Chapter 155 Guiguzi vs Xiang Yu

Guiguzi looked bewildered.

Before Ye Chen roughly mentioned the history of later generations.

For many people, but not mentioned.

After Ye Chen and Guiguzi left.

Daqin, just like in history, burns books and pits Confucians and unifies weights and measures.

Under the great unification, the prestige of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng, was elevated to the extreme!

Xiu Afang Palace, Qin Shihuang Mausoleum Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

These are all in full swing.

It is also widely known that Qin Shihuang screened celebrities and alchemists across the country to ask for immortals and medicines.

Xu Fu took three hundred boys and girls to the east to seek immortals and never returned.

Qin Shihuang’s heart also became more and more desperate and irritable.

He is very old and very old.

Every day, he has no intention to govern, and only wants to find the immortal he met when he was young.


Among the huge team of 3,000 people, a luxurious car was carried.

“Your Majesty, it is said that there are immortals in Kuaiji, this time may not be false.

Beside the crash, a middle-aged Juan said with a non-commissioned officer hat.

Inside the car.

Qin Shi Huang was old and sluggish.

Hearing the words, there was a glimmer of brilliance in the turbid eyes.


A figure that he has missed for a long time and pursued for a long time seems to have appeared!

Still dressed as before.

Still as young as before.


Qin Shihuang suddenly had strength.

He stood up abruptly and opened the curtain.

But there was nothing in front of him.

Except for the vast crowds, there is no trace of the immortal.

“His Majesty?”

The sergeant quickly followed up and asked.

Qin Shihuang stared blankly ahead.

The regret in my heart was extremely strong.

Back then, it would be great if I asked the immortal one more question!

Thinking of this, Qin Shihuang felt a little irritable in his heart: “Let them go away!”

Immediately, the three thousand elites began to drive out the common people.

Some walked slowly, and even had their legs broken.

Howling sounded everywhere.

in the crowd.

“Calm down feather!”

A thin old man with extraordinary bearing grabbed a man.

The man was 1.95 meters tall.

Thick eyebrows and big eyes, long hair that is not tied up, adds a bit of domineering.

Because it was summer, the man rolled up his sleeves.

On the road, the muscles look as explosive as rocks.

This is Xiang Yu, the first-ranked military general in history who can carry the cauldron!

five thousand years of history.

There are countless warriors.

However, later generations recognized that the number one ranked was Xiang Yu!

In history, Xiang Yu clearly recorded a record of killing hundreds of soldiers by himself.

Battle of the Giant Deer.

The Qin army had 400,000 soldiers and horses, and no one from all sides dared to rescue them at that time.

Only Xiang Yu led fifty thousand horses.

In the end, the Qin army was defeated by less victory and more defeat.

This is an extremely well-known battle of winning more with less.

In terms of force, Xiang Yu dared to be the second and no one dared to be the first.

In terms of military command ability, Xiang Yu also performed well.

However, at this time Xiang Yu had not yet begun to dominate the road.

At this time, even Chen Sheng and Wu Guang had not yet revolted.

Xiang Yu was pulled by his uncle Xiang Liang before giving up.

Looking at the car that goes away.

Xiang Yu snorted coldly, “Qin Shi Huang can be replaced.”

Xiang Liang’s face changed greatly, and he quickly covered Xiang Yu’s mouth with his hands.

I was relieved to see that no one around was paying attention.

Immediately, Xiang Liang whispered: “Yu’er, don’t talk nonsense!”

“You will bring disaster to the whole family!”


Xiang Yu didn’t care: “He can be the emperor, why can’t I be Xiang Yu?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiang Yu was taken aback.

The next moment, Xiang Yu suddenly turned.

Fleet, behind him stood a youth!

Young tall and lanky, wearing a silk robe.

Waist, also do with a sword.

Youth behind him, wearing a black denim linen is a middle-aged man.

Ye Xiang Yu Chen Wei Zhou brow look to the eyes of more than a hint of caution.

Xiuwu ten years, his strength already ranks first among the world.

But he just did not notice what the other competing when close to their own!

Xiang Yu wiped his hair front steps.

Not that he was afraid, but to the interest.

So many years, Xiang Yu is unbeatable.

“Hello sir.”

Xiang Liang face slightly changed, I thought this small ancestors have to mess things up.

Ever since Xiang stand in front quickly.

At the same time politely said: “I do not know what Mr. advise?”

He leaves Chen dress and temperament, felt a hint of depression.

Identity of the other is absolutely amazing.

In particular, the young man behind the middle-aged man.

A look, is a master!

Ye Chen Xiang smiled to see.

“Unfortunately, unfortunately, we can dominate there, but no of the dominate life.”

His remark, and Xiang Yu Xiang Liang while the mere mention!

Xiang Liang surprise is just outrageous that even if this person is heard.

And Xiang Yu is the last part because the other side!

Suddenly, Xiang Yu’s momentum has become extremely clever up!

One pair of Hu Mu staring Ye Chen.

Tall, burly he is like a prehistoric beast in general.

For doing anybody, now I am afraid to be scared to wet his pants.

Chen Ye, however, still looking smile.

King of Western Chu Xiang Yu, but added deserved reputation ah.

You’d bluster up! ”

Xiang Yu stepped forward, his mouth was with a faint smile.


Just when he was about to taken the second step, Guiguzi suddenly looked up and looked indifferent.

Xiang Yu slightly surprised.

He is certainly not afraid, just think it’s a bit curious.

Which seems to have seen in the book.

Xiang Liang also feel Guiguzi some familiar, but a time to want it up.

Xiang Yu look to Guiguzi, with interest said: “? You make me stop, I stopped, then I would be too did not face it.”

Carter, Xiang Yu left foot forward.

The next moment, Guiguzi shot.

Guiguzi very thin.

Compared with Xiang Yu, and children are more general.

However, Guiguzi sell fast!

Xiang Yu eyes of a condensate neck back.

At the same time kicking out a whip.


Even with the rapid leg played a sonic boom sound.

Guiguzi a reduced pupil, apparently did not think the other side reacted so quickly.

The first round, the two did not hit each other.

Chen faint smile at Ye Xiang Yu.

He would like to know (Lee King) Guiguzi and Xiang Yu, who is stronger number.

Xiang Yu once again attacked.

Hong Xiang punch Guiguzi side door.

However, Guiguzi faster!

Punch beat fierce collision.

Xiang Yu face slightly changed, steaming Teng three steps back.

Guiguzi close hand, look indifferent.

The heart is very shocked.

Because he broke a hole in the palm of your hand.

The other party so young, even mastered the use of gas!


Ye Chen will also shot Guiguzi stopped and smiled: “is indeed the King of Western Chu.”

Xiang Yu slightly surprised a moment immediately followed both laughed.

“King of Western Chu? This is a nice name, thanks.

“I have another day when the Emperor, to use it.”

Ye Chen’s face with a smile: “That we are seven years later bye.”

Ye Chen voice hardly ever, people have disappeared in the face of Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu quickly stepped forward.

But caught nothing.

Suddenly, Xiang Yu and Xiang Liang cold sweat dripping!,

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