Chapter 150 The Warring States Guiguzi

Seaside, Villa 1.

Ye Chen closed the notebook with a faint smile.

After these two days of deliberation, Ye Chen was ready to go to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The 7-level system allows Ye Chen to stay for 500 years at a time.

That is to say, Ye Chen can stay from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Three Kingdoms!

Stayed from 250 BC to 250 AD.

These 500 years are a magnificent history.

The contention of a hundred schools of thought, the unification of the first emperor, the hegemony of the Three Kingdoms…

One person after another has left a heavy mark on history.

It was an era that Ye Chen yearned for very much.

500 years is a long time.

So Ye Chen also made a full plan.

However, Ye Chen is not going to take anyone with him this time.

He wants a person to experience the splendid history.

early morning.

Yue Fei called.

Relying on Tesla’s Sky Dome Research Base, the phone of the Hall of Longevity has also been innovated.

Not only the more advanced 7G signal is used.

The shape of the mobile phone has also become liquid metal.

Ye Chen lightly touched the bracelet.

Immediately, a 3D full body like a real person rose from the sensor on the wristband.

3D holographic projection technology is also used in liquid metal mobile phones.

Due to material constraints, only 20 liquid mobile phones were produced.

Just enough for the core members to use.

In the projection, Yue Yun appeared to be in front of Ye Chen, with a respectful demeanor.

Yue Fei first bowed to Ye Chen.

This scene looked amazing, as if there was a lifelike villain on Ye Chen’s wrist.

“Mr. Ye, the particle barrier annihilated a nurturing fighter.”

Hearing Yue Yun’s report, Ye Chen raised his head and said, “Very good, how is the progress so far?”

Speaking of this, Yue Yun laughed: “Sir, under your divine power, the foundation of the City of Longevity is already being laid.


Ye Chen showed a faint smile: “Don’t be careless, communicate more with Planck and the others in all aspects.”

“Don’t worry sir.

After hanging up the phone.

The 3D Yue Yun disappeared.

When the liquid bracelet is not on the phone, it looks no different from the Xiaomi bracelet in the previous life.


Jiang Linbo of Tarim called.

On the bracelet, a holographic projection of the launch base appeared.

A silver-and-white space shuttle is preparing to launch.

This is the first manned aircraft developed by Tarim.

Compared with other countries’ space shuttles, this one is lighter.

And because of the new material, the cost is low.

Inside the space shuttle.

Two astronauts who were completely trained by the Hall of Longevity were greeting Ye Chen.

Of these two people, one of them was Yang Chao.

The other was chosen by the sea.

Under the training state of time stagnation, Yang Chao and Yang Chao have grown into the top astronauts.

Originally, Ye Chen planned to let Yang Chao continue to be in the God Punishment Team.

However, he has some talent in spaceship driving.

Ye Chen agreed.

One of their tasks this time is to measure the specific information of the satellite orbit where the city of Tiangong is located.

On the other hand, it is to do advance mapping for the hypothetical equipment that pulls the asteroid.

When Ye Chen saw the space shuttle launch with the Sky 3 rocket.


Ye Chen let out a light breath.

To this day, the most solid step for the Hall of Longevity to enter the sky has finally been taken.

From today, the stage of the Hall of Longevity will become wider.

at the same time.

Xia, far in the Pacific Ocean, is a suitable base.


Robert stood up with a loud voice, his face extremely ugly: “Disconnected?”

Holder’s face was dark.

Since the following people reported it, he felt that something was wrong.

At that time, the signal of the Xiaoying fighter was also intermittent.

But even if it is dead, there must be traces.

“Has the black box been found?”

Robert paced back and forth in the office.

“No.” Holder thought for a while and said, “Captain, I suspect it was torn apart by the thundercloud storm.

“Tear up?”

Robert’s voice suddenly rose: “Tearing will also leave traces! Give me a good one!”

Holder’s face turned green.

According to the staff, the thundercloud storm in that place never stopped.

How to find it?

Are you going to let people in and die?

God doesn’t allow it.


Suddenly Holder seemed to think of something: “Captain, there seems to be an explosion in the signal at that time.


Robert’s eyes narrowed: “What do you mean?”

“At that time, the signal was cut off, and we strengthened the transmission of the satellite signal.”

“I vaguely heard an explosion, but it was brief.

After listening to Holder’s words, Robert subconsciously touched his beard.

He felt that this might not really be man-made.

Thinking of this, Robert took a deep breath and murmured, “Did we really guess wrong?”

Immediately, he looked at Holder and said, “Report this to the CIA.”

“Also, send a ship to patrol.”

After saying this, Robert started chasing people.

Holder breathed a sigh of relief, which meant giving up.

Great, finally no headaches.

Day two.

8 am.

Ye Chen came to Handan County in Beihe.

More than 2,000 years ago, it was the birthplace of the famous Guiguzi during the Warring States Period.

Guiguzi, whose real name is Wang Yi, possesses the wisdom of heaven and earth.

For more than 2,000 years, the art of war family respected him as a saint, and the Zongheng family respected him as the ancestor.

The fortune-tellers respect him as the patriarch, and the strategists respect him as the sage.

Famous families respect him as their master, and Taoism respects him as the ancestor of Wang Chan.

His works include “Guiguzi”, “The Book of Yin Fu Qishu”, “Guiguzi Tiansui Lingwen” and so on.

It is called “forbidden fruit of wisdom, extraordinary book” by later generations.

The ideas and strategic wisdom covered in the book have a profound guiding role in modern politics, diplomacy, operation, and management.

in a long history of five thousand years.

Guiguzi is a super resourceful man who cannot be ignored.

He is also an extremely well-known educator.

There are super military strategists and strategists such as Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Sun Bin and Pang Juan.

Guiguzi is also a celebrity that Ye Chen admires very much.

Many of his (Li Li Zhao) books have been read by Ye Chen as a child.

The ancient city of Handan.

After more than 2,000 years of polishing, Handan City has only some of its former glory.

The mottled, broken stone walls are now relics and memorials.

Guiguzi Ancestral Hall.

This was established by later generations to commemorate this encyclopedic figure.

In front of the ancestral hall is the sculpture of Guiguzi.

watched for a long time.

Ye Chen started the journey of time and space with the longest time span.

The space-time picture scroll slowly unfolded.

The scenes here flashed by quickly in front of my eyes.

Soon, Ye Chen saw the Tang Dynasty.

Then came Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty..

After the time-space picture scroll is fixed, the prosperous age of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period is presented in front of us.

Immediately, Ye Chen took a step forward.

Time, 269 BC.

(Is there a big guy to vote for a recommendation? Does anyone want to join the group? It’s so deserted. There are 2 more updates today. The author is desperately coding, asking for flowers to evaluate the monthly ticket.)

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