164 Magnolia Chapter son like you (seek perfection custom order)

early morning.

The couple spent the arc discovered Mulan left behind letters.

Mulan is gone.

And who dignified appearance of Mr Yip, also walked.

a month later.


Flag fluttering, cold wind blowing.

Recruits embarked on a battlefield.

One foot on the ground meat wandering away from home games.

Outside the barracks.


A military uniform Mulan more and more British Gas is compelling.

The waist while hanging a saber jade.

The jade, there is a “leaf” character.

It was two weeks ago, gave Chen Ye Mulan.

Mulan very much, it will close on the sword.

Chen and Ye waist, also hung a sachet.

That was before his departure Mulan personally embroidered.

Although the process is not really good.

But for this purpose Mulan took several needles.

“To train it.

Chen Ye Mulan to the next Joan nose and said: “I am in such you.”


Looking at the tent not far from Mulan blush of blood.

She is the daughter ;.

Even men dressed as women, and men do not want to live in a tent.

And this tent, which means she and Ye Gongzi. ….

10 to think that, Mulan heart thump thump of severe beating.

Heart, like a deer rattling like.

“Son, Mulan love you!”

Having fled also like Mulan ran away.

Ye Chen smiled and support from the side of the torch.

In 2019 from a full place in 1592, Ye Chen lived as ordinary people like life.

into the night.

Mulan after a day of training.

Small river, Ye Chen stopped smiling and looked at Mulan.

Mulan Qiao Lian reddish lowered his head.

“Son, I think I take a shower.”

Mulan low voice inaudible.

Go. “”

Half an hour later.

Tent lit a candle flickering.

Here is only 1000 meters away from the camp.

But in the time range of magnetic field leaves Chen, who is not aware of any of this tent.

Mulan lay laying soft bed, as much as possible not to touch the leaves Chen.

May, on such a big tent.

They inevitably in contact several times.

Mulan just feel how hot the body can not sleep.


Mulan find Ye Chen’s hand sent over the nozzle can not help but said: “I, I-ming.

Mulan if not yet finished feeling the body sank.

Soon, Jiaohu soon.

Day two.

The day before dawn.

Mulan blushing up.


As a result, a share that running in the arms of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen faint smile at Mulan.

Mulan shame not to see Chen leaves holding sheets ran out.

20 minutes later.

Red on clean sheets collapse, magnolia drying up.

After that, the barracks of the horn sounded.

that’s all.

The rapid passage of time unknowingly.

a month later.

“Son, tomorrow we have to fight the.”

After a month of wind and sun, Mulan has completely grown.

Now, she is one of the best recruits in the barracks.

Under the guidance of Chen Ye, archery is superior.

The two months of close contact with people, Mulan leaf Chen also more than a hint of curiosity.

Son of civil and military and all directions.

Furthermore, the are all very well-used items.

This process seems to age could not be reached.

But, Mulan did not ask.

I feel no need to ask.

“Then here came to an end.”

Ye Chen laughed.

The Rouran Khanate, with its sturdy folk customs and excellent riding skills, is a fighting nation on horseback.

Facing this king of Mobei, the Northern Wei Dynasty was not powerless to resist.

On the contrary, the Northern Wei Dynasty in this era was very powerful.

The economy and culture have reached a peak.

As a result, the battle is naturally more tragic.

Yanshan did not realize it for several months.

From the north of Yanshan to the west of Yanshan.

Back to Dunhuang.

Countless war dead.

Rouran and the Northern Wei Dynasty have never been able to decide the winner or loser.

this day.

Another battle.

Both sides invested 40,000 troops.

A fierce battle was launched in the Qilian Mountains with continuous mountains.

Ye Chen stood on the top of the mountain and looked indifferently at the fierce battle below.

It was like watching a group of ants fight.


Ye Chen’s expression moved slightly.

In the battlefield that can be called a meat grinder, Hua Mulan stabbed left and right with a spear.

Rouran soldiers died one by one.

After a few months of fighting, Hua Mulan had already made some achievements and became a cavalry captain.

Just when Hua Mulan took people deep.

In the Rouran army, an arrow shot coldly.

Hua Mulan was instantly alert.

But just as he was about to dodge, Rouran Bing rushed over without hesitation.

They could all see that it was a captain.

Fighting on the battlefield, winning the head of the colonel can get a lot of military merit.

Hua Mulan was immediately entangled by several soldiers.

A life-and-death crisis is coming!

But at this moment, Hua Mulan’s pretty face changed slightly.

Because, that arrow changed direction!

There is no strong wind here.

However, the long arrow took a strange arc and shot towards the Rouran soldier in front of Hua Mulan.


The soldier who was holding the knife in front of him fell to the ground with a scream.

There was a hint of sweetness in Mulan’s beautiful eyes.

She knew that it was the son who made the move.

This scene did not attract anyone’s attention in the huge battlefield.

Killing continued.

The evening of the second day.

The battle did not end until the Rouran army retreated.

Nearly 10,000 soldiers were killed on both sides.

The blood flowed into rivers, it was horrible to see!

After cleaning the battlefield, I was very tired.

The Northern Wei army slept on the ground.

early morning.

Hua Mulan put away the tiredness on her face, and happily walked towards Ye Chen like a little girl.

Ye Chen got up and smiled slightly.

The next moment, the smile on his face disappeared.

Bold “Flower Arc!”

At this moment, two angry shouts suddenly came from not far from Hua Mulan.

I saw two men in general’s armor striding forward.

The two 567, one is the Northern Wei general Tuoba Yan, and the other is the commander, that is, Hua Mulan’s direct superior Tuoba Jian.

Hua Mulan joined the army on her father’s behalf and used her father’s name.

Hua Mulan’s pretty face changed slightly, she was so careless!

After the consecutive battles ended, she was so happy to be able to accompany the young master at last.

Tuoba Yan and the two quickly surrounded Ye Chen and Hua Mulan.

Tuoba Jian glanced at Ye Chen and said to Hua Mulan, “Boldly Hua Hu, how dare you fornicate with foreign enemies!”

After he finished speaking, Tuoba Jian pulled out his sword.

Mulan’s pretty face sank.

She knew she couldn’t escape.

Both of them were masters, especially Tuoba Steaming, a famous general of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Although Hua Mulan is excellent in martial arts, she is at best comparable to Tuoba Jian.

There is still a long distance from Tuobayan.

However, even so, Hua Mulan still kept Ye Chen behind without hesitation.

“Hua, how dare you resist?

Tuobayan looked dignified, and was not worried that the two of them could run away.

As for Ye Chen, Tuoba Yan didn’t ask any questions.

All aliens, kill!

Hua Mulan held her lips: “General, for the sake of my meritorious service to Khan, let him go!”

“Hehe, Huahu, are you dreaming?”

Tuobajian took a step forward as he spoke: “The great merits of heaven are not worth your sin of fornicating with foreign enemies!”

After speaking, Tuoba Jian swung his sword to kill.

Ye Chen smiled.

Just when Mulan was about to fight back, an accident happened.

I saw that Tuoba Jian, who was in his prime, was rapidly aging at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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