Chapter 163 Mulan’s Expedition

It wasn’t until after walking a long way that Hua Mulan took back her sight.

Hua Hu, who was in her forties, looked at Ye Chen subconsciously.

Immediately, the crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes wrinkled together.

Hua Hu nodded kindly at Ye Chen.

Doubt and surprise in my heart.

Does this girl already have a sweetheart?

Looks like I have to let my wife have a snack.

This is a time of war.

Because of the years of war, the male population has declined rapidly.

It is difficult for women to find a good husband.

The more she thought about it, the more hesitant Hua Huo felt in her heart.

When she was about to leave the street corner, Hua Huo let go of Hua Mulan’s hand.

Hua Mulan was slightly taken aback.

But I saw Hua Au walking towards Ye Chen with her legs strut.

Ye Chen has gone far.

It took a long time to catch up with Ye Chen.

“Sir, please stay!”

Hua Arc panted.

Ye Chen stopped, turned around and smiled “five six seven”: “old man, what’s the matter?”

Hua Arc looked at Ye Chen up and down.

The more you look, the more satisfied you are.

Hua Huan smiled: “Sir, the humble house has prepared a good flower wine, and the old man wants to invite the gentleman to the humble house for a chat.”

Hua Mulan followed, her face blushed slightly when she heard this, but she didn’t stop her.

Ye Chen hesitated for a moment and smiled and said, “Since the old gentleman invited me, the younger generation should be respectful rather than obedient.”

“Very good, very good!”

Hua Arc smiled and couldn’t close her mouth.

When walking back, he even deliberately made Hua Mulan and Ye Chen stand together.

Flower home.

Ye Chen’s arrival added a lot of laughter.

The flower wine brewed by Hua Huo was brought up by Hua Mulan.

“Son, how does it taste?”

Hua Mulan asked with her chin resting on her chin.

At the dinner table, Hua Huo and Hua Yuanshi’s smiling eyes narrowed.

Seeing this, Hua Yuan asked, “Mr. Ye, where are you from?”

Ye Chen drank the flower wine in the bowl in one go.

The taste is sweet, with a faint aroma of locust blossoms.

It’s a good wine.


Hua Mulan blushed, lowered her head and exclaimed, “Why are you asking this.”

Hua Yuanshi couldn’t close his mouth with a smile.

Ye Chen was a little flustered when he saw it.

“Mr. Ye has a natural style and a handsome man full of wine. He must be an extraordinary person.”

When Hua Yuan’s words fell, Ye Chen smiled and said, “Auntie is too famous, Ye is just a wanderer.”

This is true.

It’s just that Ye Chen is the master of time who walks in the long river of time.

“Where is the flower man?!”

At this moment, the soldier outside the door suddenly shouted.

Hua Au’s face changed slightly.

Even Mulan’s expression was a lot dejected.

After Hua Arc went out.

“Hua Weng, have you ever thought about when to set off?”

the soldier asked.

Hua Huan sighed inwardly and quickly apologized and said with a smile: “Let’s live a few days, and a few more days.”

Inside, Hua Mulan clenched her silver teeth, her red lips turning white.

Ye Chen knew that this heroine had the intention to go out on the expedition in his father’s place.

Ye Chen didn’t stop him.

I don’t want to stop either.

Otherwise, history will be reversed and some unforeseen things will happen.

Hua Arc came back, and his face was full of smiles again.

It doesn’t seem to worry about it at all.

On the same day, under the warm invitation of the Hua Hu couple, Ye Chen moved into Hua’s house.

a few days later.

After Hua Mulan washed her hair, her hair was still a little wet.

Exudes a faint girly fragrance.

Seeing that Ye Chen seems to have woken up earlier than himself.

Hua Mulan tightened her collar, and immediately said softly, “Mr.


Ye Chen smiled and said, “Have you made up your mind?”

Hua Mulan was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he pressed his red lips and said nothing.

In the past few days, she and Ye Chen practiced swordsmanship together.

The more you get in touch, the more you know.

After a long time, Hua Mulan said sadly, “Grandpa has inconvenient legs and feet and is old.”

“My elder sister is delicate and my younger brother is young, so…

In the second half of the sentence, Mulan didn’t say anything.

Seeing that Mulan’s eyes were slightly red, Ye Chen felt a little distressed.

Although Mulan has her own heroic spirit, her tenderness cannot be concealed.

If it weren’t for wars, who would be willing to fight on the battlefield?

this afternoon.

The Hua family had a heated dispute.

Hua Hu insisted not to allow it, and Hua Yuan groaned and begged.

But Hua Mulan had made up her mind and couldn’t stand at all.


Hua Mulan knelt in front of her parents, firm and confident: “Grandpa, Aniang, Mulan will return safely from the expedition.”

“Please rest assured!”

After saying that, he nodded three times.

Hua Arc had already burst into tears.

He just hates himself for being useless.

Hearing this, he choked and said, “Hey, how can you, from a daughter’s family, go to the battlefield!”

“Even if I have inconvenient legs, I can still go into battle! Mulan, why is this so! Why is this so!”

Hua Yuanshi wiped away tears.0

Hua Mulan bit her lip with a firm and stubborn attitude: “Grandpa, Mulan can’t be discovered by a man disguised as a woman.

“No, I don’t agree!”

Hua Yuanshi suddenly stood up and held Hua Mulan in his arms: “Child, if you leave, my grandfather and I will not be better.”

“Auntie, and my sister and brother.

Hua Mulan wiped away the tears from the corners of Hua Yuanshi’s eyes: “Besides, the child is not leaving tomorrow.”

The Hua couple looked at each other and nodded with a sigh.

I thought to myself, in the next few days, I should be able to persuade this girl.

On the second day, it was just dawn.

Hua Mulan carefully packed her bags and left a letter from home.

When you are about to go out.

“Don’t say hello?”

Ye Chen stood at the door and smiled.

Mulan blushed and looked at Ye Chen.

After a few days of getting along, Hua Mulan has long been in love with Ye Chen.

Mulan suddenly stepped forward.

Under Ye Chen’s somewhat unexpected gaze, red lips touched the corner of Ye Chen’s mouth.

Mulan quickly retreated.

Bai Nen’s cheeks became more and more red.

“Sir, wars are frequent and the people are hard to live, although Mulan has intentions, she

Before Hua Mulan finished speaking, tears streamed down her cheeks.

Mulan didn’t wipe her tears away.

When she turned her head again, there was a faint smile on her beautiful face.

“Mulan just think that fate hasn’t arrived yet, son, the life and death of Mulan on this expedition is unpredictable, I hope the son can not suffer from the misery of being displaced.”

Ye Chen heard the words and laughed 5.3.

This silly girl!

Immediately, Ye Chen stepped forward and pulled up Hua Mulan’s right hand.

Then softly said: “Rouran is strong and strong, I won’t stop you when you go, but I will protect you secretly.”

Hua Mulan didn’t let go of her hand, but her cheeks were dripping with red blood.

Ye Chen took the delicate Mulan into his arms.

Hua Mulan’s delicate body trembled slightly, and immediately put her head on Ye Chen’s shoulder.

The beautiful eyes looked at Ye Chen and said softly: “If you want, son, you can wait for me here, and Mulan will return triumphantly.

Ye Chen looked at Hua Mulan and smiled: “Time is ruthless, just fight for the day and night.

“Only for the day and the night..

Mulan murmured again.

Immediately, a brilliant smile appeared in her eyes: “Then Mulan, let’s accompany the young master to the sea and the rocks!”

Everyone (I like watching Ye Chen time travel, do you have any good suggestions? Welcome to leave a message in the book review area.),

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