Chapter 156 Xiang Yu and Wujiang Meet the Immortal Again


Xiang Liang was soaked all over his clothes.

Beads of sweat dripped down like rain on his forehead.

Although Xiang Yu felt better than Xiang Liang, he felt that his hands and feet were already cold.


Xiang Yu stared blankly ahead and murmured, “I actually met an immortal…

“However, I, Xiang Yu, will definitely be able to dominate!”

Xiang Yu laughed.

From 209 BC to 202 BC.

7 years in a flash.

When Ye Chen and Guiguzi walked out of the picture scroll.

The dispute between Chu and Han has been going on for 4 years.

This year, Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty, who was victorious in every battle, suffered his first fiasco.

Battle of Gaixia.

In the face of Liu Bang’s army of hundreds of thousands.

Xiang Yu led 800 cavalry to break through the siege at night when there were few soldiers and insufficient provisions.

After a series of fierce battles, there were only a hundred cavalry soldiers left.

At this time, according to Ye Chen’s speculation, Xiang Yu was already in Dongcheng not far from the Wujiang River.

When Ye Chen and Guiguzi came outside Dongcheng.

On a lonely hill.

Ye Chen saw Xiang Yu.

I saw the overlord of Western Chu, who was covered in injuries and was approaching the limit.

Next to Xiang Yu, only 28 cavalry were left.

In 560, there were thousands of Liu Bang’s army chasing them.

Xiang Yu knew that he could not escape.

Looking at the remaining 28 brothers, Xiang Yu said in a hoarse voice: “It has been eight years since I started the army. After more than seventy battles, I have defeated all those who resisted me.”

“Eight years ago, I did not fail. Seven years ago, I encountered a fairy, and the fairy gave him advice to make himself the overlord of Western Chu.

“Now I’m stuck here, it’s not that I can’t fight, but that God will kill me!”

Xiang Yu looked around the crowd and shouted, “Today is a decisive battle, and I want to fight happily for you all.”

“Next, I will win three times!”

“Break out the packs, cut down the generals, and cut down the flags for the lords, and let the lords know that it is God who wants to kill me, but I will not fight.”

Twenty-eight cavalry soldiers looked solemn and sad.

Xiang Yu is their god of war and their spiritual belief.

Xiang Yu said that if he could do it, he would definitely do it.

It is five hundred meters away from Xiang Yu.

Guiguzi said in a complicated tone: “This overlord of Western Chu is a bit arrogant.”

This time travel.

Guiguzi saw all the details of Chu and Han’s hegemony.

After the Hongmen Banquet, the super wise man knew the fate of Xiang Yu.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Guigu, you underestimate Xiang Yu.

At this time, Xiang Yu (bafd) ordered the cavalry to sprint down the mountain in four directions.

And Xiang Yu himself took the lead.

Holding the Overlord Spear, he instantly came into contact with the Han army.

In one round, kill the opponent’s general.

Yang Xi, the Marquis of Chiquan, chased after Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu shouted loudly, and Yang Xi was so frightened that he retreated several miles!

Afterwards, Xiang Yu and the cavalry were divided into three groups to flee to the Wujiang River.

The Han army did not know which team Xiang Yu was in, so they were surrounded by three teams.

Seeing this, Guiguzi laughed.

“Sir, it seems that Xiang Yu can escape this time.”

Although he has nothing to do with Xiang Yu, Guiguzi still admires this general who was born hundreds of years later than him.

Ye Chen looked back at Guiguzi: “Guess what happened to Xiang Yu later?”


Guiguzi laughed dumbly: “Let’s fight the Han army again.”

“However, Xiang Yu has no one to use, so he shouldn’t be able to overcome too much wind and waves.

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head: “If this is the case, he is not the overlord of Western Chu.”

As soon as these words came out, Guiguzi was stunned.

He didn’t quite understand what Ye Chen meant.

With Xiang Yu’s strength and intelligence, those Han troops couldn’t help Xiang Yu at all.

