Chapter 157: Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Lu Bu and Xiang Yu

2 minutes later.

Teams of Han army elites looked solemnly at the corpse in front of them.

An ancient figure, Wu Jiang, the overlord of Western Chu, committed suicide.

On the other side of the Wujiang River, only 26 cavalrymen were left in pain.

The god in their hearts has fallen.

hundreds of meters away from them.

Xiang Yu was holding the Overlord Spear with an extremely complicated expression.

At this time, Xiang Yu was wearing the armor of the Han army.

And that “Xiang Yu” who died was naturally a soldier of the Han army.

Guiguzi’s expression is equally complicated.

He really did not expect that this overlord of Western Chu would actually kill himself.

If it wasn’t for Mr.’s action, this great existence destined to be known for eternity will disappear in the long river of history.

Thinking of this, Guiguzi felt even more in awe.

Also very happy.

I’m glad I followed Mr.

In a trance, Guiguzi thought of the scene where he met his husband 67 years ago.

67 years, it seems like a lifetime!


After a long time, Xiang Yu looked at Ye Chen with a respectful look: “Where are we going next?”

Ye Chen looked at Xiang Yu with kind eyes: “Don’t you regret it?”

Xiang Yu smiled freely.

Looking up at Tiandao: “The era that belongs to me is over.”

After speaking, Xiang Yu looked at Ye Chen: “Sir, from today onwards, Xiang Yu will say goodbye to the past forever.

Ye Chen nodded.

“In that case, let me show you the future of your old enemy.”

Xiang Yu’s body trembled.

Immediately, there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

The next moment, a stream of light enveloped him.

Immediately afterwards, the space-time picture scroll slowly unfolded.

Xiang Yu’s face changed dramatically and he lost his voice: “This is this?”

He never thought that Ye Chen had this ability.

In the picture scroll, pictures flashed before Xiang Yu’s eyes.

He saw the death of his old enemy Liu Bang.

I saw that Han Xin died because of his power.

I saw that Zhang Liang was not in love with power and traveled all over the world.

I also saw the scenery of the Han Dynasty founded by Liu Bang for more than 200 years.

I also saw Wang Mang abolish the prince and establish a new dynasty.

Time goes by.

The vicissitudes of life.

A picture scroll passed by before his eyes.

By 220 AD, the new dynasty was overthrown, and the era of heroic competition for hegemony began again.


The time is fixed at 190 AD.

At this time, 392 years have passed since Xiang Yu committed suicide on the Wujiang River!

When the three of Ye Chen walked out of the picture scroll.

Xiang Yu and Guiguzi looked at each other.

Both of them showed extremely complicated expressions at the same time.

Following God’s side, this so-called hegemony is really like a joke!

Xiang Yu felt more deeply.

In the past, he fought, thought, and thought.

Now it seems a little ridiculous.

“Chenggao County..

When Xiang Yu looked at the tall tower, he suddenly felt a little dazed.

Ye Chen smiled when he saw this.

Chenggao County should be said to be a starting point for Xiang Yu to turn from prosperity to decline.

From 205 BC to 203 BC.

It lasted about two years and three months.

Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and Liu Bang, the king of Han, launched a protracted battle to decide the rise and fall of Han and Chu around the strategic location of Chenggao.

In this battle, Liu Bang finally won by virtue of multi-party cooperation and miraculous tactics.

After that, Xiang Yu became weaker and weaker.

At this moment, when he revisited the old place, Xiang Yu thought of the battle that year.

I also understand the mistakes I made.

At this time, there was a faint sound of fighting in Chenggao County.

Xiang Yu retracted his thoughts.

Ye Chen looked forward and said, “Go, go and see the famous Sanying battle against Lu Bu.”

The Three Ying Wars against Lu Bu were only made up in the previous life.

But this life, but it is real.

Since the real, Ye Chen certainly can not miss.

Xiang Yu heard this, he laughed.

Before crossing the process, he also saw the life of Lu Bu.

Human being not to evaluate, but this guy can really force.

Since then regarded as their own, one of the strongest it.

Outside Cheng Gao County, is the famous Hulao off.

Hulao customs.

Both men clear-cut.

One of them, there are tens of thousands of troops.

Flag fluttering sound, solemn battlefield but cold.

A man sitting on the right hand Fangtianhuaji.

This man is a Riboud.

Riboud controversial in history, but just not dispute that his first force the Three Kingdoms era.

And not only is the era of the Three Kingdoms, look at the entire five thousand years of history.

Riboud’s strength can be ranked in the top five or even top three on the.

As for the first, there is no dispute that Xiang Yu.

“But I dare someone to fight another day!”

Riboud Liansha several generals Masamori.

Riboud, then down, holding Zhangbashemao brawny shouted: “! Sanxing slaves, Zhang Yan people here.”

Having quickly rushed over.

Riboud eyes of a condensate, Chiji will fight.

“Sonorous pit!”

Suddenly, the big generals fight together.

Chen leaves three people quietly wait and see.

After a moment, the opening Xiang Yu said: “What a person Yan Zhang Fei!

-0 for flowers…  

As nearly 400 years earlier than their characters.

Zhang Fei Xiang Yu see they are looking at the younger generation.

These people did not have any relationship with him, Xiang Yu had a kind of watch the thoughts.

As overlord of an era.

Daqin is the man into the grave, Xiang Yu is a qualified chasing.

Xiang Yu has just finished, a long red-faced middle-aged man came rapidly.

It Guan Yu!

Guan Yu handheld broadsword, adding just a battlefield gave Riboud brought great pressure.

Whether or Guan Yu Zhang Fei, count them all on the history of famous generals.

Among them, Guan Yu, who was also later known as the Valkyrie.

Chen Ye see trance.

Also some dream.

As a child, he was familiar with the Three Kingdoms.

Look after the drama when it is not obsessed.


Now, he was personally came to this era.

I witnessed this scene.

Is a great time …. there is ah.

At this time, Liu Bei handheld double-stranded sword also joined the battle.

Riboud has been exposed of decline.

If he does not run away, it will soon be three beheaded.

This leaves mind thought of Chen exclaimed: “? Throughout the ages, win three British Perhaps it was not yet born.”

Liu Guan, there is absolutely explosive force value table.

Ye Chen immediately look to have some eager Xiang Yu.

This guy, if not a leaf in Chen, may have been washed down.

“Xiang Yu, you go try it.

Ye Chen finished, the time of stagnation.

The next moment, Hulao customs while still tens of thousands of soldiers.

Xiang Yu took a deep breath and jumped naked eyes should channel: “! Thank you, sir.”

The venue.

Four fierce battle while being aware of strange.

Riboud face became pale, Liu Bei they thought it was magic.

Liu Bei three look the same changes, but also thought it was Lu Bu side of the warlock.

Just at this time, holding a silver spear tall, burly man from far and near.

See this man of the moment, nothing left eyes Riboud soaring!

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei eyes of a vigilant and cautious condensation out of the eyes.


This is a super master!

Heijia soon dressed in a black cloak Xiang Yu disheveled hair, the eyes of war Ling Ran!

A marvelous, unprecedented war is going to begin!

(Please allow me excited again, Tete What stimulated, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei Xiang Yu World War II, through the ages odd war, we try to guess the results of it, book reviews area message ha ha.).

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