in front of everyone.

There are seven supertall skyscrapers there.

There is also a behemoth suspended in mid-air!

“Sir, found something unusual!

The pilot on the Xiaoying fighter immediately reported.


Truman also saw it, and his face changed slightly: “Is it a mirage? Or some kind of technological effect?”

He did not expect such a secret city in this world.

Just thought it was some kind of projection.

The previous thundercloud storm, everyone also speculated that it may be related to projection.


Truman finished.

Xiaoying fighters dispatched without hesitation.


A missile was accurately released.

However, in the next moment, a scene that made them change color appeared.

The missile seemed to have touched a barrier.

The missile exploded in mid-air.

At the same time, a light blue mask appeared faintly.


Truman’s face changed dramatically.

George quickly said: “Long!”

“This, what is this?”

Truman even rubbed his eyes.

At this moment, two airships appeared in the barrier that had opened a small half.

On the airship, there seemed to be people still standing.

Oh my gosh, “fly, fly?”

What shocked Truman and George was that the people on the airship flew into the air!

A boat as fast as lightning…

Weird barrier..

And the never-before-seen flying saucer-like airship…


Truman looked shocked.

Are you sure it’s not a dream?

At this moment, Xiang Yu and Yue Yun, who were wearing mecha, arrived at the two aircraft carriers at an incredible speed.


George shouted at the top of his voice.

No time to think.

wait “!”

Truman’s face changed dramatically.

But it was too late.


On the aircraft carrier, the gun barrels made a harsh explosion.

However, the attack was ineffective.

On the aircraft carrier Villefort, Xiang Yu, who was wearing a mecha, seemed to disappear.

The shells lost their target and fell on the aircraft carrier.


The deck was blasted off.

The 710 carrier shook.

“George! Who gave you the order!”

Truman growled.

Just as he was talking, Xiang Yu, who was wearing an exoskeleton mecha, slammed into the fort with a punch.


The fort is like a fragile piece of paper, bursting with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, someone jumped off from the two extremely fast airships.

The battle is imminent.

Not fighting, but slaughter!

No one thought that the enemy would easily enter the aircraft carrier.

These technologies are far beyond their imagination.

On an aircraft carrier, there is simply no way to form an effective attack.

A fighter jet took off.

But before taking off, he was killed by those armored soldiers.

One by one pilots died in the fighter plane.

The defenses on the aircraft carrier don’t even know who to target.

Truman’s face was extremely pale.


They provoke a terrifying presence!

Is this Atlantis?



The thick steel plate was shattered by Xiang Yu’s punch.

In his eyes, these steels are almost no different from scraps of paper.

Xiang Yu and Yue Yun’s mechas and fists are made of rare titanium metal.

This is the hardest metal in the world, bar none!

It is also the limit that the Hall of Longevity can currently extract.

When a mecha with a height of about 2 meters stood in front of Truman.

George turned pale and urinated. .

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