And Xiang Yu still has prestige.

He gathers the old department every day and tries his best to be brave, and he is definitely another powerful strength.

Guiguzi looked suspiciously at Xiang Yu and the others who were far away.

I thought to myself, could it be that I guessed wrong?

After that, Xiang Yu was like a god of war.

After beheading a Han army general again.

Kill a hundred more elite soldiers of the Han army with the power of one person.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was secretly amazed.

Xiang Yu’s strength was still underestimated by later generations.

You know, at this time Xiang Yu had not eaten for two days.

And experienced more than 20 fierce battles.

However, even so, he can still slay the generals and kill hundreds of people by himself!

In the blink of an eye, Xiang Yu reached the Wujiang River.

Of the twenty-eight cavalry, only two were lost.

“Hahaha! Everyone, what’s up!

Xiang Yu stood up with a gun, killing him happily.

The subordinates are all in admiration: “It’s the same as what the king said!”

After a pause, someone said, “Your Majesty, after this battle, we will rest for a while before we fight the Han army.”

“It will definitely wash away today’s shame!”

Xiang Yu looked at the twenty-six people, and immediately took a deep breath and said, “You all retreat to the other side of the Wujiang River, and I will break the back for you.”

“Your Majesty!”

Everyone’s face changed greatly.

“Listen to orders!”

Xiang Yu glared angrily, and everyone showed grief.

Today, I have “faced Jiang Dong’s elders without face.

Xiang Yu looked towards the opposite bank with tenderness: “Xiang Yu’s life is over!

After speaking, Xiang Yu took a gun and killed the Han army.

Ye Chen watched for a long time.

With a sigh, “I still can’t bear this guy’s life.”

Aside, Guiguzi’s expression was extremely complicated.

Nearly a thousand people besieged Xiang Yu.

But Xiang Yu killed more than 400 people!

Terrible combat power.

Terrible willfulness!

Xiang Yu suffered a dozen injuries and gradually lost his strength to fight again.

Immediately, he looked around and laughed suddenly.

The next moment, he suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist.

“General is very brave.”

Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

Xiang Yu’s hand holding the sword trembled violently.

Xiang Yu turned back suddenly.

It’s almost the same scene we met 7 years ago.

The other party’s age and bearing are still the same as before.

Xiang Yu’s expression changed suddenly, because he found him, those Han troops were as still as sculptures!


Xiang Yu immediately took a deep breath.

He knew that the other party was a fairy.

However, this method is too incredible.

At this moment, Xiang Yu suddenly felt a little more fear in his heart when facing Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at Xiang Yu with a half-smile.

Xiang Yu suddenly smiled bitterly and said, “What the immortal said back then was very true.”

Ye Chen said before that Xiang Yu has the ability to dominate, but he has no life to dominate.

Hou Xiangyu scoffed at that time.

Now that several years have passed, Xiang Yu has understood the meaning of this sentence.

Xiang Yu looked helpless and desperate.

Ye Chen opened his mouth: “Xiang Yu, do you mean longevity?”

Xiang Yu’s face changed greatly.

Xiang Yu turned his head to look at Ye Chen in disbelief.

He looked again at Guiguzi, who did not change with the years just like in the past.

Suddenly, a crazy idea emerged in my mind.

“The immortal strokes my top, and the hair grows for longevity.”

Xiang Yu stared blankly at Ye Chen muttering words.

The next moment, Xiang Yu knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists with both hands: “Xiang Yu is willing to follow the immortals and go on the road of longevity together!!

Ye Chen smiled: “You don’t want to dominate?”

Xiang Yu raised his head and smiled bitterly.

After a while, Xiang Yu sighed: “Xiang Yu is dead.”

In Xiang Yu’s heart, from the moment he started killing himself, he was already dead.

(I like the Overlord of Western Chu very much. This product is simply a bug. It will be Ye Chen’s personal bodyguard in the future. I would like to congratulate the lord of time to the big bodyguard.

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