Chapter 165 Encounter with Xiang Yu and the Three

While killing Ye Chen, he quickly aged.

The distance between the two is 30 meters.

It only takes ten steps to run.

However, even these dozen or so steps have become Tuoba’s road to the king of hell!

When he ran to Ye Chen with a knife.

Tuobajian was too old to look like.

Overhead, there are 3 seconds left in the remaining life.

“You and I..

Tuoba Jian was terrified in his heart.

He found that his hair had turned white.

Hands are full of age spots and wrinkles.

He was too old to even speak.

After struggling for a long time, he finally did not say this half sentence.

Immediately, he fell to Ye Chen’s feet with a thud.

Tuoba steaming not far away, his face changed drastically!

A chill rises under his feet.

The famous general of the Northern Wei Dynasty was so frightened that his face turned pale.


Tuoba Yan took a few steps back and looked terrified!

too frightening!

Deli subordinates turned into rotten old people in an instant?

What kind of power is this!

Ye Chen smiled slightly and stepped forward.

Seeing Ye Chen walking forward, Tuoba Tao was dripping with cold sweat, and the hand holding the knife trembled violently.

Tuoba steamed through countless fierce fights.

However, it has never been so frightening, frightening!

Facing this god, he could not even have the desire to resist!

“General Tuoba, how about today’s event as if it never happened?”

Hearing Ye Chen’s words, Tuoba Yan was slightly taken aback.

Instant ecstasy.

As long as you don’t die, it’s nothing to keep secrets.

“Regarding the flower arc, no special treatment is required.

Ye Chen looked at Tuoba Steam and said lightly, “Do you understand?”

Tuoba Tao nodded quickly with a look of horror.

I thought to myself, what kind of person is this immortal.

Just like that, Tuoba Yan went back.

On the second day, news came out of the army.

The sixth commander, Tuoba Jian, was assassinated by the Rouran assassin, and Colonel Nianhua Arc has made great contributions and is hereby promoted to make up for the lack of commander.

The sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and the time is like an arrow.

Seven years have passed in a blink of an eye.

From AD 427 to AD 434.

Ye Chen stayed in the Northern Wei Dynasty for seven years.

This was the first time that Ye Chen had been so long in the past.

For seven years, Ye Chen and Hua Mulan were very close, accompanying each other almost every night.

And Mulan has also experienced seven years of fighting.

this day.

Hua Mulan, who had been promoted to the capital, returned triumphantly with the army, and everyone in the Northern Wei camp cheered.


Rare leisure time.

Hua Mulan took Ye Chen’s arm and walked by the lake.

“Son, this lake is so clear, girl.”

Hua Mulan said softly, “Does your son like to eat fish?”

Ye Chen smiled: “It’s okay.”

Hua Mulan raised her head, looked at Ye Chen with her beautiful eyes and said, “Then I will go catch fish for the son, and the son must not dislike my cooking skills.”

After speaking, he jumped into the clear and transparent lake water like a elf.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and the time magnetic field enveloped Xiaohu and jumped down together.

Mulan let out a coquettish cry and bounced the lake water on Ye Chen’s face.

Ye Chen shot back.

“Crack cack.”

Mulan let out a sweet laughter like a lark.


“Ah, sir, can’t you?”

On the shore lawn.

Mulan’s little head rested on Ye Chen’s lap and looked at the sky happily.

The two have been together for seven years.

And they’ve been together almost every day for the past seven years.

As long as it was night, Hua Mulan would sneak out.

However, even with such an intimate relationship, Mulan still felt that she had not stayed enough.

Recalling the past seven years, Hua Mulan said softly, “Young Master, will you be tired of this kind of life?”

“Will not.”

Hua Mulan secretly rejoiced, only feeling sweet in her heart.

Ye Chen squeezed Hua Mulan’s little face with a big hand and joked: “You don’t even have a name, aren’t you sad?”

“Hee hee no! It’s already the greatest happiness for Mulan to be able to accompany the son.”

“Then… let’s accompany you in depth once.


3 years later.

After 10 years of hard work, Rouran has already revealed her forehead.

The successive battles made the Rouran Khanate unspeakable.

But you can’t go back.

The battle became more tragic.

At this moment, the Northern Wei Dynasty was stationed in the north of Pingcheng.

During the truce, Pingcheng became extremely lively because of the arrival of tens of thousands of soldiers.

Pingcheng West City.

Mulan and Ye Chen walked side by side.

Because there are many soldiers in the city, Hua Mulan is still dressed in military uniform.

There was no intimate move with Ye Chen either.

Today is one of the few shopping trips the two have seen in 10 years.

Hua Mulan chose a few underwear for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen gave Mulan a wooden comb and rouge gouache.

In 10 years, Hua Mulan has grown from a little girl to a big woman.

The tenderness on his face disappeared, replaced by the charm of the years.

more beautiful.

“Sir, this suits you so well.”

Hua Mulan gestured with a jade belt around Ye Chen’s waist and smiled.

Just as Ye Chen was about to answer, he suddenly laughed.

I saw it in a shop 100 meters away from Ye Chen.

The plaque of the shop seems to be some years old, and it has two big characters that are a little vague.


Ye Chen smiled and walked over.

The shop is not big.

There were only two buddies there to settle the accounts.

Seeing Ye Chen coming, one of the guys said enthusiastically, “What do you want objectively.”

Ye Chen hasn’t spoken yet.

There were rapid footsteps inside.

Immediately, the three Guiguzi walked out at the same time.

The three of them trembled, and their expressions were extremely excited.

Mr. is still as young as ever.

Compared with two hundred years ago, nothing has changed.

Seeing this, Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Three, are you okay after a long time no see?”

Guiguzi’s eyes were slightly red: “Sir, it has been two hundred years.”

“Yes sir, we thought we would have to wait a long time to see you.”

Xiang Yu looked at Ye Chen respectfully, and his expression was very vicissitudes.

At this time, Hua Mulan followed: “Master, what are you doing?”

Ye Chen smiled and looked at the three of them: “This is my wife.”

Hua Mulan blushed slightly and nodded to the three of them.

The three Guiguzi hurriedly saluted respectfully.

Seeing this, Hua Mulan said very wisely: “Young master, let’s talk first, I’ll stroll outside for a while.

“Sir, please come inside.”

Zhuge Liang looked at Ye Chen eagerly and said.


After two hundred years of absence, Ye Chen also wanted to chat with the three of them a lot.

These two (Li Zhao’s) centuries.

The three set up the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

Two hundred years of secret development, Tianji Pavilion has spread all over the country.

Has developed into the most terrifying force.

Zhuge Liang and Guiguzi devoted themselves to studying Zhouyi and gossip.

Once, Zhuge Liang and the two were the top warlocks in the world.

After two hundred years of precipitation learning.

The two of them have already reached the realm of transformation in terms of Ziwei Doushu and Tianji calculation.

And this time, it was because Guiguzi and Zhuge Liang jointly deduced that Heisei Ziqi was coming from the east.

I feel that it may be the arrival of Mr.

The three came together.

And Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu at the end of the Qin Dynasty, had already reached the pinnacle of military power.

Even Guiguzi is not his opponent.

inside the house.

Guiguzi poured Ye Chen a cup of tea and sighed, “Sir, two hundred years is really long!!

Ye Chen smiled: “Even you think you’re growing?”

Several people laughed at the same time.

Immediately, Ye Chen said again: “Everyone, have you been to other places over the years?”

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