Chapter 176 Ye Chen is being targeted (please everything!!)

Just when Ye Chen set off for Changsheng City.

North America.

Supreme Military Council.

All the people in attendance are the most powerful people in North America, even Rolte is not eligible to participate.

Today, however, Rolt was also allowed to attend.

In the conference room, sitting in the first seat was a blond old man in a black suit.

The old man is the highest existence in North America!

At this time, he listened to the report of his subordinates with a serious expression.

“Gentlemen, the investigation on Ye has made substantial progress.”

During this time, the CIA was not idle.

On the contrary, an investigative team about Ye was secretly set up.

called Group G.

G, is the abbreviation of god, the meaning of God.

The top leader of Group G is the No. 3 figure in North America.

This shows that North America attaches great importance to leaves.

After the man finished speaking, he turned out stacks of documents.

“First of all, we can be sure that Ye is from Leonardo da Vinci’s time.

As he spoke, the portrait of the Oriental Soul was released on the big screen.

“Secondly, the collapse of the Island Country One Dragon Club is directly related to Ye!”

Third, “lipid capsule technology is what Ye taught the East.”

The fourth is still unconfirmed, but the mysterious disappearance of the Shadow Fighter should be directly related to Ye!

The blond old man in military uniform was concise.

In the conference room, 20 participants looked solemn.

Someone said: “Group G has gained a lot, but we also found some news.”

“First, the founder of the Heaven and Human Club, the suspected immortal person should be Ye’s person.”

After he finished speaking, a dynamic image of the satellite capture of Zhu Sheng’s plane heading to Linhai was released on the screen.

“Secondly, Shenwuying has attacked our people. We judge that 80% of Shenwuying is Ye’s subordinates or friends!”

Third, “The mysterious Mr. Gu Yuming from Tianji Pavilion should all know about it, right?”

The crowd nodded.

There are many hidden organizations in this world.

However, the most mysterious thing is this Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

Regarding the Tianji Pavilion, not only the East has had contact, but they have also had it.

Even their faction had secret contact before the election.


And the final result is indeed the same as the result predicted by Tianji Pavilion.

“Is there any direct evidence of the relationship between Tianji Pavilion and Ye?” someone asked.


“However, please take a look.”

As he spoke, he presented a satellite image to everyone.

This is a highly accurate spy satellite, and no one in the world knows about it except everyone present.

The satellite image shows Changhe Airport.

“Our guys caught this just an hour ago.

Everyone, “Look at the plane icon, it’s the Tianji Pavilion!”

As soon as the man finished speaking, many people’s expressions changed.

Someone’s breathing started to get heavy.

Some people’s hair stood up.

One mysterious event after another!

One after another terrifying and low-key organization.

If all the guesses are true.

So, how terrifying should this leaf be?

What is his purpose?

Is he friendly towards North America, or is he malicious?

Rolt’s face changed and changed.

These things were things he had never been able to touch before.

At the moment of contact, Rolt’s cold sweat came out.

If that day, he hastily attacked.

In other words, rushing into that weird thundercloud storm.

It’s not just a Howling Shadow fighter that may be missing!

Afterwards, a character continuously reports the collected information.

From Linhai University of Science and Technology, to Changsheng Investment, to Nobel Prize winners and so on.

Information is shared one by one.

And be interpreted and analyzed by the public.

At this point, it was the last person’s turn to speak.

This is a middle-aged man who is not too old.

With myopic glasses that are about the same thickness as the bottom of the bottle, my hair is a little greasy.

He is the strongest hacker in North America.

He is also the second largest super hacker in the world.

At this moment, being watched by everyone, the middle-aged man was a little nervous.

As a tech nerd, it was the first time he attended this conference.

Seeing this, he swallowed and said, “Gentlemen, I found a very interesting thing.

“That Ye was there before Professor Putin died.”

“Subsequently, we caught this on Princeton Highway.”

Speaking, presenting things.

The picture is still blurry after several repairs and high-definition.

However, faces can already be seen.

The one who turned back was Pugin!


The whole place sucked in a breath of cold air.

Someone looked horrified: “God! This is impossible!”

“You mean Putin cheated to death?”


The middle-aged man pushed his glasses: “More than that, everyone please take a look.”

-0 for flowers…

“This is the purchase list of a research institute in England. Among the signatories on it, one of the signatories is suspected to have already signed the signature of an ancient scientist.”

When finished, the picture is presented.

Everyone looked at the past intently, and their expressions changed drastically.

Lorenz “? That’s impossible!”

“It must be a coincidence!”

Few people dare to think this is true, nor dare to think so.

The middle-aged man gave a wry smile: “If this is false, of course it is good, but if it is true, gentlemen, then we are in big trouble!”

“It can’t be true, there is no technology to come back from the dead today! Not now, nor will there be in the next 100 years!”

Someone said firmly: “Moreover, they have nothing to do with Ye!

Everyone was silent.

After a long time.


“Put the undecided things for a while, and focus on the information that has been confirmed and almost confirmed.”

No. 2, who has never spoken, said solemnly, “Let’s start to make a statement.”

“My opinion is, send the fleet for a second test! Let’s start with the thundercloud storm!”

“My opinion is a secret arrest!”




One by one high-level officials expressed their final opinions.

Similar to what everyone thinks, most of them are taking the initiative.

In other words, take the initiative!

Finally, the Supreme Being opened.

“The existence of Ye, Dongfang must be aware of it. Since he knows that he can live in peace with each other, and even gives him a favor, then he is cooperating.”

The old man looked around the audience and said solemnly: “When great powers confront each other, every second counts.”

“Gentlemen, my opinion is also to start with the thundercloud storm.

“Also, from now on, Group G will focus on investigating those secret organizations.


Outside Changsheng City.

The yacht Tianren sailed into Changsheng City.

When the holographic projection opened, Xiang Yu and the three were shocked.

“Sir, what a genius!”

Guiguzi said with a smile: “Who would have thought that there would be such a place in the world.”

As soon as Guiguzi’s voice fell, Ye Chen saw a behemoth from the northwest.

is really huge.

Like an air fortress, it was quietly erected in front of several people.

“This is the Tiangong Mothership!”

Xiang Yu murmured.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Let’s go, go in and have a look.” Again,

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